imin Wang
, Yonghong Tan
School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi’an, 710071, China
Miyong Su
College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, 201814, China
System identification, Modeling, Meridian systems, Acupuncture points.
In this paper, the auto-regressive and moving average (ARMA) models are constructed for the meridian chan-
nels based on the measuring data obtained from the acupoints in the Lung Channel of Hand-Taiyin (LU),
the Pericardium Channel of Hand-Jueyin (PC). For comparison, the ARMA models for the contrastive non-
acupoints around the measured acupoints are also obtained. Then, the analysis based on the zeros-poles
distribution of the obtained models is implemented.
With the development of the research in the tradi-
tional Chinese medicine, many research reports had
shown great interest in the acupuncture-therapy. It
has been found that the acupuncture points (for ab-
breviation, we call them as acupoints) are distributed
in the meridian system of the human body. Moreover,
meridian system is an independent system which ex-
ists in parallel with neural systems and blood circu-
lation systems. The acupuncture points distributed
in the meridian system possesses many distinctive
ways for transferring signals and processing infor-
mation including electrical information (J. Julia and
FACOG, 1998). Moreover, the experimental results
have shown that the meridian system is an optimum
path for transferring information and works with a
close relation to the cerebral cortex and whole neu-
ral systems.
So far, the investigations on the meridian system
for acupuncture points are mainly concentrated on
the measurement of the resistance and potential, ca-
pacitance and conductivity distribution between acu-
points (F. III John and Erlichman, 2005; Yang, 1997;
W.Zhang and Zhu, 1999). However the research
on the features as the electrical signal transmission
through the meridian system with acupuncture points
has seldom been involved. Motivated by the phe-
nomenon that the meridian system is an optimum path
for transferring information, in this paper, we use a
sequence of pseudo-random signal to stimulate the
Lung Channel of the Hand-Taiyin (LU) and the Peri-
cardium Channel of the Hand-Jueyin (PC). Then the
corresponding responses of the acupoints on those
channels are measured. Based on the obtained data,
the corresponding ARMA models are constructed by
using least squares algorithm. Those derived ARMA
models can be used to analysis the static and dynamic
characteristics of the meridian channels.
The paper is organized as follows. Section II
describes the experimental configuration for electric
stimulation and measurement of the corresponding re-
sponses of the acupoints and non-acupoints. Then the
AMRA models obtained based on measured data are
illustrated in Section III. In Section IV, the conclusion
will be given.
In this paper, a method based on three detecting elec-
trodes is used to measure the stimulation and the
corresponding response of the acupuncture points on
meridian systems. The architecture of the measure-
ment for meridian signal is shown in figure 1. The
Wang Z., Tan Y. and Su M. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices, pages 167-172
DOI: 10.5220/0001433001670172
three-electrode method of detecting the acupoint sig-
nal has the advantage of good operability and high
signal accuracy. The signal captured was affected by
skin moisture and electrode contact pressure. In order
to reduce the impact of test environment, we keep the
same test condition on every volunteer.
Figure 1: Acupoint signal measuring method using three-
The stimulation signal was a sequence of pseudo-
random current signal produced by a computer. This
signal is shown in figure 2.
Figure 2: The stimulation signal fed to acupoints.
In this experiment, the pseudo-random currents
through two electrodes stimulate acupoint 1 and acu-
point n of the measured meridian. Then detecting
electrode was used to measure the response of acu-
point m located in between acupoint 1 and acupoint
n. The outputs of the measured acupoints were trans-
ferred through a current/voltage conversion circuit
then sampled by an analog / digital convertor. The
sampled signals were sent to the computer for fur-
ther processing. There were 20 healthy volunteers ac-
cepted the test. Before the test, the volunteers were
relaxed to avoid the strenuous disturbance. Based on
the theory of Chinese medicine, there are 11 acupoints
in the Lung Channel of Hand-Taiyin. In this experi-
ment, the stimulating acupoints are Tianfu (LU 3) and
Taiyuan (LU 9) which is considered as the ground, the
detecting acupoints are Xiabai(LU 4), Chize (LU 5),
Kongzui (LU 6), Lieque (LU 7) and Jinqu (LU 8) re-
spectively. The Pericardium Channel of Hand-Jueyin
includes a total of 9 acupoints. In the experiment,
Tianquan (PC 2) and Laogong (PC 8) are respectively
the stimulating point and ground. The detecting acu-
points are respectively Quze (PC 3), Ximen (PC 4),
Jianshi (PC 5), Neiguan (PC 6), and Daling (PC 7).
To test the signal of non-acupoint, ve contrast points
of non-acupoints are selected. All the acupoints and
non-acupoints used for experiment in this paper are
shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: The acupoints of LU, PC and non-acupoints.
Due to the limited space, we only illustrate one
of the measuring results of the responses of acupoints
and non-acupoints here. The response measured from
acupoint Chize (LU 5) is shown in Figure 4. On the
other hand, the corresponding response of the non-
acpoint 1 which is 3cm away from acupoint Chize
(LU 5) is illustrated in Figure 5. The purpose of this
investigation is to look for some differences between
the meridian system and the contrast tissue around the
meridian. From figures 4 and 5, it can be seen that
there are some differences between the responses of
the acupoint and that of the non-acupoint. In our pre-
vious works, we have applied technique of wavelet
transform to the derived signals to find the different
characteristic of those two kinds of signals. In the fol-
lowing, we will analyze the AMRA model parameters
of the acupoint signals and contrastive non-acupoint
According to the theory of Chinese medicine, the
meridian system contains different channels. There
are several acupoints distributed in each channel. Nat-
urally, it motivates us to investigate the characteristic
of these channels when electric signals pass by. In
this section, the auto-regressive and moving average
(ARMA) model is utilized to describe the dynamic
features of the meridian channels. It is known that
the autoregressive part of the ARMA model with a
BIODEVICES 2009 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
non-trivial denominator polynomial A(z) (’all-pole’
model) is very appropriate to describe spectra with
high and narrow peaks (Korosec, 2000), each sharp
spectrum peak corresponds to the pole located close
to unit circle at certain frequency.
Figure 4: The response of acupoint Chize (LU 5).
Figure 5: The response of non-acupoint 1.
The moving average part of the model is that,
for which a numerator polynomial B(z) exists. Pre-
dominant features of their spectra are valleys’, cor-
responding to the 0 near the unit circle at the spe-
cific frequencies. On many occasions, a series is
not exclusively fitted to one model, but rather various
models may equally well fit the series (I. Rojasa and
M.Pasadasb, 2007; Hwang, 2001). If we follow the
norms of Box and Jenkins, the model chosen is nearly
always the simplest one, i.e. that involving the fewest
terms (GEP Box and Reinsel, 1994). The ARMA
model used to describe the dynamic behaviour of the
meridian channels is described by
y(t) + a
y(t 1) + ... + a
y(t n
= b
u(t 1) + ... + b
u(t n
+ 1) + e(t) (1)
where y(t) is the output at time t, n
and n
orders of the polynomials A(z
) = 1 + a
+ +
and B(z
) = b
+ + b
, and e(t) is
the white-noise disturbance value. To determine the
orders of the ARMA model, the Akaike Information
Criterion (AIC) (Akaike, 1969) to perform a relative
comparison of models with different structures is ap-
pled. Smaller value of AIC indicates a better model.
Figure 6: Order identification for acupoint signal using
By comparing the AIC values between the differ-
ent orders of ARMA model, finally na and nb, are
respectively set to na=5 and nb=4 for the model to de-
scribe the behaviour of the transmission channel be-
tween acupoints Tianfu (LU3) and Chize (LU 5).
Figure 7 demonstrates the model validation re-
sult of the channel between acupoints Tianfu (LU3)
and Chize (LU 5). Figure 8 shows the correspond-
ing model residual. It can be seen that the obtained
model can describe the dynamic characteristic of the
measured meridian channel quite well.
Figure 7: Model validation result of the model.
The identified model coefficients are illustrated in
Table 1. Based on the obtained model, the corre-
sponding poles-zeros distribution chart is shown in
Figures 9. We can see that this channel is a sta-
ble system since all the poles are located within the
unit circle. However, the response of this channel
may demonstrates some oscillation since the complex
poles are included in this model.
For comparison, the measured point 3cm away
from acupoint Chize (LU5) is defined as non-acupoint
Figure 8: Residual of the obtained model.
Figure 9: Poles and zeroes of the model for the channel
between LU3 and LU5.
Figure 10: Poles and zeroes of the model for the channel
between LU3 and non-acupoint 1.
1. The measured data from this point is also used
to identify the model between the stimulated point
(LU3) and non-acupoint 1. The identification proce-
dure is similar to what has been shown-above. The
obtained model parameters can also be seen in Table
Figure 10 shows the corresponding zeros and
poles distribution chart of the model to describe the
dynamic feature beyween the stimulation point LU3
and the non-acupoint 1.
From Figures 9 and 10, we note that the models,
which respectively to describe the behaviour of the
channels on the meridian system and non-meridian
system, have shown quite different characteristics.
We also identify the channel between the stimu-
lation point LU3 and the measured acupoint Xiabai
(LU4) with an ARMA model. The corresponding
zeros-poles distribution chart is shown in Figure 11.
By comparing with Figure 9, it is seen that the model
between LU 3 and LU5 and the model between LU3
and LU4 have the rather similar zeros- poles distribu-
Moreover, the locations of zeros-poles shown in
Figure 11 are also rather different from those shown
in Figure 10.
Figure 11: Poles and zeroes of the model between LU3 and
acupoint Xiabai.
The zeros-poles distribution charts of the model of
the channel between Tianquan (PC 2) and Quze (PC
3), as well as the model of the channel between Tian-
quan (PC 2) and Ximen (PC 4) are shown in Figures
12 and 13.
Figure 12: Poles and zeroes of the model for the channel
between PC2 and PC4.
Moreover, the zeros-poles distribution chart of the
model between Tianquan (PC 2) and non-acupoint 5
is illustrated in Figure 14.
From the zeros-poles distribution charts shown-
above, we know that there exist some differences be-
tween the models on the meridian channels and the
BIODEVICES 2009 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
Figure 13: Poles and zeroes of the model for the channel
between PC2 and PC5.
Figure 14: Poles and zeroes of the model between PC2 and
non-acupoint 5.
models on non-acupoints.
The obtained models can also demonstrate the dy-
namic performance of the meridian channels when
electric signals pass through. Based on the obtained
models, one can further analyze the characteristic of
the meridian systems. Especially, they would be a po-
tential ways when we intend to use them for disease
diagnosis and treatment.
Table 1: The comparison of the ARMA parameters between
acupoint and contrast non-acupoint signal.
ARMA Acupoint Non-Acupoint
Parameters signals signals
a1 -0.3819 -0.2639
a2 -0.0800 -0.4880
a3 -0.0490 -0.0687
a4 -0.0175 0.0043
a5 -0.0046 0.0131
b0 1.1158 1.2334
b1 -0.3857 -0.1057
b2 -0.0526 -0.5601
b3 -0.0721 -0.1239
In this paper, based on the electric-stimulation, the
signal characteristics of the meridian system in the
human body are presented. Based on the measured
data, the corresponding ARMA models for the merid-
ian channels between the stimulating points and the
measured acupoints are constructed. Then models be-
tween the stimulating points and the measured non-
acupoints are also identified in order to make compar-
According to the zeros-poles charts of the ob-
tained models, we can see some difference existing
in the meridian channel models and the non-accupoint
models. Some similarity seems to be observed among
the meridian channel models.
Those phenomenamay havesome potential to find
a new way for disease diagnosis and treatment.
However, what we present in this paper is just a
primal investigation. The further research should be
implemented to see more details of the meridian sys-
This research is partially supported by Guangxi Sci-
ence Foundation (GXSF Grant No.: 0728210) and
Guilin University of Electronic Technology Research
Foundation (Z20507).
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BIODEVICES 2009 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices