Media Analysis and the Algorithm Ontology
Patrizia Asirelli
, Sara Colantonio
, Suzanne Little
Massimo Martinelli
and Ovidio Salvetti
Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI)
Italian National Research Council (CNR)
Via Moruzzi 1, 56124, Pisa, Italy
Institute of Computer Vision and Applied Computer Sciences (IBaI)
Leipzig, Germany
Abstract. Media analysis algorithms are used for a variety of purposes. They
may improve media facets such as contrast or signal-to-noise ratio or extract low-
level details such as MPEG-7 features to be used in data mining and other higher-
level processing. However, algorithms are difficult to manage, understand and
apply in particular for non-expert users. Therefore we are developing an algo-
rithm ontology to support identification, aggregation and recording of algorithms
for media analysis. This is especially useful for domains with high-volumes of
complex media objects to investigate and integrate. Algorithms for media analy-
sis may be applied at multiple points within a typical multimedia lifecycle. This
article discusses a proposed algorithm ontology to support identification, retrieval
and application of multimedia analysis processes and its application to metadata
management and multimedia interoperability.
1 Introduction
Advances in tools and technologies for digital media production and analysis have
brought the need for more complete and interoperable descriptions of media processing
to the forefront. Information captured at each stage of the multimedia lifecycle is of
great value for tasks such as analysis, data mining and media reuse.
For example, in the medical research field media data is a common output of the
experimental evaluation phase where specimen or patient data consists of numerical
measurements and scans, micrographs or visualizations. This media is often normal-
ized, segmented and analyzed using a variety of media analysis algorithms and then
integrated into the larger pool of data for investigation and evaluation. This is also true
of other scientific research fields and areas such as industrial monitoring or digital art
curation where media is captured and processed before being used to assess a process,
mined for knowledge or to evaluate a theory.
Therefore, the media that is produced has a variety of possible applications and of-
ten undergoes post-production processing and possibly further low-level analysis pro-
cedures before being annotated, evaluated or applied. Even once media has been as-
Asirelli P., Colantonio S., Little S., Martinelli M. and Salvetti O. (2008).
Media Analysis and the Algorithm Ontology.
In Image Mining Theory and Applications, pages 16-25
DOI: 10.5220/0002341300160025
Fig.1. Three main phases of media processing and analysis: Create, Analyze, Storage. Multiple,
potentially iterative paths are possible.
similated into the general data set it may still undergo analysis processes at later stages
within its life cycle.
Figure 1 shows an abstract illustration of a possible media process. Firstly, algo-
rithms may be applied in pre-processing directly after the capture of the media. Exam-
ples of algorithms used here may include those to increase contrast, improve signal-to-
noise ratio or normalize variations.
Secondly, algorithms may be used in media analysis possibly for the purpose of
data mining or fine-grained semantic annotation. This generates a set of low-level anal-
ysis data from the media object. Algorithms used here may include segmentation or
edge detection algorithms followed by processes to extract low-level features such as
those defined by the MPEG-7 standard. In addition, higher level processing using ma-
chine learning techniques such as neural networks [19] or case-based reasoning [25]
and approaches such as semantic inferencing rules [17] may be used to derive semantic
annotations from the low-level details.
Thirdly, algorithms may be used for media conversion or touching up prior to reuse
of the media or applying secondary analysis processes. This will usually include algo-
rithms similar to pre-processing but potentially occurs at multiple later stages through-
out the media lifecycle. Examples may include reducing the size or resolution of an
image, format conversion or specific processing prior to applying 3D volume rendering
or isosurface generation.
There are a number of reasons why a clear, formal description of processes, algo-
rithms or methods applied to media objects is a useful and necessary part of multimedia
metadata and the multimedia lifecycle. These descriptions should be detailed – not only
general process descriptions but specific definitions of the requirements, formats and
outcomes relating to media analysis algorithms.
Firstly, clear definitions of algorithms are useful for the identification of syntacti-
cally appropriate algorithms. For example, algorithms that require input media to be of
colour type RGB as opposed to binary or black and white images.
Secondly, higher-level semantic descriptions enable the use of pre-existing exam-
ples or case-studies to develop solutions for similar problems. For example, using broad
general statements of the final goal such as “segment this image” or “improve image
quality and developing a sequence of possible processes to apply to achieve the de-
sired outcome For example, a researcher needs to reduce the noise and improve the
contrast in a radiology image prior to analysis and interpretation but is unfamiliar with
the specific algorithms that could apply in this instance.
Finally, it is important to keep an accurate, complete and defensible record of the
processing that has been applied to a media object within its entire lifecycle. This type
of provenancedata is especially important in scientific or investigativedomains. In addi-
tion, many applications require the processes applied to media to be concisely recorded
for re-use, re-evaluation or integration with other analysis data.
The problem is that algorithms for media analysis are difficult to manage, under-
stand and apply, particularly for non-expertusers. The main difficulty lies in quantifying
and articulating the “visual” (or “aural”) result of an algorithm so that its purpose and
outcome can be unequivocally understood and interpreted independently of the media
Therefore,we are developingan algorithm ontologythat aims to record and describe
available algorithms for application to image (and eventually other media) analysis.
This ontology can then be used to interactively build sequences of algorithms to achieve
particular outcomes. In addition, the record of processes applied to the source image can
be used to define the history and provenance of data.
This article presents an outline of the algorithm ontology, its use within an example
scenario and discusses how it can be applied to multimedia metadata management and
to promote interoperability of multimedia metadata.
2 Related Work
The multi-dimensional nature of multimedia metadata and the challenges this presents
when integrating media, particularly in a web-based system, is a well-known problem
[9], [26]. A large number of initiatives aiming at standardizing metadata have come to
light in recent years to describe multimedia content in different domains and to enable
sharing, exchanging and interoperability across a wide range of networks. According to
their functionality, two types of standards can be distinguished:
· One is directly related to the representation of multimedia content for a specific
domain and provides a standardized description scheme or well-defined syntax.
· The other integrates metadata standards from different domainsto provide metadata
models or broad semantic definitions and enhance general semantic interoperabil-
A variety of standards to describe and define multimedia objects and their contents
have been proposed such as MARC [21], Dublin Core [13]), VRA Core [28], LOM
[20], DIG35 [12], MPEG-7 [22] and MPEG-21 [23]. A general comparison and review
of these standards can be found at [24]. These standards are illustrative of the first type.
However, they generally lack sufficient detail to describe low-level media features and
tend to concentrate on more abstract metadata and semantics.
Within these standards, the use of MPEG-7 for the description of multimedia docu-
ments is wide-spread. MPEG-7, named “Multimedia Content Description Interface”, is
a standard for describing the multimedia content data. It is not aimed at any one appli-
cation in particular; rather, the elements that MPEG-7 standardizes support as broad a
range of applications as possible. MPEG-7 provides a document description language
(DDL) to encode a structured, schema-based model to describe media-specific proper-
ties of audio, video, and text data, as well as the individual content objects within each
primitive media stream.
Within the second type of standard a number of general multimedia ontologies have
been proposed to support the interoperability of multimedia tools and metadata. A num-
ber of these are based on the MPEG-7 standard and define the key concepts as classes
and properties. For example, Hunter [16], Tsinaraki et al. [27], and AceMedia [1] are
all based on the MPEG-7 standard.
Semantic definitions of algorithms can also be found in the algorithm pattern of
the Descriptive Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive Engineering (DOLCE) [14] and
in an ontology proposed in [2] where structures for detecting, classifying or annotat-
ing a region of an image are included with more generic media concepts. M-OntoMat-
Annotizer [8] also includes concepts recordingprocessing knowledge.A semantic frame-
work proposed in [11] includes an analysis ontology that aims to describe abstract
media processes. Finally a general thesaurus for image analysis purpose has been de-
veloped [4], [7]. All of these standards provide some level of semantic structure for
defining media and analysis processes.
The difficulty is that these standards do not provide sufficient levels of detail to ad-
dress multimedia understanding problems. For instance, extensions are required to the
MPEG-7 standard to define specific low-level analysis features such as ‘eccentricity’,
‘color range’, etc. Previous work by Hollink et al. [15] describes some extensions to
Hunter’s MPEG-7 ontology by creating subproperties of the visual descriptor to incor-
porate analysis terms.
In the end, we have both, to acknowledge the need to extend the available technol-
ogy towards multimedia ontologies, and to add more semantics in order to be able to
handle applications which require annotation, retrieval and summarization of multime-
dia documents.
3 Algorithm Ontology
Previous sections have shown that formal semantics describing media analysis algo-
rithms are needed to address issues such as discovery of algorithms, choreography of
algorithms and recording of provenance. This section describes the ongoing develop-
ment of an ontology to describe and define image analysis algorithms and presents an
example scenario illustrating how this ontology may be applied.
Starting from image understanding problems (e.g. segmentation, analysis, etc.), we
are working to the realization of a thesaurus containing related concepts and algorithms.
It would be important to represent features on how metadata are extracted so that they
can be used at a higher level for images, and multimedia information handling in gen-
eral. We have defined this meta-information as morpho-densitometric (shapes, how the
object is made, etc.) and spectral characteristics.
Another important feature would be to record how a specific result has been ob-
tained starting from a particular input to represent the set of algorithms and/or pro-
cedures used to produce a particular result. This work is also based on the preliminary
results obtained in a collaborativeproject with the Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of the
Russian Academy of Science that developed a technical vocabulary of more than 1000
terms describing image characteristics, algorithms used to obtain images, and relations
among terms [3].
Figure 2 shows a class diagram of part of the algorithm ontology. The main concept
is the Algorithm class which has a number of subclasses that classify the different types
of algorithms (FilterAlgorithm, SegmentationAlgorithm, etc.). Information about each
algorithm, such as the Input, Output, any Preconditions and the Effect are also included.
The effect of applying an algorithm is the most difficult concept to articulate. This is
a key area of research as we endeavor to define the outcome in an independent man-
ner. The ontology can also be integrated with existing media ontologies, such as those
referenced in section 2, to define the class and characteristics of media.
3.1 Example Scenario
To be more precise on the kind of problems we want to face we introduce the following
The Problem:
Classify the dense breast tissue in mammography images, according to the BI-RADS
classification [18].
Hypothesis of solution:
Step 1: Get a digital mammogram of patient P (result: image I
, see Figure 3).
Step 2: Improve the quality of the input image I
by applying a digital filter (result:
image I
Step 3: Extract the different tissues by applying a region-based segmentation algorithm
to the input image I
. As a result, image I
is partitioned in a set of N homogeneous
regions (result: image I
Step 4: Select the region R
corresponding to the dense tissue and describe it by apply-
ing a list of algorithms for computing geometrical and densitometric properties (result:
array A).
Step 5: Classify the tissue by applying a classification function to the input array of
features A (result: the label of the density class C {Class I, Class II, Class III, Class
However, for each of the previous steps a question arises regarding the choice of the
different algorithms that can be applied to the input data.
In Step 2, the issue regards the digital filter selection: a number of filters, e.g.
Fourier, Wiener, Smoothing, Anisotropic, etc., can be applied having different input-
output formats and giving slightly different results. However, a filter that preserves
edges, reduces noise and removes small curvilinear structures can be the best choice
in the case at hand.
Fig.2. Class diagram of part of the Algorithm Ontology.
In Step 3, several segmentation algorithms can be considered for region extraction:
clustering, histogram, homogeneity criterion, etc.. The choice can heavily rely on the
image type and the problem at hand.
Fig.3. Digital mammograms.
In Step 4, the question is related to the selection of significant geometrical and den-
sitometric properties used for describing the extracted region. Usually, several possi-
bilities are available, depending on the considered mathematical models for describing
closed curves (regions) and the grey level distribution inside each region (histogram,
Gaussian-like, etc.), but supplying the user a tool for selecting the most relevant one
according to their meaning could reveal as one of the most viable solution.
In Step 5, the question regards the classification function, which can be defined ac-
cording to one of the several pattern recognition methods. In many cases, such methods
are adaptive and this further complicates the selection.
This type of detailed analysis processes where decisions made in each step have a
significant impact upon choices in following steps and where multiple media objects or
textual/numerical metadata may result are common in these types of scenarios.
4 Applying the Algorithm Ontology
4.1 An Infrastructure for Multimedia Metadata Management
MultiMedia Metadata Management (4M) Infrastructure [5], [6] has been developed as
part of MUSCLE (Multimedia Understanding through Semantics, Understanding and
Learning) through the EU Network of Excellence (NoE) initiative with the aim of sup-
porting multimedia analysis, exchange and foster collaboration among research groups.
The infrastructure consists of five main co-operating units, devoted to feature extraction
from multimedia objects, database management, algorithms and annotations handling,
and integration. 4M has been designed taking into account the use of the most promis-
ing existing tools, open-source software, java-based implementations and multimedia
metadata standards.
The system has four main goals:
· To store, organize and retrieve distributed multimedia resources;
· To manage algorithms for information processing;
· To add semantic annotations;
· To access, protect and/or share information.
One possible processing sequence using the 4M architecture is as follows.
1. media upload;
2. media analysis to produce MPEG-7 feature data;
3. media storage with metadata in XML database;
4. identification of algorithms to achieve a user goal;
5. application of algorithms to media;
6. recording of outcomes in the database;
7. query of data to find related media;
The 4M infrastructure provides an environment for handling both low-level fea-
tures extracted from multimedia objects, and semantic high-level information coming
from automatic and semi-automatic processes of annotation and finally for managing,
integrating and processing all of this information.
The algorithm ontology, within the 4M infrastructure, can assist in classifying ac-
quired knowledge about a domain and help users to solve related problems. For ex-
ample, in stages 2, 4 and 5 of the suggested process the algorithm ontology provides
a standardised set of terms for searching, comparing and applying media processing
Within the 4M infrastructure, the algorithm ontology enables users to query for
available processing tools based on their classification (alg:Algorithm), on their effect
(alg:hasEffect) or to browse for available processing options based on the current input
data format (alg:hasInput). It also enables the recording and storage of media processing
steps in a clear and independent manner.
4.2 Multimedia Interoperability
The algorithm ontology can also play an important role in the interoperability of mul-
timedia metadata. This interoperability can be approached from two points of view:
low-level (syntactic) interoperability and high-level (semantic) interoperability.
At the low-level, it concerns formats and data structures, eventual transformations
between them and therefore the related algorithms of conversion. Sometimes an ade-
quate and optimal conversion cannot ignore information related to data itself. Thus an
ontology can be associated with the conversion process that can interest the algorithms
(different but computationally equivalent algorithms); media associated to data struc-
tures and the data structures themselves (different but associated with the same media).
At the high-level, interoperability concerns the domain problem, that is the analogy
of only apparently different or distinct problems but similar in reality and that therefore
can be faced and solved with the same methodology (computational procedure). In this
case, domain problem semantics can be codified to make the most of paradigmatic cases
then used as a reference for the solution of real problems.
For example, regarding the mammography scenario, this can be extended starting
from a specific pre-analyzed case in order to define a general reference procedure: what
happens if we have to study a mammogram case starting from an actual arbitrary im-
age of a patient? This gives a general procedure that acts as a pattern defined using the
algorithm ontology. Specific implementations of algorithms can then be selected based
on the properties of the individual media. For example, the general class of FilterAl-
gorithms has many separate implementations that have equivalent effect but operate on
different parameters. Once defined, this specific procedure can then be recorded and
stored with the media to provide information for future analysis tasks.
The proposed algorithm ontology supports both types of interoperability.Low-level,
syntactic details are described in the Input and Precondition classes while high-level,
semantic details are contained in the Effect class. This allows the selection, combination
and application of algorithms based on both basic format requirements and on the user
desired outcome. This support is useful for both annotation tasks (applying semantically
equivalent algorithms to ensure consistency across media objects) and for querying of
media based on a description of the processes that have been applied to it (e.g., find
media that have had normalization of the light level).
5 Future Work and Conclusions
The processes needed to obtain, elaborate and analyze multimedia objects can be clas-
sified, defined and described through a specific ontology of algorithms. This ontology
could be used as a base to classify acquired knowledge required in order to solve prob-
lems related to the analysis of multimedia objects. The use of the ontology not only will
help to solve the problems already known but also similar problems or problems related
to analogous contexts.
Development work on the algorithm ontology is ongoing. In particular the questions
relating to the quantification and specification of ‘visual’ outcomes from applying an
algorithm are challenging. Identifying the main classes of existing algorithms defined
and used in literature is extending the ontology. Integration with the 4M infrastructure
and the potential use in conjunction with semantic web services and web service chore-
ography technologies is also of interest.
This article has discussed the need for an algorithm ontology in domains such as
scientific or medical research, industrial analysis and large-scale digital art analysis.
Media, as applied in the scenarios discussed, may undergo multiple analysis, processing
and analysis phases. Formalized, structured definitions of media processing algorithms
will enable users to classify, identify, locate, apply and record processing and analysis
of media throughout its lifecycle.
The authors would like to thank members of the W3C Multimedia Semantics Incuba-
tor Group for their stimulating discussions about how the Algorithm ontology can be
applied to multimedia interoperability. Suzanne Little is supported through a MUSCLE
Internal Fellowship (European Commission No. 507752).
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