Travel Blog Assistant System (TBAS) - An Example
Scenario of How to Enrich Text with Images and Images
with Text using Online Multimedia Repositories
Marco Bressan, Gabriela Csurka, Yves Hoppenot and Jean-Michel Renders
Xerox Research Centre Europe, 6, ch. de Maupertuis, 38240 Meylan, France
Abstract. In this paper we present a Travel Blog Assistant System that facilitates
the travel blog writing by automatically selecting for each blog paragraph writ-
ten by the user the most relevant images from an uploaded image set. In order
to do this, the system first automatically adds metadata to the traveler’s photos
based both on a Generic Visual Categorizer (visual keywords) and by exploit-
ing cross-content web repositories (textual keywords). For a given paragraph,
the system ranks the uploaded images according to the similarity between the
extracted metadata and the paragraph. The technology developed and presented
here has potential beyond travel blogs, which served just as an illustrative exam-
ple. Clearly, the same methodology can be used by professional users in the fields
of multimedia document generation and automatic illustration and captioning.
1 Introduction
In only a few years, the blogging phenomenon on the web is becoming one of the
most popular publishing media for a wide-range of audiences. Blogs allow users to
interact and to reflect individual opinions, philosophies, experiences and emotions. As
of September 2007, blog search engine [1] has tracked more than 106 million blogs.
Many of those blogs focus on particular genres such as politics, travel, fashion,
projects, niche markets, legal topics, etc. In this paper, we are particularly interested in
travel blogs. Often, these blogs can be understood as the digital version of the classical
travel/road journals carried by a traveler for the purpose of documenting a journey. Due
to the nature of online digital content, travel blogs also enable travelers to share any
type of digital content, e.g. photos, and to update their readers on their location as the
trip is taking place. Travel blogs are often composed and published while their authors
are still traveling, using public Internet stations and laptops. This means that the traveler
does not necessarily want to spend a long time editing it during his travel. One of the
most time consuming parts of the blog editing is to select the right images from a non-
organized set of recently uploaded images. Further, the traveler might want to add some
specific information about the place or the monument he has just visited, the height of
the mountain he had just climbed, etc. He could browse the web, but again, this would
take time and he would either abandon or let this for later.
Consequently, in this paper, we propose a Travel Blog Assistant System (TBAS)
that facilitates these tasks for the user (detailed in section 2). Its main purpose is to
Bressan M., Csurka G., Hoppenot Y. and Renders J. (2008).
Travel Blog Assistant System (TBAS) - An Example Scenario of How to Enrich Text with Images and Images with Text using Online Multimedia
In Metadata Mining for Image Understanding, pages 90-104
DOI: 10.5220/0002338200900104
automatically select the most relevant images from the uploaded set for each of the
written paragraphs of the blog. Technically, this is done in two steps. First the system
automatically adds metadata to the traveler’s photos exploiting web repositories (shared
and tagged photo repositories, other travel blogs, wikipedia, etc). Metadata have some
textual form or, at least, features that make it comparable to textual data. Then, it uses
these metadata to measure the similarity between the images and the given text.
In the first step, the system adds predefined keywords related to a given set of
visual categories (people, car, animal, ...) to the metadata using a Generic Visual
Categorizer (section 3.1). Secondly, based on the image features obtained by the cate-
gorizer, it uses a CBIR (Content Based Image Retrieval) technique to retrieve images
similar (section 3.1) to the image to which it wants to add further metadata. Processing
the aggregate of textual parts corresponding to the retrieved images allows the extrac-
tion of relevant concepts and topics (section 3.3). These emerging concepts and topics
will be the “textual” keywords enriching the image metadata.
In the second step, we measure the similarity between the enriched metadata and
a particular piece of text (section 3.2), which in our case is the written paragraph of
the blog. According to this similarity measure, the images are ranked and the system
is able to propose the most relevant images for a given paragraph, so that the traveler
can choose what he thinks is the more appropriate for the final version. Furthermore,
as it is the most costly part, the metadata extraction and indexation can be done offline;
the computation of the image relevance scores with respect to the paragraphs (which
has almost no cost with pre-prepared, indexed data) will be done on-line. So the system
can propose the set of images for selection as soon as a paragraph is finished, which is
very user friendly. Finally, another advantage of the system is obviously the metadata
information added to each image. Indeed, the traveler can keep them and use them for
further organization and retrieval in his private repository of pictures.
In order to illustrate the different steps and the performance of the TBAS system, we
designed a prototype using a relatively small database (compared to the data we can get
on the Web). We used as multi-media data repository the [2] as it contains travel images
with additional textual information such as title, location and description. To obtain re-
alistic traveler data, we downloaded a large set of images from the online photo sharing
site Flickr [3]. For the travel text we collected blog paragraphs from two travel blog
sites [4,5]. In order to ensure the semantic correlation between images and blog texts,
we used city names of two different travel destination (Peru and Brasil) as search tags
to gather the images and blog texts.
The technology developed and presented here has potential beyond travel blogs. We
used the Travel Blog Assistant System just as an illustrative example of a more general
problem, which is complementing text with images, or vice-versa. Clearly, the same
methodology can be used by professional users in the fields of multimedia document
generation and automatic illustration and captioning, such as e.g. graphical designers,
illustrators, journalists, pedagogical writers, etc.
2 The System Overview
The Travel Blog Assistant System (TBAS) is a plug-in system that can be integrated
with any travelogue websites such as [6, 5,7–9,4, 10]. Its role is not to replace them,
but to complement them and it can be integrated with other services these sites already
propose, such as:
publishing articles and guides focusing on travel related issues, comparing prices;
providing the user with advices to plan a trip (trip planner);
mapping functionalities that outline a trip and offer a graphic visualization of how
the trip was undertaken [4,9,5].
plotting automatically the trip steps across the globe, e.g using [11] which allows
family and friends to see exactly where the traveler is [8].
Fig.1. The schema of a TBAS system.
Figure 1 shows the overall schema of the TBAS system. Its main steps are:
1. The user uploads a set of images to be considered. If he edits his blog during his
travel he simply plugs his camera and uploads the images captured that day and the
previous days. The images are then pre-processed and image metadata are added
to each image. The metadata file can contain different type of information and is
typically a structured xml file. First, information such as date, time, location (GPS)
can be providedby the camera (exif file). Secondly, a pre-trained Visual Categorizer
can provide annotations (short textual keywords) related to some generic visual
aspects and objects of the image (see section 3.1). Finally, textual information (tags)
are obtained using a Cross-content InformationRetrieval System (CCIRS described
in section 3.3) using a repository of multi-media objects (e.g. the database of the
travelogue site itself).
2. The typed or uploaded blog text is pre-processed at a paragraph level and “text”
similarities (section 3.2) are computed between the paragraphs and image meta-
data. These similarities allow the system to rank the images according to a given
paragraph. The top N ranked images (thumbnails) are shown to the user as illus-
trative examples of the paragraph. The user has naturally the possibility to select
them, to reject them, to ask for the next N images or to re-initiate a new search
based on this relevance feedback.
3. When all paragraphs are processed and the illustrative images selected, the system
shows a preview of the composed “blog”. The page layout can be computed auto-
matically or selected from a set of template layouts. When the user is satisfied with
the result, he can simply publish the blog.
The components described above are the main components of the TBAS. However
optional services/tools can be combined with them such as:
Photo filtering, by uploading the user’s planning/diary. Having an electronic diary
containing dates and main places (the planning of the trip) allows improving both
the speed and the accuracy of the system. Indeed, combining this information with
the dates of the image capture can limit the set of the photos to be ranked for a given
paragraph. This can be useful for users who have the habit to take lots of photos at
the same place.
Include links such as Wikipedia pages to images or words. First, named entities
are extracted and identified as being person names, events, geographic locations,
organizations or monuments, etc. In our context, we are mainly focusing on geo-
graphic locations, organization or monument names, etc. In order to disambiguate
the named entities we can use the context (group of named entities present in the
text or metadata), ”image” similarities between images of the traveler and images
of the page we want to link, ”textual” similarities between the paragraph (or meta-
data) and the page we want to link, or ”trans-media” similarities based on the web
data repository .
Include further content. This goes a step forward with respect to the first option
(item 1), where we are not only seeking for a link, but we want to extract further in-
formation such as the height of a mountain, a short history of a monument, etc. from
the relevant page. To do this, the candidate pages are decomposed in paragraphs and
the similarities are computed for each paragraph. The selected paragraphs are pro-
posed for further consideration. For example, if the user wants to include the height
of Huayna Picchu, he types the text ”the height of the Huayna Picchu is” in the
Include maps and draw trajectories. Tools exist that allow the Automatic Assis-
tant to include maps and drawings in the blog, assuming the GPS information is
available (GeoMicro’s [12] is such a tool). If the camera has no GPS available, the
system can still provide such information based on disambiguated named entities
(see section 3.4).
3 Enabling Technologies
3.1 Image Similarity and GVC
As image signature (image representation), we use the Fisher kernel as proposed in
[13]. This is an extension to the bag-of-visual-words (BOV) and the main idea is to
characterize the image with the gradient vector derived from the generative probabil-
ity model (visual vocabulary). This representation can then be subsequently fed to a
discriminative classifier for categorization, or used to compute the similarities between
images for retrieval.
The generativeprobability model in our case is the Gaussian mixture model (GMM)
which approximates the distribution of the low-level features in images. It can be seen
as a Visual Vocabulary where each Gaussian component N (µ
, Σ
) models a visual
If we denote the set of parameters of the GMM by Φ = {w
, µ
, Σ
, i = 1...N }
, being the mixture’s weight), we can compute the gradient vector of the likelihood
that the image was generated by the model Φ:
log p(I|Φ) . (1)
This gradient of the log-likelihood describes the direction in which parameters
should be modified to best fit the data (image features). One of its advantages is that
it transforms a variable length sample (number of local patches in the image) into a
fixed length representation (which we will call Fisher Vector) whose size is only de-
pendent on the number of parameters in the model (|Φ|). Before feeding these vectors
in a classifier or before computing similarities, each vector is first normalized using the
Fisher Information matrix F
, as suggested in [13] (see the paper for the computational
= F
log p(I|Φ) (2)
= E
log p(I|Φ)
log p(I|Φ)
This Fisher Vector is the basis of both our image categorizer and our CBIR system.
In the first case, the classifier is learnt offline using pre-labeled training images. Due to
the high dimensionality of the Fisher Vector, a set of linear one-against-all classifiers
provides already good categorization results (see examples in [13]).
In the case of image retrieval, we define the similarity measure between two images
as the the L1-normof the difference between the normalized Fisher Vectors (each vector
is itself re-normalized to have an L1-norm equal to 1):
(I, J) = sim
, f
= norm
= norm
are the elements of the re-normalized Fisher Vector
f . The corresponding
dissimilarity (distance) can be interpreted as the angle between the two Fisher Vectors.
We haveto mention here that actually in both cases (categorizationand retrieval), we
build not one but two visual vocabularies: one for grey-level texture features (gradient
histograms) and one for color features (local mean and variances in RGB). Both types
of features are computed for image patches extracted on regular grids at 5 different
scales. Hence, we obtain two Fisher Vectors for each image. In the case of classification
the two vectors are fed into separate classifiers to estimate the probability that the image
contains the object of the given class and a late fusion (simple mean) is used to estimate
the final probability. In the case of retrieval, the two Fisher Vectors (color and texture)
are simply concatenated before computing the similarity between two images.
The strength of such techniques was already demonstrated in image categorization
and [13] and content based image retrieval [14].
