F. A. Henskens
, C. M. Loughland
, M. S. Aphale
, D. Paul
, J. M. Richards
, P. Rasser
V. J. Carr
, S. V. Catts
, A. Jablensky
, P. T. Michie
, B. J. Mowry
, C. Pantelis
U. Schall
and R. J. Scott
University of Newcastle, NSW 2308, Australia;
Schizophrenia Research Institute, NSW 2010, Australia
University of Western Australia, WA 6009, Australia;
University of Queensland, Queensland 4072, Australia
University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010, Australia
Keywords: Globus grid, Web services, Certificate-based security, JSP, ASRB, Schizophrenia.
Abstract: Schizophrenia represents one of the most perplexing and challenging problems confronting both researchers
and health-care providers today. An Australian coalition of researchers has commenced construction of a
resource termed the Australian Schizophrenia Research Bank (ASRB), which intends to support a wide
spectrum of schizophrenia research studies. Software has been written to implement of a series of clinical
assessment instruments, and a purpose-built Globus Grid constructed to provide secure aggregation and
storage of the collected data. This paper describes the design, technology selections and implementation of
the extant computer infrastructure, and discusses planned extensions and enhancements.
Schizophrenia represents one of the most perplexing
and challenging problems confronting both
researchers and health-care providers today. With a
prevalence of 4 per 1,000 (Saha et al., 2005),
significant advances in schizophrenia research have
been limited by the difficulty in achieving
sufficiently large samples of probands and
unaffected first degree relatives, in order to study the
causal role of multiple genetic factors each of small
effect. To overcome this limitation, a national (to
Australia) coalition of researchers has commenced
construction of a resource, termed the Australian
Schizophrenia Research Bank (ASRB). The
National Health and Medical Research Council
(NHMRC), the Schizophrenia Research Institute
(SRI), The Pratt Foundation, and other benefactors
fund the ASRB, which intends to support a wide
spectrum of schizophrenia research studies for
Australian and international investigators.
The specific aims of the ASRB include:
1. To develop a research bank with
comprehensive, cross-referenced data from
a large sample (initially 2,000) of
volunteers with schizophrenia and healthy
controls (initially 2,000). The data collected
includes clinical and cognitive
characterisation, blood banking involving
DNA extraction and establishment of
immortal cell lines and MRI brain scans of
schizophrenia using standardised imaging
and analysis methodology
2. To establish infrastructure that makes the
data set available to Australian and
international researchers in a form that is
comprehensive, cross-referenced, and able
to support schizophrenia research across the
clinical, cognitive, genetic, brain imaging
and linked domains.
Funding for the establishment of the ASRB
commenced in 2006, and following the official
launch in 2007, the project commenced recruitment
of sufferers and healthy controls. Construction of the
IT support infrastructure commenced in 2006, and is
currently supporting the collection and storage of
data. This paper describes the design, technology
selections and implementation of the extant
computer infrastructure, and discusses planned
extensions and enhancements.
Henskens F., Loughland C., Aphale M., Paul D., Richards J., Rasser P., Carr V., Catts S., Jablensky A., Michie P., Mowry B., Pantelis C., Schall U. and
Scott R. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 405-410
DOI: 10.5220/0001429504050410
The principles underpinning construction of the
ASRB are: useful access to the data set will be
provided to all authorised Internet-connected
researchers without a requirement that they possess
local high performance equipment; access will
strictly accord with ethics approvals, local and
national; collection of the data will be efficient, and
will avoid double-handling as far as possible;
collection of data will be ethical, respectful and
considerate of all participants.
To this end, it was decided that the electronic
dataset should be centrally stored, and it should
include metadata about the tissue samples. Gathering
of the data, and subsequent access to it would be
best facilitated using the Internet. It became apparent
that Grid technology (Foster & Kesselman, 1999)
could be used in a rather non-conventional way, to
provide a web-based secure, single entry-point
environment for interaction with the data. In
accordance with a requirement of the Australian
Research Council, the Globus 4 Grid system (Foster,
2005) is used.
