The problem is hard since it is characterized by many variables and degrees of free-
dom, related to the camera characteristics, camera position, and rangefinder construc-
tion. In its most general form, the problem assumes almost no knowledge on the system
characteristics and environment parameters; on the other hand, each of our observations
is very basic and it only consists in a point on the image and the related rangefinder
reading. When compared to the problem of calibrating a camera alone without any
prior knowledge of the environment (autocalibration), our technique is surprising for its
simplicity, expecially if accounting for the additional degrees of freedom which char-
acterize this scenario. This is intuitively explained by considering that our technique
exploits some properties of the rangefinder function (such as the linearity of the mea-
suring ray): therefore, while being calibrated, it also provides constraints for camera
calibration, and vice-versa. An intersting related work from this point of view is [8],
which calibrates a camera using a laser pointer as a calibration device.
Our work heavily relies on known techiques in projective geometry [5]. In particu-
lar, our camera calibration technique is related to the method introduced by Colombo
et al. in [2], which calibrates a camera using coaxial circles; other interesting alge-
braical properties of coplanar circles for camera calibration and 3D structure extraction
are presented in [4, 6]. The problem of simultaneously calibrating a camera and a laser
rangefinder has been recently challanged with several approaches: in [9], a checker-
board calibration pattern is used, and its images and distance profiles are related in
order to find the camera position and orientation w.r.t. the rangefinder; in [1] a special
3D calibration object allows to automatically calibrate a laser rangefinder. Our tech-
nique is different in that it does not use any explicit calibration target, but exploits the
visible image of the laser dot; a similar approach is found in [7], where some alge-
braic constraints on the camera-rangefinder calibration due to the laser dot visibility are
In Section 2 we formally define the problem and its parameters and variables. Sec-
tion 3 presents our technique, and sketches the extension to 2-DOF rangefinders. Sec-
tion 4 discusses the results, and proposes variations for calibrating only a subset of the
parameters, and using more data than strictly needed.
2 Definitions, Model and Data
2.1 System Model
We consider a camera-rangefinder system; the rangefinder has 1 rotational DOF around
a generic axis; the rangefinder rotation angle φ is not calibrated – i.e., the actual angle
is not necessarily known, but repeatable.
We define a reference frame F as follows:
– F
coincides with the rangefinder rotation axis;
– F
is parallel to the projection on the xy plane of the rangefinder ray when φ = 0;
– the origin is placed at the nearest point on the rotation axis to any telemeter ray.