3.2 Text Similarity
First the text is pre-processed including tokenization, lemmatization, word decompound-
ing and standard stop-word removal. Then starting from a traditional bag-of-word rep-
resentation (assuming independence between words), we adopt the language modeling
approach to information retrieval. The core idea is to model a document d by a multino-
mial distribution over the words denoted by the parameter vector θ
. A simple language
model (LM) could be obtained by considering the frequency of words in d (correspond-
ing to the Maximum Likelihood estimator):
(w|d) =
#(w, d)
The probabilities could be further smoothed by the corpus language model:
(w|C) =
#(w, d)
using the Jelinek-Mercer interpolation :
= λ P
(w|d) + (1 λ) P
(w|C) . (4)
Using this language model, we can define the similarity between two documents using
the cross-entropy function:
, d
) =
) log(θ
Using this model we can rank the image metadata q(I) according to the similarity
between their language model θ
and the language model of a given paragraph in the
3.3 Cross-Media Similarity
We want to use a cross-media retrieval approach in order to extract the image metadata
(or enrich them if some are already present). In this context, we choose the so-called
”inter-media” fusion of image and text content through blind feedback approach. The
main idea is to use the images (each image being a query) to rank multi-media docu-
ments (text+image) in a given repository. Denoting the textual and visual components
of d by T (d) and V (d) respectively, the ranking of the documents is based on the visual
similarity between the query image I and the image part V (d) of d, using as features
the corresponding Fisher Vectors (2).
If d
, d
,· · · , d
are the top N relevant documents (according to the mentioned
ranking) corresponding to image I, we denote by N
(I) = {T (d
), T (d
), · · · T (d
the set of their textual parts. Assuming that there is some underlying ”relevance concept
F” in this set, we derive for it a corresponding language model θ
as proposed in [14]:
P (F|θ
) =
, w) (6)
, w) = (λP (w|θ
)) + (1 λ)P (w|θ
Here P (w|θ
)) is the word probability built upon the corpus (repository), λ (=0.5) is a
fixed parameter, which can be understood as a noise parameter for the distribution of
terms and #(w, d) is the number of occurrence of term w in document d. The model
can be learnt by maximum likelihood with an Expectation Maximization algorithm
Finally, to choose the set of keywords to be added in the image metadata, it is
sufficient to search for the components with the highest values in θ
(or considering all
values which are above a threshold).
The strength of such inter-media fusion techniques was already demonstrated in
cross-contentinformation retrieval,especially in the ImageCLEF Competition (see [14–
3.4 Extraction of Named Geo-entities
First, named entities are identified and extracted in both the textual part of the doc-
uments of the multi-media reference repository and the users paragraphs. Here, we
are mainly interested in named entities related to places. They can be names of natu-
ral points of interest, like rivers, beaches, mountains, monuments (map types) or busi-
nesses, like hotels, restaurants, hospitals (yellow page types). In this step all the other
words are simply ignored and each document will be represented as the set of extracted
named entities (locations). Then, we can compute the textual and cross-media similar-
ities as described in section 3.3 and 3.2, but limiting the vocabulary (support of the
distribution for the Language Models of each textual object) to this set of named enti-
ties. In particular, for extracting the metadata to be associated with an uploaded image,
we can deduce a set of location names as the “peaks” of the “relevance language model”
deduced from the top relevant documents with respect to this image.
Note that the extraction of named entities is also the key for linking paragraphs
/ image metadata to specific Knowkedge Bases. Still, this requires an additional step
to disambiguate the named entities (in general, named entities could be associate to
multiple entries of the Knowledge Base if their are only matched using the surface
form). This disambiguation step will exploit the context information given by the whole
paragraph (on the source side), by the whole text associated to the Knowledge Base
entry (on the target size), or by the associated images. The knowledge bases could be
external geographic knowledge databases such as [17], [18], [19] and/or [20]. Some
of these databases ([19] for instance) give further information about the latitude and
longitude of the place. This information can further be used to add indication on a map
(e.g. using tools such as [12]) or adding a pointer to the geographic location on [11],
4 Experiments
In order to illustrate the different steps and the performance of the TBAS system, we
designed a prototype and tested it on a relatively small database (compared to the data
we can get on the web). Actually, our multi-media data repository was the [2] database
which contains travel images with a corresponding semi-structured caption consisting
of a title, a free-text description of the semantic and visual contents of the image (e.g.