Each volunteer providing data to the Bank meets
with a Clinical Assessment Office (CAO) and
undergoes a comprehensive assessment process,
involving multiple instruments and lasting for some
three and a half hours. Traditionally, trained
psychologists using paper and pen collect clinical
and neuropsychological assessment data; the data is
hand-scored, and checked for errors, prior to
entering into a software tool for analysis. It was
decided that the ASRB assessment data should be
collected directly into a purpose-built software
In Australia, research that involves humans is
subjected to close scrutiny, under conditions
specified in per-project ethics approval documents.
Protection of the privacy of the volunteers is of
paramount importance. While the ultimate objective
of the ASRB is provision of de-identified data of
high usefulness for schizophrenia research, it is
necessary, particularly in the collection phase, that
identifying data is included and accessible to
authorised persons. This fine-grained control over
access to data is not typically required in Grid
environments, and presented a challenge to the
The remainder of this paper discusses the
techniques used to achieve these requirements.
Ethics approvals are necessarily associated with the
collection of data and samples from live patients.
These approvals typically specify the project for
which the data is to be used, and limit the group of
researchers permitted to access the data, for
example, to those at a particular institution, or in a
particular research group. It is also common that
researchers permitted to use and analyse patient data
are typically prevented from being able to identify
patients from their data (i.e. the data is de-
identified). Whilst the ASRB data ultimately belongs
to a single entity, it is collected at five principal
locations spread across four Australian states, and
each of the collection sites is covered by a local
ethics approval. Thus, a major and important aim of
the ASRB Grid is to provide controlled access to the
data available to each particular user of the Grid.
The most obvious need is to allow all authorized
users to access the de-identified data, but it is also
important to allow access to any other data (e.g.
identifying data) for which the user has approval,
either through their institution, research group, or
personally. A further consideration is that it should
be possible for selected personnel to identify patients
from their data in the circumstance that analysis has
discovered potentially beneficial treatments for those
Typical Grids require strong security to
determine whether a user should have access to a
given system, or set of systems, without the need for
any fine-grained security; a user is either allowed to
access the system, or they are not. The ASRB Grid
is different because users have different access rights
to the resources provided by the Grid, even those on
an individual component system.
As version 4 of the Globus toolkit is mainly built
on the Web Services Resource Framework (WSRF),
it can be easily used over the Web. As more fully
discussed in (Paul et al., 2006), a Web portal is used
to access the Grid systems, eliminating the need for
researchers to install special software on their
machines, and providing flexibility with respect to
client location and host computer. The portal
framework is Gridsphere (Novotny et al.), with
GridPortlets (Russell et al., Accessed 2006) used to
access the Grid. Gridsphere is an open-source portal
framework completely compliant with the JSR 168
specifications, so that any standards-compliant
portlet can be used. GridPortlets are a set of portlets
for Gridsphere that allow access to Grid resource
and user credential management, as well as GridFTP
operations, and many other useful Grid activities.
HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics
The GT4Portlets extension to this allows the
execution of jobs on remote Globus Toolkit 4
systems, and further enhances GridPortlet’s
compatibility with the newest version of Globus.
A SimpleCA (SimpleCA, Accessed 2008)
certificate authority supplies users with credentials
to access ASRB Grid resources. To further facilitate
the researcher’s use of the system, PURSe portlets
(Christie, 2007) are used to eliminate the user’s need
to knowingly interact with this system. Using these
portlets, a user fills in a Web-based form to request
an account. The user is then sent an email to verify
their request and an administrator is informed of the
request. The administrator can accept or reject the
user, and has the capability to provide the user with
access to an account on the Grid; ultimately the user
is informed by email of the result. When a user is
accepted, appropriate Grid credentials are
automatically created for him/her and a personal
proxy certificate stored the MyProxy server. The
user can then log in to the Web portal, using the
single password supplied by them in their initial
request, and a proxy certificate is automatically
retrieved from the MyProxy server. This proxy
certificate is then available for access by the portlets
in the Web portal; the portlets use these credentials
to authenticate with any Grid resources in a manner
that is completely transparent to the user.
As previously described, it is vitally important
that researchers are restricted to access only that data
for which they are approved. The Globus Toolkit
includes a component that can be used for this
purpose: the Community Authorization Service
(CAS) (Globus, Accessed 2008) (not to be confused
with JA-SIG’s Central Authentication Service (JA-
SIG, Accessed 2006)). CAS allows resource
providers to give course-grained access to various
systems, handing finer-grained access control
management to the community of users. This is
important for the ASRB Grid because there are very
complex levels of access for different data resources,
so fine-grained control is needed, and the users
themselves (or the administrator, on their behalf) can
best handle the complexities of these relationships.
CAS is based on the notion of assigning users to
roles, which then have different sets of permissions
associated with them. Each user can have multiple
roles, and his or her access to a particular resource is
only allowed if at least one of the roles allows access
to the resource. Support for CAS roles has been
added to the PostgreSQL database (PostgreSQL,
Accessed 2006) used to store volunteers’ responses
to the clinical assessment battery.
Whenever a new role is needed (for example
when a new ethics approval is granted), the system
administrator creates a database view that is
accessible only to users in the new role. The view
can provide fine-grained control, specifying whether
the users with a role have permission only to read
data, or to insert new data, update existing data or
delete data.
When a user (or group of users) is provided with
a new role, the system checks to see whether the
view allowed by the user’s combination of roles
currently exists. If it does not, a new view is
automatically created, including rules that allow
database operations such as insertion of new data or
updating of existing data, but only if those
permissions are included in one or more of the roles
assigned to the user.
Users are then able to access the database using
the Web portal, and any of their queries are
automatically restricted to the views permitted by
their roles. For example, the role of clinical
assessment officer (CAO) allows the user access to
complete volunteer information collected at the
officer’s site. Thus, if a Newcastle CAO performs
the same database search as a Sydney CAO, they are
returned different results; the Newcastle CAO will
‘see’ identifying data for Newcastle volunteers,
while the Sydney CAO will be returned similar data
about Sydney volunteers.
After considering various structured numbering
schemes for volunteer identification, it was decided
that any such scheme could potentially breach
privacy. For example, representation of familial
relationships, as occurs in some numbering schemes,
could allow a CAO with access to a volunteer’s
identity to discern and possibly identify that person’s
relation(s) for whom the CAO does not have
identification permission. Accordingly a simple
scheme was adopted whereby numbers are centrally
and sequentially allocated.
Clinical Assessments (CAs) are performed at
locations chosen in part with regard to the
convenience of volunteers, so CAOs may, or may
not be Internet connected while performing the
assessment. Each CAO has been provided with a
notebook computer, with installed CA software. To
minimise the possibility of discomfort to volunteers
who may feel threatened by the sight of the back of a
screen, the tablet form of computer was chosen, so
that the CA can be conducted with direct computer
input using a stylus (very similar to use of a pen and
paper). The lack of Internet connectivity during CA
requires initial storage of the collected data on the
notebook computer. It also requires allocation of the
identification numbers prior to commencement of
the CA. The process is that the CAO, in preparation
for a CA, logs on to the Grid, selects the ‘number
allocation’ portlet that accepts basic volunteer
identification and contact information (obtained
when the appointment was made) and returns that
volunteer’s identification number. Centralised
allocation ensures uniqueness of volunteer
Another major benefit of this allocation
technique is that accidental (or intentional) duplicate
assessment of volunteers can be avoided. When a
CAO requests allocation of a new identifier, the
system checks the database to determine whether the
provided volunteer information is substantially
similar to that of an existing participant. In some
cases (if access to the potential duplicate entry is
permitted for the CAO) the issue can be resolved
straight away; otherwise the situation is referred to
the Project Manager, whose ‘super user’ permissions
allow a determination to be made.
The CA software is written in the object-oriented
Java programming language (Arnold & Gosling,
2000), chosen in part because the compiled code will
execute on any computer with an implemented Java
Virtual Machine (JVM), most significantly the CA
notebooks and within the Unix-based central
server’s web site. The data collected during
assessment, and its structure, is described in XML
(Bray et al., 2006). JSP technology (Sun Developer
Network, 2008) is used to facilitate alignment of
software screens with the database fields. This
architecture has already proven its value as user
requirements evolved during the software
The assessments performed in a CA were
determined after consultation with the principal
schizophrenia researchers in Australia and abroad,
and include the entire Diagnostic Interview for
Psychoses (DIP) (Castle et al., 2006). Scoring of the
DIP is achieved using the OPCRIT dynamic link
library (Craddock et al., 2006) on the Windows-
based notebooks, however the OPCRIT functionality
will require re-coding for the server implementation.
Also included in the CA are: Socio-demographic and
Clinical History Schedule; Neurological,
Personality, and Cognitive Functioning evaluations,
and a psychosis screening tool.
Whilst clinical assessment has been automated
previously, for example (Peters et al., 1998), this has
largely been for one instrument only, not for a
complete series as conducted by ASRB, making this
process unique.
The benefits of an electronic clinical assessment
system are that, by and large, it reduces the need for
paper copies. Because assessments can be scored
and the data checked automatically, this reduces the
amount of time assessors spend second-handling the
data, and the one data input occasion (at the time of
assessment) reduces human error due to data scoring
and entry. In addition, data is automatically checked
to ensure all questions have been answered before
the assessment is uploaded to the servers at the
ASRB website. This automated data transfer allows
for the quick and efficient aggregation of the scored
Security of data transfer is ensured by the use of
Transport Layer Security (Freier et al., 1996),
supported by a commercially provided Secure
Socket Layer (SSL) certificate. This system uses
key-based encryption (National Institute of
Standards and Technology, 2006), with the ASRB
server having its own private key, and client
browsers using the matching public key (certificate)
that is certified as belonging to the ASRB by an
international authority trusted by all modern Web
browsers. In this way, clients can be assured that all
communication is encrypted and that only the ASRB
system can decipher/understand it.
Computer usage is now commonplace, so the use
of electronic means to collect data no longer
intimidates participants or assessors. However, when
required, either because of equipment malfunction or
volunteer discomfort, assessors can revert to using
traditional paper and pen versions by printing a copy
from the electronic version.
At this time two user manuals have been
produced. One comprises step-by-step instructions
about installing the software, and updates, on the CA
notebook computers. The other is a "How To..."
manual that instructs CAOs on how to use the
software. Experience shows that CAOs require some
initial training (for example running through a
training assessment with them, for which a practice
web portal has been provided) and troubleshooting,
but they have quickly adapted to the system and
feedback is very positive, as shown in the next
Users of the systems have already reported the
following benefits of computerisation:
1. It is quick, because assessors only have to
handle the data once, at collection.
2. Labour costs are reduced because assessors can
complete assessments more quickly. This is
because they do not have to spend time scoring
or on multiple data entry.
3. Accuracy is enhanced. The system allows
consistent data collection across sites.
Assessment is structured but flexible, in that it
asks questions in the same way and order, but it
HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics
is flexible enough to allow CAOs to return to
questions if new information comes to light
throughout the interview.
4. Comment sections are available for each
question to record verbatim responses by the
participant or any information of relevance.
That information can then be checked by a
psychiatrist for quality assurance, diagnostic,
and staff supervision purposes.
5. Set data parameters reduce input errors during
the interview. All assessments are checked for
completion at the end of the assessment,
reducing missing data. Data is scored
automatically, reducing scoring errors.
6. It is efficient. The software is installed on
laptop computers, making the assessment fully
portable. In addition, the software has inbuilt
automated skips for redundant questions so
CAOs do not waste time on irrelevant
The next phase of development involves
management of the growing number of collected
MRI scans. Work is in progress on determination of
the metadata that will be stored in the database about
each scan. Additionally, standard structures are
being designed to store the scans, both in original
form (in excess of one gigabyte per scan), plus a set
of standard mutations of the scan data. For example,
prior to release of scans to researchers, the facial
features must be removed to prevent identification.
Another aspect of the MRI data is pre-processing
in preparation for analysis. Previous research
suggests that variations in the volumes of
cerebrospinal fluid, grey matter and white matter are
related to brains diseases such as schizophrenia (da
Silva, 2007). It follows that volumetric analysis of
the brain structures is of interest to the research
community. In preparation of such measurement, it
is necessary to delineate the regions, after which the
images can be normalised. At present the delineation
is performed manually, since computerised
algorithms, e.g. (Hata et al., 2000, Pham & Prince,
1999) do not yet produce the required level of
accuracy. This is time-consuming, and not practical
when thousands of images are involved. Work is in
progress on development of new techniques for
computerised segmentation of the brain MRIs.
Ultimately, the ASRB Grid infrastructure aims to
provide researchers with the ability to analyse
(subsets of) the data collection, leading to advances
in the understanding and treatment of schizophrenia.
While at present the Grid is primarily used for its
security features, some researcher tasks will benefit
from access to the parallel resources it makes
available. For example, transfer of sets of MRI data
over the Internet for local (to the researcher) analysis
is expensive with respect to time (noting that some
of the member sites are up to 4,000 kilometres
apart). It is much more efficient to carry out the
analysis by performing the computation close to the
data source, with high bandwidth data path(s)
joining the storage and compute nodes.
It is not easy to automatically execute a task on a
set of remote machines. Projects such as
GT4Portlets allow the execution of jobs on a single
remote machine, and projects such as the Gridbus
Broker (Venugopal et al., 2006) automatically
allocate tasks to servers, but the interfaces to these
are very general. Thus a further task for this project
is to create a portlet wizard that allows the easy
creation of a portlet to execute a particular
application. These portlets will likely be based on
the Gridbus Broker, but will enable researchers to
choose input files and set parameters using a simple,
easily understandable Web form. Provision of a
wizard will make it easy for developers to create
portlets for many different programs. By way of
support for computations with special needs, more
knowledgeable developers (or their programmers)
will have access to the full source code so the portlet
can be modified as needed. In this way researchers
and developers will be able to use the processing
capabilities of the distributed compute servers much
more easily than would otherwise be possible.
This paper presents the current state of development
of IT-based infrastructure to support the Australian
Schizophrenia Research Bank. A Globus-based Grid
underpins the centralised data storage, providing a
secure (using CA certificates) processing and access
system that presents a Web browser interface to
users. Purpose-built software executing on
(optionally non-networked) Windows tablet
computers is described. This software automates a
comprehensive set of clinical assessment
instruments; each collected data item, together with
the diagnoses, is later securely uploaded to the
central repository using a Web portal.
The use of Grid technology for its security,
rather than its resource sharing capabilities, is
somewhat unusual. Techniques are described that
provide fine-grained control over user access to the
centralised dataset. This granularity is essential to
achieve compliance with the ethics conditions under
which research that involves humans is conducted in
Various extant and future Grid facilities and
capabilities are discussed, together with user
affirmation of the current system. Experience with
the design and implementation of further
functionality will be the subject of future
This work was supported by the Australian Research
Council (ARC) grant SR0566756 (2005-2006), the
National Health & Medical Research Council
(NHMRC) grant AIP/ERP #1679 (2006-2010), the
Schizophrenia Research Institute (SRI) utilising
infrastructure funding from NSW Health, and a
grant from the Pratt Foundation (2007-2011).
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HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics