Search Algorithm and the Distortion Analysis
of Fine Details of Real Images
Sai S. V. and Sorokin N. Yu
Institute of Information Technologies, Pacific National University
Tikhookeanskaya str., 136 Khabarovsk, Russia
Abstract. This work describes a search algorithm and a method of the
distortions analysis of fine details of real images based on objective criteria.
1 Introduction
Nowadays for the quality analysis of coding and transfer of images various static and
dynamic test tables are used. Methods of measurement of the test table signals or
subjective estimations allow for estimating distortions that appear during the image
compression, for example, under JPEG, JPEG 2000 or MPEG standards.
It is known, that the distortions are essentially shown on fine structures with low
contrast during image compression with losses. In test tables such structures include:
stroke patterns such as stroke wedges and zoned lattices, groups of parallel strokes,
color strokes, thin lines, fine single details, etc. However, as practice shows, contrast
of test tables (hence, fine structures) has a high value, which does not allow
estimating distortion of details with a low contrast.
For a full rating of coding quality real test photos or video images are used
additionally to test tables. The rating of quality of real images is carried out by
subjective methods or with the help of root-mean-square deviations.
Until now the most reliable way of image quality estimation is the method of
subjective estimation, which allows for estimating serviceability of a vision system on
the basis of visual perception of the decoded image. Procedures of subjective
estimation demand a great amount of tests and a lot of time. In practice, this method is
quite laborious and restricts the control, tuning and optimization of the codec
The most frequently used the root-mean-square criterion (RMS) for the analysis of
static image quality does not always correspond to the subjective estimation of fine
details definition since a human vision system processes an image on local
characteristic features, rather than averaging it elementwise. In particular, RMS
criterion can give "good" quality estimations in vision systems even after elimination
of fine details in a low contrast image after the digital compression.
A number of leading companies suggest hardware and software for the objective
analysis of dynamic image quality of MPEG standard [1]. Examples are: Tektronix
PQA 300 analyzer, Snell & Wilcox Mosalina software, Pixelmetrix DVStation
device. Principles of image quality estimation in these devices are different.
S. V. S. and N. Yu S. (2008).
Search Algorithm and the Distortion Analysis of Fine Details of Real Images.
In Image Mining Theory and Applications, pages 58-64
DOI: 10.5220/0002338700580064