Fabrizio Baiardi, Dario Maggiari
Polo G. Marconi - La Spezia, Universit`a di Pisa, Italy
Daniele Sgandurra
Dipartimento di Informatica, Universit`a di Pisa, Italy
Security, security policy, healthcare infrastructure, virtual machine, overlay.
Confidentiality and integrity of information are among the critical problems to face when managing health
information through ICT systems. Virtual Interacting Network CommunIty (Vinci) is a software architecture
that exploits virtualization to share a healthcare ICT infrastructure among users with different security levels
and reliability requirements. Vinci introduces several communities, each consisting of users, some applica-
tions, a set of services and of shared resources. Users and applications with distinct privileges and trust levels
belong to distinct communities. Each community is supported by a virtual network built by interconnecting
virtual machines (VMs). The adoption of VMs increases the overall security level because we can use VMs
not only to run user applications, but also to protect shared resources, control traffic among communities or
discover malware. Further VMs manage the overall infrastructure and configure the VMs at start-up. Vinci
supports the definition of security policies to protect information within and across communities. As an ex-
ample, discretionary access control policies may protect files shared within a community, whereas mandatory,
multilevel security policies may rule access to files shared among communities.
After describing Vinci architecture, we present the VM templates and preliminary performance results.
It is widely recognized that health information tech-
nology can improve quality of assistance by in-
creasing adherence to guidelines, enhancing dis-
ease surveillance and decreasing medication errors
(Chaudhry et al., 2006), but it poses the problem of
security and confidentiality of information. Some
level of trust in security and safety of Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) systems is funda-
mental to spread their adoption. We believe that sev-
eral security problems of healthcare ICT systems can
be solved through virtualization, a technology that re-
places a physical machine with a software system, i.e.
a virtual machine (VM), which emulates the physical
machine. A VM can run any software that runs on a
physical machine in a transparent way, i.e. without
being modified. Virtualization supports the creation
and the management of several VMs on the same
physical machine through the introduction of a virtual
machine monitor (VMM) (Goldberg, 1974). This is a
thin software layer introduced in-between the OS and
the hardware to support several VMs, and where each
VM runs a distinct OS. The VMM is designed specifi-
cally to separate the VMs and to resist any attack from
a malicious VM to another one. Important benefits
of virtualization are the cost and the energy saving
achieved by running several lightly loaded machines
as VMs on a single machine (Uhlig et al., 2005). A
further advantage is more robustness because virtual
networks, i.e. networks of VMs, can also include
VMs that check and control the other ones in a trans-
parent way (Dunlap et al., 2002). In the following,
a network of VMs is denoted as an overlay to stress
that it is a logical entity built on top, and at most in-
dependent, of the physical network. Some VMs of
an overlay run the applications and other ones moni-
tor the overlay in an unobtrusive way. Since a VM is
a software entity, the cost of a large number of VMs
may be neglected with respect to that of further phys-
ical machines.
These considerations underlie the definition of
Baiardi F., Maggiari D. and Sgandurra D. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 123-128
DOI: 10.5220/0001430801230128
Virtual Interacting Network CommunIty (Vinci), a
software architecture that exploits virtualization to
share in a secure way a healthcare ICT infrastructure
among users with different requirements and security
levels. Vinci assumes that each physical node runs a
VMM that multiplexes the node among several VMs
and prevents a VM to access information of another
one. The VMs are mapped onto the physical nodes
according to community performance and reliability
requirements and they can be migrated from a node
to another one to better satisfy these requirements.
Vinci introduces a distinct overlay for each commu-
nity, and a further overlay to manage the infrastruc-
ture. A community is a set of users that access the
infrastructure to execute applications, and of services
that these applications exploit. A community is paired
with a global security level that defines the set of users
that can join the community, the applications they can
run and the resources they can access. The adop-
tion of Vinci simplifies the infrastructure manage-
ment, because the VMs of an overlay can be homo-
geneously managed and protected since they have the
same global security levels. This also simplifies the
handling of security requirements, because VMs with
conflicting requirements belongs to distinct overlays.
To increase robustness against attacks, an overlay can
also include VMs dedicated to monitor information
flowing within and to/from other overlays. Distinct
VM templates are defined to minimize the function-
alities of each VM. Communities can cooperate and
exchange information through VMs that belongs to
distinct overlays. Obviously, security checks on in-
formation exchanged among communities are more
severe than those within a community.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 presents the Vinci architecture and discusses
the various VM templates to run user applications,
monitor and manage the overlays. This section also
presents preliminary performance results. Section 3
discusses a simple application of Vinci to a hospital
infrastructure. Section 4 reviews some related works.
Finally, Sect. 5 draws some conclusions.
We assume that the infrastructure architecture is a pri-
vate computer network that spans several locations,
it includes a rather large number of physical nodes,
and it is centrally managed by a set of administrators.
Most of the infrastructure nodes are personal comput-
ers that are only accessed by one person at time and
that some server nodes store shared data and execute
server applications. Furthermore, each node runs a
virtual machine monitor (VMM) to create and man-
age several concurrent virtual machines (VMs).
Vinci exploits the low cost of a VM to choose and
properly configure its operating system (OS) accord-
ing to the applications that the VM runs. This results
in the definition of a set of highly specialized and sim-
ple VM templates that are dynamically instantiated
and connected into overlays. Each overlay includes
VMs that run applications and VMs that support and
monitor the previous ones. While Vinci overlay may
resemble a virtual private network (VPN), an impor-
tant difference lies in the software complexity of a
VM. As a matter of fact, to increase reliability and se-
curity, we minimize the number of applications that a
VM runs and introduce VMs dedicated to apply con-
sistency and security checks.
2.1 Templates, Communities and
To simplify the configuration of VMs and increase the
robustness of each VM by minimizing the software it
runs, Vinci introduces VM templates. In particular,
the following templates are introduced:
1. Application VM: it runs a set of applications on
behalf of a single user, i.e. a doctor or a nurse;
2. Community VM: it manages the private resources
of a community by enforcing a community de-
fined security policy;
3. File System VM: it is shared among overlays to
protect information, i.e. health records, shared
among the corresponding communities. It im-
plements Mandatory Access Control (MAC) and
Multi-Level Security (MLS) policies and a taint-
ing mechanism to prevent illegal information
4. Communication and Control VM: it implements
and monitors private information flows, i.e.
among VMs of the same community, or flows
among communities, i.e. among VMs of distinct
5. Assurance VM: it checks that Application VMs
only run authorized software and that this soft-
ware has not been attacked or affected by a virus;
6. Infrastructure VM: these VMs belong to a distinct
overlay that manages the overall infrastructure.
When the VM is instantiated, the software en-
vironment that it supports is properly configured by
choosing parameters such as the amount of memory,
the OS and the VM applications according to the com-
munity of interest (Huang et al., 2006). This min-
HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics
imizes useless functionalities and increases the VM
resiliency to malicious attacks.
A community is formally defined as a set of users
and of applications having the same security and re-
liability requirements as expressed by the community
policy that defines both the security level of users that
can join a community and the applications that a user
can run. This policy pairs a global security level with
the Application VMs of the overlay supporting the
community. Hence, a community may also be seen
as built around a set of Application VMs with the
same global security level. The number of commu-
nities reflects the distinct classes of users that may
share an ICT infrastructure and the operations they
can execute. As an example, when applying Vinci to
a hospital ICT infrastructure, the following commu-
nities may be introduced: doctor, nurse, administra-
tion, accounting and help desk. However, to increase
the overall security, the community a doctor belongs
to when running a decision support system to access
health records differs from the one she joins to surf
the Internet. Vinci stresses the notion of a community
as a collaborativeenvironmentwhere sharing of infor-
mation among applications does not result in a loss of
security or reliability. To achieve the security and re-
liability that a community requires, the corresponding
overlay includes not only the Application VMs to run
the applications of interest but also distinct VMs to
implement and protect the information flows to/from
other communities and the data shared either within a
community or with other ones.
Application VMs. Each Application VM runs ap-
plications of a single user and is paired with the global
security level inherited from the corresponding com-
munity. In general, this level constrains the resources
and services the Application VM can access. As an
example, Application VMs in the nurse community
overlay can access and update the same information.
Since a user can join distinct communities through
distinct Application VMs, she can access distinct re-
sources/services according to the overlay the corre-
sponding VM belongs to. In Vinci, either a user
chooses the community to join during the login phase
or this community is automatically chosen according
to the applications of interest. When adopting the sec-
ond solution, communitiescan be transparent to users.
Then, the Infrastructure VM of the local node config-
ures and starts up one or several Application VMs to
run the applications of interest and it inserts each Ap-
plication VM into the proper overlay. In this way, on
the same node, a user can concurrently run Applica-
tion VMs that belong to distinct overlays.
In the current prototype, at boot time, an IP ad-
dress is statically assigned to an Application VM.
Both the global and the user security levels are paired
with this address. Since the IP address uniquely deter-
mines the resources the VM and the user can access,
Communication and Control VMs implement proper
checks to detect any attempt of any VM to spoof traf-
fic with the address of another VM.
Community VMs. A Vinci overlay always includes
at least one Community VM to manage and control
files shared within the corresponding community. In
the current prototype, a Community VM protects its
files through MAC and Discretionary Access Control
(DAC) security policies where the subject of the pol-
icy is deduced from the IP address of the requesting
Application VM. To this purpose, we have extended
SELinux and Network File System (NFS) so that the
NFS server enforces a policy where the subject is that
paired with the IP address of the requesting Applica-
tion VM. In more detail, SELinux labeling and access
rules have been extended to introduce a distinct sub-
ject for each Application VM and to define the op-
erations the subject can invoke. The object class of
SELinux network object (node) has been extended to
insert the operations that the server executes on behalf
of the requesting Application VM, i.e. read, write,
create file or directory. A node object is associated
with the IP address of an Application VM to control
the network traffic, i.e. to allow or deny the VM to
exchange data with another VM.
File System VMs. Distinct communities can share
information through a file system implemented by a
File System VM that belongs to the corresponding
overlays. The security policies that this VM enforces
extend those of a Community VM by considering
both the security of a VM and the community each
user belongs to. Furthermore, File System VMs ex-
ploit a Tainting module to prevent the flowing of in-
formation among predefined communities. This mod-
ule increases the robustness with respect to contami-
nation attacks by confining information flows and by
logging actual flows across communities. To this end,
the Tainting module pairs each community and each
file with a set of colours. A set represents the com-
munities that either have interacted through the file
or have exchanged information with the correspond-
ing community. If a user of a community writes into
a file, the set of the community is joined to the file
set. Instead, if a user reads a file, the file set is joined
with that of the user community. For each resulting
set, some forbidden colours may be defined, i.e. the
colours that cannot be paired with a file or a commu-
nity. Anytime a user tries to apply an operation on a
file, the Tainting module computes the resulting sets
paired with, respectively, the file and the community.
If at least one set includes a forbidden colour, then the
operation is forbidden, otherwise it is executed and
the sets paired with, respectively, the file and the com-
munity are updated. In any case, the Tainting mod-
ule logs the operation type, the name of the commu-
nity and of the file and the original and the new sets.
Suppose, as an example, that two communities can-
not exchange any information. In this case, we forbid
the colour of one community in the set of the other
one. Now, if a user U tries to read a file written by
users in the other community, the operation is not ex-
ecuted because the resulting set of U would include
a forbidden colour. Periodically, the Tainting module
parses the log file and updates in an incremental way a
dependency graph (King and Chen, 2005) that repre-
sents the information flows among communities and
files. In the current prototype, the Tainting module
has been inserted into the Linux kernel of File Sys-
tem VMs. By querying this module, an administrator
can discover communities that have exchanged infor-
mation, trace the source of an erroneous or malicious
file update and track all the files/communities contam-
inated by an update.
Communication and Control VMs. A Communi-
cation and Control VM protects and monitors infor-
mation flows by implementing and managing a local
virtual switch that supports communications among
VMs. Communication and Control VMs can be fur-
ther specialized in: (i) Secure Channel VMs, which
create an authenticated and protected communication
channel among VMs of the same overlay that run on
distinct physical nodes interconnected by a low secu-
rity network; (ii) Firewall VMs, which filter informa-
tion flows so that only authorized Application VMs
exchange information with other communities; (iii)
IDS VMs, which monitor information flowing in the
same community or across distinct ones. As an ex-
ample, a Secure Channel VM can be created when
some connections among Application VMs are im-
plemented through a wireless connection in a pub-
lic space or through a network that cannot be trusted
because it is outsourced. Firewall VMs can prevent
communities with low global security levels to com-
municate with those with higher levels to avoid loss
of confidentiality and to check that Application VMs
do not generate fake traffic or attack other VMs. They
also prevent a malicious user in a high security com-
munity to leak information to a low security commu-
nity. Finally, IDS VMs monitor information flows in
the same or in distinct communities to discover at-
tacks from malicious users or external threats.
Assurance VMs. These VMs monitor the VMs of
an overlay that manage critical components or run
critical applications to attest that they have not been
subverted by other VMs or by external threats. As-
surance VMs exemplify the advantages of virtualiza-
tion to build a robust system because they can use
virtual machine introspection (Garfinkel and Rosen-
blum, 2003) to retrieve critical data structures in the
memory of a monitored VM and check that neither
the application nor the OS have been attacked by a
worm or infected by a virus. As an example, an As-
surance VM can discover that the configuration of a
VM has been illegally updated or that it runs malware.
These controls are fully transparent to the software in
the monitored VM.
Infrastructure VMs. Infrastructure VMs configure
and manage the overlays. They have been introduced
to extend the functionalities of the VMM and mini-
mize its size. In particular, they cooperate to moni-
tor the overall infrastructure and update the mapping
of VMs onto physical nodes. Any Infrastructure VM
runs a minimal kernel, it does not run any Internet ser-
vice and the functionalities it implements can only be
directly accessed by the ICT infrastructure adminis-
Vinci introduces one Infrastructure VM per phys-
ical machine. All the Infrastructure VMs belong to a
Management overlay that does not interact with any
other overlay. Infrastructure VMs can: (i) create/kill,
freeze/resume any VM in their node or request the
operation to another Infrastructure VM; (ii) config-
ure a VM through specific parameters according to
the overlay topology, amount of memory, the num-
ber of VCPUs; (iii) retrieve information about the
current VM mapping and the resulting resource us-
age; (iv) update the mapping by migrating VMs; (v)
setup, compile and deliver to each File System and
Community VM the general security policy it has to
enforce. The Management Community migrate VMs
among physical nodes to handle errors and faults, to
reduce the communication latency or to balance the
computational load. A migration requires an interac-
tion among some Communication and Control VMs
to manage the resulting communications topology.
If a high degree of assurance is required, some
nodes of the infrastructure may be equipped with a
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) subsystem (Pearson,
2002) to ensure that a platform has loaded its software
properly and that both the VMM and the Infrastruc-
ture VM of the local node are started in a safe state.
Moreover, the TPM can protect secrets such as the
keys to encrypt traffic among VMs.
HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics
2.2 Performance Results
A preliminary security evaluation of the current pro-
totype shows that Vinci can actually protect an infras-
tructure because, first of all, the adoption of Assur-
ance VMs and introspection results in the detection
of attacks that install in a VM malicious or dangerous
software, such as a rootkit or a Trojan horse, before
such a VM can harm the overall system. The aver-
age overhead due to virtualization is about 5%. In
the current prototype, security checks introduce a fur-
ther overhead that, in general, is lower than 13% of
the execution time even in the case of complex secu-
rity policies. It is worth stressing that our approach is
fully transparent as it does not require to update appli-
cations or OSes so that any user can continue to use
the applications she is familiar with.
Suppose that Vinci is applied to the ICT infrastruc-
ture of a hospital and that this infrastructure is shared
among, at least, the doctor community, the nurse com-
munity and the administrative one. Each community
is paired with a distinct overlay where some VMs
manage the community privateinformation while oth-
ers ones store information shared among the commu-
nities. As an example, users in the doctor commu-
nity can update information in a health record about
prescriptions while those in the nurse community can
read but not update it. Hence, information about pre-
scriptions maybe stored in a database on a File Sys-
tem VM shared among the two overlays. This VM
prevents the nurse community from updating the re-
lations storing prescriptions. Furthermore, by pairing
the prescriptions with a colour that is forbidden for
any other community, the tainting mechanism can be
applied to prevent prescriptions from being transmit-
ted outside the two communities. Lastly, a Firewall
VM can monitor the information flowing from the
doctor community to the nurse one to prevent infor-
mation leakage due to illegal information flow. The
nurse and the doctor communities share other infor-
mation with the administrative community that has to
bill the patient insurances. Again, this can be imple-
mented through File System VMs shared among the
overlays. To simplify the handling of shared informa-
tion, even a large number of File System VMs may
be introduced because of their standard configuration
and low cost. To show a case where a user belongs
to distinct communities, consider a doctor that is the
head of a department. Being a doctor, she belongs
to the doctor community but, because of her adminis-
trative duties, she belongs to an administrative com-
munity as well. Hence, it will use one VM to access
administrative information and another one to access
the health records of her patients. Furthermore, the
doctor community can be further decomposed so that
the community that a doctor joins to run a decision
support system or to access confidential information
about her patient health differs from that she joins
when surfing the Internet. Both the VMs of the cor-
responding overlays run on a standard personal com-
puter and the one that the doctor uses depends upon
the application of interest. The ability of introducing
several VMs at a very low cost makes it possible to se-
lect in a very detailed way the files that can be shared
among communities and those to be encrypted.
Suppose now that the hospital allows the doctors
to connect to the hospital infrastructure from their
homes. This is possible provided that the home com-
puter runs a VM that is configured by the hospital and
that prevents other software, i.e. games or peer-to-
peer software to be run. To further increase the over-
all security, the VM status can be remotely attested
through TPM before allowing it to join an overlay and
Secure Channel VMs can encrypt the information it
exchanges with the hospital infrastructure. Obviously,
users working from home should belong to a further
community and the rights of users in this community,
i.e. the operations they can execute and the data they
can access, are a subset of those the same users have
when connecting from their workplaces.
(Griffin et al., 2005) proposes an architecture that of-
floads computing services into Trusted Virtual Do-
mains, i.e. execution environments that meet a set
of security requirements. Trusted Grid Architec-
ture (L¨ohr et al., 2007) combines Trusted Computing
and virtualization to build a trustworthy architecture
where a user checks that the provider is in a trusted
state before submitting a job. (Sailer et al., 2004) pro-
poses an access control architecture where a Trusted
Programming Modules verifies the client integrity be-
fore the client can access the corporate Intranet. Poly
(Bryant et al., 2003) aims at segregating applications
and networks and at minimizing OSes. It separates
network services onto different systems and it isolates
specific types of network traffic. Vinci shares with
this frameworkthe minimization of OSes and applica-
tions but it introduces distinct overlays for each com-
munity. (Wolinsky and et al., 2006) considers VMs
as sandboxes that simplify the deployment of collab-
orative environments over wide-area networks. With
respect to this framework, Vinci introduces commu-
nities to simplify the management of users with sim-
ilar security and reliability requirements. PlanetLab
(Chun et al., 2003) is a global overlay network that
runs concurrently multiple services in slices, i.e. net-
works of VMs that include some amount of process-
ing, memory, storage and network resources. While
a slice recalls a Vinci overlay, Vinci allocates in a
fairly static way resources of a private infrastructure,
whereas in PlanetLab they are dynamically discov-
ered and allocated in a world wide network. Further-
more, Vinci introduces communities to define flexible
security policies and it exploits hardware-level virtu-
alization rather than OS-level virtualization, to pre-
vent a VM from accessing information of other VMs
in the same node.
Vinci aims at a secure sharing of a healthcare ICT
infrastructure among users with distinct security lev-
els and reliability requirements. It assumes that each
physical node runs a VMM to manage and protect
the infrastructure resources. Vinci also defines sev-
eral VM templates to support the execution of user
applications, the enforcement of consistency checks,
the implementation, the protection and the monitor-
ing of information flows. VMs are connected into
overlays, one for each user community. A community
is defined according to the security and reliability re-
quirements of its users and of their applications. A
further overlay includes the VMs to create and con-
figure the other overlays and map them onto physical
nodes to achieve the required level of reliability and
security. Preliminary performance and security eval-
uations show that Vinci can guarantee high security
of a healthcare ICT infrastructure with an acceptable
overhead. The overhead due to virtualization can be
strongly reduced because multi-core architectures in-
clude a native support for multiplexing. Furthermore,
they can assign a dedicated core to VMs that imple-
ment critical tasks, such as management and protec-
tion of other VMs, so that they are never delayed.
This work was supported by Promostudi and by Fon-
dazione Cassa di Risparmio La Spezia.
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HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics