Modeling Requirements Elicitation Process for Web
Marian Cristian Mihăescu
, Cosmin Stoica Spahiu
, Mihai Mocanu
and Bogdan Logofatu
University of Craiova, Faculty of Automatics, Computers and Electronics
Software Engineering Department, Bvd. Decebal, Nr. 107, 200440, Craiova, Dolj, Romania
{mihaescu, stoica_cosmin, mocanu}
University of Bucharest, CREDIS Department
Bd. M. Kogalniceanu 36-46, Sector 5, Bucuresti, Romania
Abstract. Requirements engineering plays a critical role within a software
development process. Studies have revealed a lack of systematic processing of
requirements due to high number of activities that need to be accomplished in
this phase. There are many reasons for this situation. One of the most difficult
tasks is to model requirements elicitation process. This is the first and one of the
most important steps from the implications point of view in the nest steps of
the development process and in the quality of the obtained software. This paper
presents a requirements elicitation technique that has been successfully used in
the development process of a web application. The direction of improvements
are represented by requirements traceability and their modeling during
elicitation phase.
Keywords. Requirements elicitation, traceability, modeling, web application.
1 Introduction
Ideally, software development, based on any of the well-established life cycle models
described in [9] or [10], is linear, starts from scratch, and its phases can be (logically)
delimited. No matter the software development model referred, distinct identifiable
phases such as, requirements specification and analysis, architectural (overall) design,
component design, implementation, component integration, validation and
verification, code maintenance and evolution, can be extracted. If and how much are
they really separated and easy to reveal, this is a difficult matter related to the specific
and goals of the software development process applied.
In practice, software development must deal with the strong tendency to overlap
development phases, due perhaps to social issues, and problem domain traditional
“ways of doing things”, little considered in the past within the discipline of software
engineering. The facts are clear: software developers make mistakes, clients change
their requirements while the software product is being developed, errors in operating
software cannot be avoided a.s.o. The Winburg mini-case study [10] proved all these
issues in the most convincing manner. From the implementation of the first version of
Mihaescu M., Stoica C., Mocanu M. and Logofatu B.
Modeling Requirements Elicitation Process for Web Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0004464900640072
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Enterprise Systems and Technology (I-WEST 2008), pages 64-72
ISBN: 978-989-8111-50-0
2008 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
a software product, continuing to the episode when a fault is found (i.e. due to a slow
product operation), and a new design has to be adopted (i.e. using a faster algorithm),
or an episode when the requirements change (i.e. because the accuracy has to be
increased), the only thing that is “stable” and could be easily noted is a recurrence of
Requirements engineering, based on requirements specification, elicitation and
analysis, is not only the first, but also one of the most critical, knowledge-intensive
activities of software development [1] The most basic question in requirements
engineering is how to find out what users really need. Research has shown that in
general many large projects fail because of inadequate requirements and specifically
that poor execution of elicitation will almost guarantee that the final project is a
complete failure. Since project failures are so rampant [2], it is quite likely that
improving how the industry performs elicitation could have a dramatic effect on the
success record of the industry [3]. Improving requirements elicitation requires us to
understand it first. Although many papers have been written to define elicitation, or to
prescribe a specific technique to perform during elicitation, nobody has defined yet a
unified model of the elicitation process that emphasizes the role of knowledge.
The motivations of this paper can be seen in our effort to reach such a model. We’d
like to make the necessary steps in establishing and describing (documenting) the
requirements engineering phase, with an emphasis put on requirements elicitation,
based on our experience in large software projects. Furthermore, we want to illustrate
how we assessed the correctness of all these steps, based on a realistic software
product development. In this paper, our specific aim is to discuss all the
improvements regarding requirements elicitation that have been tested under real
circumstances when developing an e-Learning platform called Tesys [4].
The organization of the rest of the paper is as follows. First, the paper presents an
overview of the requirements engineering process (involving requirements
specification, elicitation and analysis). Then it presents briefly the Tesys application
platform. Next, it discusses the proposed improvements to requirements elicitation,
regarding traceability and modeling of requirements in the elicitation process, and the
benefits regarding verification and validation The paper concludes with a discussion
of the proposed solutions and makes recommendations on how requirements
elicitation could proceed.
2 Requirements Specification, Elicitation and Analysis
The purpose of the requirements engineering process, which involves requirements
definition (specification), elicitation and analysis is to document the requirements for
the next phases to be implemented during the software process according to the
specific aims of the project. From a social point of view, this should be a collaborative
process involving domain expertise from the client and software expertise from the
contractor part. The key concept behind this step consists of the separation of
application requirements from business/process requirements, which later on permits
to link these to design objects. The up-front separation of application from business
requirements really helps to clarify and focus on each aspect of the user's
requirements, or even helps to determine who should be asking for information about
the requirements.
The requirements analysis methodology should cover the entire cycle, from the
initial requirements-gathering phase through the separation phase where requirements
and non-requirements are set apart. The overall steps required to define an approved
set of requirements, and reach closure of the glossary definitions, should be:
1. Collection of ‘raw’ requirements – This step may start with the domain area
experts (in this case the physicians) to write a few pages of text describing the
problem to be solved. All relevant sources of possible requirements must be
collected. Multiple sources of domain knowledge must be found, to allow the
verification of sources. Specialized software tools, such as EasyRM Requirement
Management Suite ( or AnalystPro
( could be used from this point onwards.
2. Refining of requirements - The objective of this step is to identify the key business
concepts, and their properties. Each requirement must be processed in turn for:
Exclusion for all the following processing steps of any requirements, which are
outside the scope of the mission statement,
Decomposition into sub-requirements, containing only one concept.
Naming convention – making sure that the name of the requirement reflects the
requirement content.
Redundancies elimination and resolving of duplicate requirements.
Adjustment of ‘priority’ (initially all requirements will have the same low
priority) and ‘status’. Once all requirements have at least the status of ‘Approved’
then the requirement work has been completed to the point where the requirement
set can be passed to the modelers of both teams (client team and implementation
team) – possibly to act from here as a ‘joint’ team, for the creation of the
conceptual models.
3. Establishing of reference sources for requirements – Many requirements are
directly derived from mission papers, and other conceptual documents. A
document manager tool can allow links to be established to these documents.
4. Creation of a document reference (the so-called ‘requirements document’), in a
bottom-up manner, with a short description giving an overview of what the other
documents contain, and a location field used to point to the actual document –
this can be filled with a path in the file system, or an URL. As the number of
documents may increase, it is essential to classify these in a hierarchical manner,
into folders required for specific subject areas.
5. Pass the ‘requirements document’ to system modelers, to check with the
conceptual model they created in parallel with steps 3 and 4.
The end product of this succession of steps should be a requirements document and
a correct system conceptual model which should allow the successful development of
a software framework and possibly an open source architecture for the software
3 Tesys Application Platform
An e-Learning platform that represents a collaborative environment for students,
professors, secretaries and administrators has been designed and developed. Secretary
users manage sections, professors, disciplines and students. The secretaries have also
the task to set up the structure of study years for all sections. The main task of a
professor is to manage the assigned disciplines. The professor sets up chapters for
each assigned discipline by specifying the name and the course document and man-
ages test and exam questions for each chapter. The platform offers students the
possibility to download course materials, take tests and exams and communicate with
other involved parties like professors and secretaries.
The Tesys platform has initially been designed and implemented only with core
functionalities that allowed involved people (learners, course managers, secretaries) to
collaborate in good conditions. The requirements engineering followed an ad-hoc
process that informally followed the classical life-cycle: elicitation, modeling,
analysis, validation, verification and management. The involved parties were
represented by three parties: development team, beneficiaries and end-users. Firstly, a
prototype that implemented main functionalities has been developed. The
requirements were elicited and negotiated between development team and
beneficiary. After prototype has been deployed the e-Learning system has been
populated with data and users. The beneficiary was the one that kept a close relation
with end-users and closely looked the effectiveness of the platform.
The e-learning platform consists of a framework on which a web application may
be developed. On server side we choose only open source software that may run on
almost all platforms. To achieve this goal Java related technologies were employed.
The model is represented by DBMS (Data Base Management System) that in our
case is represented by MySQL [11]. The controller, which represents the business
logic of the platform is Java based, being build around Java Servlet Technology [12].
As Servlet container Apache Tomcat 5.0 [13] is used.
This architecture of the platform allows development of the e-learning applica-tion
using MVC architecture. The view tier is template based, WebMacro [14] tech-nology
being used. WebMacro is also a Java based technology the link between view and
controller being done at context level. The separation between business logic and
view has great advantages against having them together in the same tier. This de-
coupling makes development process more productive and safer. One of the biggest
advantages of not having business logic and view together is the modularity that
avoids problems in application testing and error checking.
In the figure 2 there are presented the main software components from the MVC
point of view. MainServlet, Action, Manager, Bean, Helper and all Java classes
represent the Controller. The Model is represented by the DBMS itself while the
Webmacro templates represent the View. The model is built without any knowledge
about views and controllers.
The business logic of the application uses Java classes. As it can be seen in figure
2, there are four levels of dependency between classes. The levels are: servlets, ac-
tions, managers and beans. Servlets level has so far two of them: MainServlet and
The MainServlet first job first job is to initialize application’s parameters. For this
purpose the init() method is used. Firstly, there is initialized a pool of database
connections. Helper classes like ConnectionPool or ExecuteQuery based on the in-
formation from configuration file conduct this process. In the
database configuration file there are set the address of MySQL server and the user-
name and password of MySQL user that is used.
Fig. 1. Software architecture of the platform.
Fig. 2. Software components of the application from MVC point of view.
Another important part of software architecture regarding software development
process is unit testing. For this purpose JUnit [15] is used. Unit tests are created for
running the critical code like creating of a test, computing the result, saving the
questions from the test, saving the test result, computing time for test. To accomplish
this regressive testing is used. For each chain of actions a scenario is defined. If the
computed result matches the expected result it means the test passed. Otherwise, it
means something is wrong with the code because it does not behave like it supposed
to. Whenever a method is added, test cases are written trying to have a full coverage
of the code. There are created batch files that build the code experimentally and
continuously and run all the tests. Similarly, a scheduled job runs the nightly build of
all the code from the staging area and runs all tests.
The platform is currently in use on Windows 2003 Server machine. This platform
has three sections and at each section four disciplines. Twelve professors are defined
and more than 650 students. At all disciplines there are edited almost 2500 questions.
In the first month of usage almost 500 tests were taken. In the near future, the
expected number of students may be close to 1000.
4 Improvements in Requirements Elicitation
We present improvements regarding two issues: traceability and modeling of
requirements in the elicitation process.
A requirement is defined as an object with his own status and life cycle. The status
is determined by the set of values of fields. We define the following set of fields:
Id – uniquely identifies the requirement;
Role – defines the role to which the requirement addresses;
Activity – defines the activity to which the requirement addresses;
Status – there were defined three states: INWORK, SOLVED and VERIFIED;
Solver – person responsible for implementing the requirement;
Memo – text that represents a short summary about the requirement.
Date – represents the date when the action has been executed on the requirement
This structure ensures the traceability of the requirement.
The improvements in requirements elicitation is analyzed from the following
points of view [6]:Time and Effort allocation: how requirements elicitation is
distributed over time
Artifacts produced by requirements elicitation: various deliverables like data,
effects, results, documents, etc, resulted from requirements elicitation
process usage.
Requirements elicitation Activities: what activities produce artifacts
including the requirements specification.
Disciplines and automation: specify major areas of concern that can
Requirements elicitation, technology and management tools
Roles: Various roles in RE and differences between them.
The process of modeling the requirements is described in figure1.
The requirements phase has its own life cycle. The specialty literature proves that
is difficult to give a general description of requirements activities. In the 80’s Krasner
identified five phases: need identification and problem analysis; requirements
determination; requirements specification; requirements fulfillment; and requirements
change management. Another approach presented by Jarke and Pohl in 1994 propose
a three-phase cycle of elicitation, expression and validation.
It seems that different approaches use different labels for the requirements
activities and this brings about one of the critical problems in requirements
engineering: lack of a systematic process. The main problem is that requirements
Engineers involves people that communicate with other people. The communication
is hard due to the lack of a common scientific language and knowledge. The
misunderstandings from this kind of communication are translated directly in wrong
application development.
Fig. 3. The process of modeling requirements.
The existing problems for requirements elicitation have been grouped into three
categories as follows [8]:
problems of scope (the system edge capabilities are not well defined,
unnecessary design information may be given);
problems of understanding (users don’t know exactly what they need and don’t
know the compter limitations, the users frequently skip “obvious” information,
there can be conflicts views from different users
requirements are often vague and untestable (problems of volatility,
requirements evolve over time)
Although this area was not researched enough, there are a series of techniques
developed to solve these problems. Traditional methods include brainstorming,
interviewing and use of questionnaires[8]. The latests methods for requirements
engineering include techniques for information gathering, modeling and
representation of information.
Requirements engineering relies fundamentally on verification and validation as a
way of achieving quality by getting rid of errors, and as a way of identifying
One benefit from structuring requirements is the use of automation for verification
of requirements. The requirements may be inspected such that verification is
performed by using well established checklists. The checklists are applied to the
requirements by a well established process.
Modeling requirements in a custom structured form provides the opportunity for
analyzing them. Analysis techniques that have been investigated in requirements
engineering include requirements animation, automated reasoning, consistency, and a
variety of techniques for validation and verification that are further discussed.
Validation is the process of establishing that the requirements and derived
structures provide an common and accurate base for involved persons (developers and
beneficiaries). Explicitly describing the requirements is a necessary precondition not
only for validating requirements, but also for resolving conflicts between developers
and beneficiary.
Difficulty of requirements validation comes from many sources. One reason is the
problem itself is philosophical in nature. This makes the formalizing process hard to
define. On the other hand, there is a big difficulty in reaching agreement among
involved persons dew to their conflicting goals. The solution to this problem is
requirements negotiation. These will attempt to resolve conflicts between involved
parties without necessarily weakening satisfaction of each person’s goals.
Structuring requirements brings a big advantage for validation and verification in
case of changing requirements. As all successful systems, our e-Learning platform
evolves. This means that when a functionality changes because of beneficiary and
developer negotiated such a change, this transition needs to be done with minimum of
effort. For this, requirements have to be traceable and this feature is accomplished by
proposed structuring.
5 Conclusions
In this paper, there were presented the main challenges in requirements engineering
and especially requirements elicitation. There were presented solutions regarding
traceability and modeling of requirements during elicitation phase.
Proposed solutions were tested during Tesys e-Learning platform software
development process. It has been also presented the initial requirements engineering
process that was used when the prototype has been developed as compared to the
improved one.
Proposed solutions come to support a big effort of software globalization
development process since the application is rapidly growing in size. More than this,
the business logic complexity, degree of heterogeneity among assets is increasing.
Other benefit is that there may be created pools of requirements based on
functionality at role level and even with a higher granularity at activity level. This will
have a big impact on future decisions regarding what parts of software to be out-
sourced in the effort of globalization.
From requirements point of view there were presented three improvements.
Finally, there presented the benefits brought by our structuring to verification and
validation processes. The proposed structure ensures traceability of requirements,
such that as the system evolves the requirements are still properly managed.
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