three-electrode method of detecting the acupoint sig-
nal has the advantage of good operability and high
signal accuracy. The signal captured was affected by
skin moisture and electrode contact pressure. In order
to reduce the impact of test environment, we keep the
same test condition on every volunteer.
Figure 1: Acupoint signal measuring method using three-
The stimulation signal was a sequence of pseudo-
random current signal produced by a computer. This
signal is shown in figure 2.
Figure 2: The stimulation signal fed to acupoints.
In this experiment, the pseudo-random currents
through two electrodes stimulate acupoint 1 and acu-
point n of the measured meridian. Then detecting
electrode was used to measure the response of acu-
point m located in between acupoint 1 and acupoint
n. The outputs of the measured acupoints were trans-
ferred through a current/voltage conversion circuit
then sampled by an analog / digital convertor. The
sampled signals were sent to the computer for fur-
ther processing. There were 20 healthy volunteers ac-
cepted the test. Before the test, the volunteers were
relaxed to avoid the strenuous disturbance. Based on
the theory of Chinese medicine, there are 11 acupoints
in the Lung Channel of Hand-Taiyin. In this experi-
ment, the stimulating acupoints are Tianfu (LU 3) and
Taiyuan (LU 9) which is considered as the ground, the
detecting acupoints are Xiabai(LU 4), Chize (LU 5),
Kongzui (LU 6), Lieque (LU 7) and Jinqu (LU 8) re-
spectively. The Pericardium Channel of Hand-Jueyin
includes a total of 9 acupoints. In the experiment,
Tianquan (PC 2) and Laogong (PC 8) are respectively
the stimulating point and ground. The detecting acu-
points are respectively Quze (PC 3), Ximen (PC 4),
Jianshi (PC 5), Neiguan (PC 6), and Daling (PC 7).
To test the signal of non-acupoint, five contrast points
of non-acupoints are selected. All the acupoints and
non-acupoints used for experiment in this paper are
shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: The acupoints of LU, PC and non-acupoints.
Due to the limited space, we only illustrate one
of the measuring results of the responses of acupoints
and non-acupoints here. The response measured from
acupoint Chize (LU 5) is shown in Figure 4. On the
other hand, the corresponding response of the non-
acpoint 1 which is 3cm away from acupoint Chize
(LU 5) is illustrated in Figure 5. The purpose of this
investigation is to look for some differences between
the meridian system and the contrast tissue around the
meridian. From figures 4 and 5, it can be seen that
there are some differences between the responses of
the acupoint and that of the non-acupoint. In our pre-
vious works, we have applied technique of wavelet
transform to the derived signals to find the different
characteristic of those two kinds of signals. In the fol-
lowing, we will analyze the AMRA model parameters
of the acupoint signals and contrastive non-acupoint
According to the theory of Chinese medicine, the
meridian system contains different channels. There
are several acupoints distributed in each channel. Nat-
urally, it motivates us to investigate the characteristic
of these channels when electric signals pass by. In
this section, the auto-regressive and moving average
(ARMA) model is utilized to describe the dynamic
features of the meridian channels. It is known that
the autoregressive part of the ARMA model with a
BIODEVICES 2009 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices