for the experiment. We use a series of optics to pre-
pare the polarisations before splitting the circular po-
larised light with a 50:50 beam splitter into the in-
terferometer. It is here we obtain the σ
terms as
displayed in figure 1. Before entering the vapour cell
one of the beams is attenuated with a neutral density
filter (ND filter), making it into our weak probe beam.
Two solenoids surround the vapour cell within
three layers of µ-metal shielding. These are driven by
an arbitrary signal generator. The first (modulation)
solenoid is driven with a square wave correspond-
ing to approximately 1nT of between 250-300KHz,
which is used as the reference for the signal recovery
lock-in amplifier. The second solenoid is also con-
nected to the arbitrary signal generator and is driven
with a sine wave with frequencies between 2-8Hz.
The human heart has a frequency range of 1-1.67Hz,
with higher frequency components.
The raw signal is collected via a photodiode and
then connected to the input of the signal recovery
lock-in amplifier. The lock-in amplifier allows very
small signals to be extracted from the large amounts
of noise, using this system we have gained sensitiv-
ities in the range of a fetal heart beat. An example
of test data taken using a simulated heartbeat is dis-
played in figure 5.
Figure 5: A sceen dump of data take on the experiment.
The centre trace is the raw input signal, a simulated QRS,
the lower trace is the raw data from the photodiode and the
upper trace is the 20 trace avarage.
With current data we can measure magnetic fields of
the order of a fetal heart beat. The experiment is
still at a very early stage of development, therefore
the current data acquisition method is not suitable for
clinical applications. However even at this stage the
experiment has shown a great deal of promise as a
potential MCG device. We expect, with some calibra-
tion, to obtain at least femtotelsa sensitivities (Fleis-
chhauer and Scully, 1994), with the possibility of us-
ing more optical fibres and replacing the modulation
solenoid with an alternative scheme such as an acous-
tic or electro-optic modulator (AOM/EOM). These
improvements will move this research closer to being
a competitive device for performing clinical MCG tri-
This work is funded by an EPSRC DTA.
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BIODEVICES 2009 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices