and used in literature is extending the ontology. Integration with the 4M infrastructure
and the potential use in conjunction with semantic web services and web service chore-
ography technologies is also of interest.
This article has discussed the need for an algorithm ontology in domains such as
scientific or medical research, industrial analysis and large-scale digital art analysis.
Media, as applied in the scenarios discussed, may undergo multiple analysis, processing
and analysis phases. Formalized, structured definitions of media processing algorithms
will enable users to classify, identify, locate, apply and record processing and analysis
of media throughout its lifecycle.
The authors would like to thank members of the W3C Multimedia Semantics Incuba-
tor Group for their stimulating discussions about how the Algorithm ontology can be
applied to multimedia interoperability. Suzanne Little is supported through a MUSCLE
Internal Fellowship (European Commission No. 507752).
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