“a man is playing a pan pipe and another one a flute in front of a market sand with
clothes; a woman on the left doesn’t seem to enjoy the music”) and a location (city or
region and country). In our experiments we restricted ourselves to the title and location
To simulate the traveler’s image data, we downloaded a large set of images from the
online photo sharing site [3]. For the travel blog text we collected real blog paragraphs
from two travel blog sites [4] and [5]. In all cases, in order to ensure the semantic cor-
relation between images and blog texts, we focused on two main destinations, Peru and
Brasil, and used a few touristic names (cities, etc.) associated with them as keywords or
tags for focusing our search in gathering the images and the blog paragraphs.
Firstly, we applied a pre-trained Visual Categorizer (section 3.1). The categorizer
was trained on 44 classes and Figure 4 shows some of the example images with the
obtained labels. The strength of this Visual Categorizer was already demonstrated at
Pascal Visual Object Classes Challenge 2007 [21] (see Figure 2) and on several other
databases (see [13]).
Secondly, we used our image similarity measure (see section 3.1) to retrieve the top
N ranked images in our repository [2]. The strength of this image retrieval system was
clearly showed at the ImageCLEFphoto 2007 Evaluation Forum [14], where it got far
better retrieval results than all the other competing systems (see Figure3, left part). In
Figure 5 we show retrieval results in our particular case. The query is the Flickr image
(top left) and the most similar four images retrieved in the IAPR repository.
We further extracted and aggregated the text corresponding to the top N images
and kept the most frequent words to enrich the metadata (see textual labels in Figure
5). In this example we didn’t used the relevant topic search with the Language Model
described in section 3.3, because of the poorness of our textual data. However, in a real
situation when the textual data is much richer (e.g travel blogs, wikipedia, etc), this
would be a more reasonable option.
The label examples in Figure 5 show that in some cases, the obtained annotations
are general keywords, while in others they are more specific (to the location, not to the
repository site). Indeed, when in the database several images of the same place (e.g.
Machu Picchu) or the same building (Cuzco’s cathedral) were found, the system is able
to get the specific concept. Otherwise, it will average the information in the images and
obtain more general concepts (such as sunset, cathedral). The bigger the repository is,
the higher the probability is to get specific labels; it is also clear that the performance
of the system increases when domain-specific knowledge bases are used.
Furthermore, additional information such as traveler’s diary and GPS data can be
further used to pre-filter the multi-media documents in the repository. For example, we
can first restrict our database to the documents which contain either Peru or Brasil as
location information. However, since we did not use this option here, incorrect labels
can also be obtained (see last line in Figure 5).
Finally, the last step was to rank the images according to their similarities with
respect to each blog paragraphs. To compute the textual similarity, we have combined
the visual indexes (more precisely, the classes of our generic categorizer, used as a set
of textual words) and the extracted keywords.
However, to associate images with paragraphs, it is not at all mandatory to explicitly
extract textual metada. Indeed, as explained in the section 3.3, we can use a cross-
content similarity measure to directly rank the uploaded images with respect to a given
paragraph T
. One effective way of computing this trans-media similarity measure is
(see [14]):
, T
) =
(T (d
), T
) (7)
where T
is the blog paragraph, sim
is defined by (5) and N
) = {T (d
), T
), · · · T (d
)} is the the set of texts corresponding to the N retrieved images in the
repository. Note that this definition of trans-media similarity is an alternative to the one
explained in section 3.3, that offers the advantage to be simpler to implement and faster,
while providing equivalent performance.
This was shown at the ImageCLEFphoto 2007 Evaluation Forum [14], where our
best Transmedia Reranking system given by (7) leads to slightly lower performance
(M AP = 0.302) than the best variant of the method presented in 3.3 (M AP = 0.3168)
and both were better than other hybrid competing systems at the Evaluation Forum (see
also [15] and Figure 3 right).
