Chi-Geun Lee, Mun-Sung Han
Electronic and Telecommunication Research Institute, u-Computing service Research Team, Korea
Chang-Seok Bae, Jin-Tae Kim
Electronic and Telecommunication Research Institute, u-Computing service Research Team, Korea
Keywords: Probability Density Function (PDF), Multi-modal recognition, Classifier level Fusion Recognition, Pattern
Abstract: Recently, multi-modal recognition has become a hot topic in the field of Ubiquitous, Speech and gesture
recognition, especially, are the most important modalities of human-to-machine interaction. Although
speech recognition has been explored extensively and successfully developed, it still encounters serious
errors in noisy environments. In such cases, gestures, a by-product of speech, can be used to help interpret
the speech. In this paper, we propose a method of multi-modal fusion recognition of speech-gesture using
integrated discrete probability density function omit estimated by a histogram. The method is tested with a
microphone and a 3-axis accelerator in a real-time experiment. The test has two parts : a method of add-and-
accumulate speech and gesture probability density functions respectively, and a more complicated method
of creating new probability density function from integrating the two PDF’s of speech and gesture.
Computing applications are becoming increasingly
complex and pervasive as exemplified by ubiquitous
microprocessors in every appliances and resulting
feature explosion. Recent technologies like speech
or gesture recognition can make such systems more
natural, easy to use, and robust. With the rapid
advancement of computer software and hardware
technology, the field of human-to-human interface
has been developed. Along with aid of computers,
many researchers and engineers have made
machines user-friendly. The natural combination of
a variety of modalities such as speech, gesture, gaze,
and facial expression makes human-to-human
communication easy, flexible and powerful (Sharma
et al., 1998). Similarly, when interacting with
computer systems, users seem to prefer a
combination of several modes to a single one alone.
Despite the much interest and extensive research
in the last decade, human-to-computer interaction
(HCI) is still at an early stage of development.
Therefore its ultimate goal of building natural
perceptual user interfaces remains a challenging
Two concurrent factors produce awkwardness.
First, the current HCI systems make use of both
rigid rules and syntax over the individual modalities
involved in dialogues. Second, speech and gesture
recognition, gaze tracking and other channels are
isolated because we do not understand how to
integrate them to maximize their joint benefit.
The speech recognition, in particular, needs great
improvements on the robustness and accuracy to
overcome the noisy effect of ambient environment
for commercialization. With growing need and
interest on enhancement of multi-modal fusion
technology, the research for the fusion method of the
various modalities is actively in progress.
The multi-modal fusion method is classified into
features vector level fusion and classifier level
fusion. Feature vector level fusion method has an
advantage of using correlation of the feature data
information of each modality, but it suffers from
computational complexity due to increase of the
number of feature vectors. Another downside of this
method is that it requires a large set of training
information for a robust recognition rate. On the
Lee C., Han M., Bae C. and Kim J. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing, pages 211-215
DOI: 10.5220/0001432402110215
contrary, Classifier fusion method has a key
advantage of simplicity because of recognizers that
are independent, but it has a flaw of its inability to
utilize feature vectors. The simplest form of
classifier fusion method is integrating the weighted
values of two recognition results.
In recent studies, several improvements on
various methods are proposed. Some of the fusion
methods proposed are a method to use each modality
information asynchronously (Alissali et al., 1996), a
method to calculate a suitable weighted value
dynamically according to the confidence of each
modality (Heckmann et al., 2001), (Glotin et al.,
2001), (Ghosh et al., 2001), a method to add new
recognizer in order to combine each recognition
result. The following is the usual procedure for
fusion recognition process: From each modality, the
feature vector is extracted from received input data.
Each recognition score is then estimated by various
recognition algorithms. Finally weighted value is
given to the recognition score of each modality in
order to integrate the modalities (Heckmann et al.,
2001), (Glotin et al., 2001), (Ghosh et al., 2001),
(Kim et al., 2003), (Kwak et al., 2006).
One of the most important problems in the multi-
modal fusion recognition is how to integrate two
modalities. Usually, the number of sample data has
to be large enough to yield an acceptable PDD
(Probability Density Distribution) in order for a
recognition process to be executed on.
In this paper, a discrete probability density
function (PDF) estimated by a histogram for speech-
gesture multimodal fusion is used extensively. The
discrete PDF by histogram is known to produce a
good estimation of a distribution if the number of
samples is sufficient, but the demerit of this
approach is the inherent discontinuity. To avoid this
problem, this paper proposes to use integrated
discrete PDF instead of discrete PDF as it is. In this
way, a reasonable estimation for all value ranges can
be obtained. Furthermore, even in cases that the
number of sample is not sufficiently large, a
reasonable estimation can be obtained.
The proposed method is tested with microphone
and 3-axis accelerator in real-time environment. The
test has two parts: a simple method of add-and-
accumulate speech and gesture probability density
distribution(PDD) separately, and a more
complicated method of creating new probability
density distribution from integrating the two PDD’s
of speech and gesture.
The integrated PDF method that proposed in this
paper had improvement of performance about 3%
compare to the add-and accumulate method.
In section 2, the proposed speech-gesture fusion
recognition system is described. Section 3 explains
the multimodal fusion algorithm using integrated
PDF. Utterance and gesture model list which used in
experiment is explained in section 4. The
experimental result is given in section 5. Finally, we
describe conclusion in section 6.
The Speech-gesture fusion recognition system
architecture that implemented for experiment in this
paper is shown in figure 1 and figure 2.
Figure 1: Multi-modal Fusion system using add-and-
accumulate PDD’s.
Figure 2: Multi-modal Fusion system using integrate
The architecture consists of sensor module,
feature extraction module, independent recognition
module, and fusion recognition module. The sensor
module consists of 3-axis accelerometer and a
microphone in order to obtain the speech and gesture
input data. The feature extraction module is to
extract the feature vector from speech and gesture
input data. Speech feature extraction module is
comprised of the following two modules: Start and
End point Detection module based on the frame
energy, and a feature extraction module based on
Zero-Crossing with Peak Amplitude (ZCPA) and
RelAtive SpecTrAl algorithm (RASTA). The
BIOSIGNALS 2009 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
gesture feature extraction module extracts feature
vectors from accelerometer-based gesture. This
module consists of the following two modules: a
Start Point Detection module based on threshold and
a Feature Extraction module based on velocity
Speech and gesture recognizer trains the feature
vector received from feature extraction module and
recognition process is executed. Fusion recognition
module then calculates the PDF (Probability Density
Function) based on recognition score from the
results of speech and gesture recognition followed
by creating PDF files. The PDF files are given
weighted value to yield the highest fusion
performance. The fusion recognition module is then
executed either by adding each PDD or by creating a
new histogram according to two different PDDs.
In this paper, we calculate the recognition score for
the speech and gesture using recognition result of
each modality. Subsequently, we make histogram
about on speech and gesture using recognition score
respectively, and then, we calculate the each
Probability Density distribution for speech and
gesture using the histogram already created.
Figure 3: Gesture-Speech recognition score & Histogram.
The recognition score means a degree of
confidence in the recognition and we can assume
that the larger the recognition score is, the higher the
degree of confidence is. In each recognition system,
the recognizer decides that the input data is that of
the learned gesture-speech model with highest
recognition score.
Figure 3 shows the distribution of the recognition
scores for each recognition system. The distributions
are histograms of recognition scores that are
normalized such that the sum of all bins equals 1.
3.1 Probability Density &
Fusion Recognition Algorithm
In this paper, we propose to use an integrated
discrete probability density function for Speech-
gesture fusion recognition. When a certain random
variable cannot be modeled efficiently by well-
known probability density function, integrated
discrete PDF is an effective alternate method to
estimate. With the advantage of its simplicity and
adoptability, the histogram method yields a
reasonable estimate of the original PDF only if there
is sufficient number of samples (Heckmann et al.,
2001). In our experiment, accumulated and
integrated methods of discrete PDF have been
compared to show the integrated method is indeed
Accumulated discrete PDF is an accumulation of
the discrete PDF by the following equation.
)()( (1)
In the above equation,
)( XH
histograms that are created by recognition score for
each Speech and Gesture class. N is the number of
bins in the histogram.
accumulated discrete PDF for Speech and Gesture
classes respectively.
is the probability of
recognition score that belongs to speech class and
)( XP
is of gesture class. Each value ranges from 0
to 1 and is normalized so that same value means
same degree of confidence in recognition systems.
In this paper, we implemented accumulated
discrete PDF system first. For the Speech-gesture
fusion recognition, we add two PDFs,
from each recognition system.
The following equation is speech-gesture fusion
method used in accumulated discrete PDF system.
When a recognition score
from speech
recognition system and
from gesture recognition
system are present, the fusion probability F is,
)( XP
are accumulated discrete
PDFs for speech and Gesture recognition systems
is the weighting factor to yield
higher performance of fusion recognition system.
As the Second method that proposed in this
paper, we can present following equation based on
the equations (1)(2)(3) for the integrated discrete
)()( (4)
is integrated discrete probability
density function for speech and gesture.
is a
histogram obtained from recognition score for the
speech and gesture class. N is the number of bins in
the histogram.
In this paper, we define 19 kinds of speech and
natural gestures model separately, which is happen
in daily life concurrently.
Figure 4: Gesture model.
For the define of gesture and speech model, we
selected general speech and symbolic gesture such
as grab, release, open, close, come here, bye, up,
down, right, left, hot, cold, sweat, etc.
Figure 4 is shown that gesture model which for
experiment in this paper.
Initially, we analyze the two modalities, namely
speech and body gesture separately. Two modalities
are asynchronous but temporally correlated. For our
concurrent speech and body gesture, classifier fusion
method is the most common way of integrating such
modalities (Glotin et al., 2001). We have
experimented speech-gesture fusion recognition
systems with 19 utterance and gesture.
The test has two parts : a method of add-and-
accumulate speech and gesture probability density
functions separately, and a more complicated
method of creating new probability density function
from integrating the two PDF’s of speech and
gesture. Test is executed in real time in a noisy
environment, and it tested with the speaker-
dependent method.
Speech and gesture feature is extracted by using
zero-crossing with peak amplitude and delta values
between start and end point of gesture. The
experimental data set is collected with a microphone
and 3-axis accelerator. Data corpus consists of 200
units per each speech and gestures. 150 training
units are used, and 50 units are used as test data.
Table 1: Comparison of fusion recognition rate according
to fusion methods.
Clean 96.4 98.6
5dB 94.0 97.0
0dB 81.4 85.2
-5dB 64.8 69.6
Table 1 shows the performance for the two
fusion recognition system according to fusion
methods. As shown in table 1, our system has some
improvements on fusion recognition rate in various
noisy environments compared with accumulated
PDF fusion method. If the number of sample data or
modalities were increased, the fusion recognition
performance will be more improved because of the
characteristics of probability density function.
Therefore, the result of this experiment
demonstrates that our fusion method is more
efficient than the accumulated PDF fusion method.
Multi-modal fusion recognition has been tried by
many studies to compensate poor performance in
recognition rate of speech in a noisy condition.
Especially, Speech and gesture are the most
important modalities of human to machine
interaction. For the Multi-modal fusion recognition,
it is essential to use efficient integration method.
In this paper, we proposed the new method that
integrates the Probability Density Function. Our
experiment has shown that the fusion recognition
BIOSIGNALS 2009 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
performance is improved by using the integrated
PDF compared to the legacy accumulated PDF
method. We expect that our proposed method is
useful in the classifier level fusion recognition area.
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