6 Conclusions and Future Works
The described framework aims to obtain a vision systems focused on the extraction of
information useful to understand human wills. We have described a possible
composition of several standard artificial vision algorithms for implementing an
intentional vision system to insert in a cognitive architecture. More extensive
experimentation is in progress to have better structure of collection of habits in order
to gain efficiency and precision. Different applicative scenarios will be considered to
have an exhaustive testing phase of the proposed architecture. Our intent is to include
more sophisticated reasoning and planning modules. For example, it would be really
interesting if the system could recognize when the human find difficult to accomplish
a task. Moreover, we are investigating on suited qualitative metrics to evaluate the
effectiveness of the robot behavior during collaboration phases.
We thank Giuseppe Arduino, and Dario Zangara for contributing hardware setup and
implementation of software code; we are also grateful to Professor Antonio Chella
and Dindo Haris for fruitful discussions about paper topics.
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