In Figure 6 we show how this system was used in our TBAS example. The figure
shows blog paragraphexamples and the 4 top ranked Flickr images, where the similarity
between an unlabeled Flickr image and a given blog was obtained using the similarity
given by (7).
5 Discussion
In this paper we have shown an example scenario, the travel blogs assistant system, as
an illustrative example of a more general problem, which is complementing text with
images, or vice-versa.
The aim is to enrich an object (an image, a text) by auxiliary data of other types,
thanks to a repository of multi-facet objects. An image could be enriched by text, named
entities, GPS position (even if not given initially by the photo device), ratings. The idea
is quite similar to unsupervised auto annotation e.g. [22–25] and more specially to the
AnnoSearch system proposed by [26] which is an automatic annotation based on image
search and the News image Annotation proposed by Jeon and Manmantha [27].
However, unlike our method, the system in [26] assumes that an accurate keyword
of the image to annotate is available, the keyword being used to retrievea set of semanti-
cally relevant images. [27] uses Normalized Continuous Relevance Models to compute
joint probabilities between words and images, which is more an early fusion of the
modalities. Our approach is an intermediate level of trans-media (or trans-type) enrich-
ment which is based on a blind relevance feedback to the image query using a repository
of multi-facet (multi-type, multi-media) objects similarly to [28,29].
In our example, we enriched the text (paragraph) with related images using simple
cross-media similarities between the text and a set of images through the medium of an
external repository. However, the same methodology can be applied in a dual way too,
where the repository is interrogated directly by the text (blog paragraph) and seeked
for relevant texts or images without image query. In this case the text can be directly
enriched by images from the repository (automatic illustration) or geographical infor-
mation (height of a mountain, etc).
The authors want to thank Florent Perronin for his greatly appreciated help in apply-
ing some of the Generic Visual Categorizer (GVC) components and to thank Stephane
Clinchant for his help in preprocessing the IAPR repository.
We would like also to acknowledge the following Flickr users whose photographs
we reproduced here under Creative Common licences:
Tatiana Sapateiro */tatianasapateiro
Pedro Paulo Silva de Souza */pedrop
Leonardo Pallotta */groundzero
Laszlo Ilyes */laszlo-photo
Jorge Wagner */jorgewagner
UminDaGuma */umindaguma
Scott Robinson */clearlyambiguous
Gabriel Flores Romero */gabofr
Jenny Mealing */jennifrog
Roney */roney
David Katarina */davidkatarina
T. Chu */spyderball
Bill Wilcox */billwilcox
S2RD2 */stuardo
Fred Hsu */fhsu
Abel Pardo L´opez */sancho panza
Cat */clspeace
Thowra uk */thowra
Elena Heredero */elenaheredero
Rick McCharles */rickmccharles
Mar´ılia Almeida */68306118@N00
Gustavo Madico */desdegus
Douglas Fernandes */thejourney1972
James Preston */jamespreston
Rodrigo Della F´avera */rodrigofavera
Dinesh Rao */dinrao
Marina Campos Vinhal */marinacvinhal
Jorge Gobbi */morrissey
Steve Taylor */st
With * meaning and st=theboywiththethorninhisside.
Finally would like also to acknowledge the users who wrote the blog pharagraphs
were used and reproduced here. These texts can be found at the folloing adresses:
*/machu picchu-journals-j5181463.html
**/sarah s america/south america/1140114720/tpod.html
**/rachel john/roundtheworld/1146006300/tpod.html
**/eatdessertfirst/world tour 05/1160411340/tpod.html
**/idarich/rtw 2005/1140476400/tpod.html
With * meaning and **
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Fig.2. Results of the Pascal Visual Object Classes Challenge 2007.
Fig.3. Results of our system at ImageCLEFphoto 2007 Evaluation Forum.
Fig.4. Example images with visual labels provided by the visual categorizer.
Fig.5. Metadata (keywords) extracted for a query image and the TOP 4 neighbour images.
Fig.6. Top 4 images to be associated with a blog’s paragraph.