We make the formal verification of our interac-
tion protocols with timed automatas realized with UP-
PAAL (Bengtsson et al., 1995). For example dead-
lock verification can be checked , as the fact that it is
always possible for the agents to reach the last state
of the protocol.
This paper introduced and addressed the empty mail-
box problem presenting its causes, and particularly
the faults related to the specificities of MAS. After
this, the paper focused on the adaptation from an ex-
isting low level handler used into distributed systems
to our generic handler that fits agents knowledge level
and then presents the handled faults and the prospects
about the handling of permanent faults.
In future work the authors will investigate the di-
agnosis possibilities for the agents using the resend
method. As it was underlined in the paper, the agent
sending a resend message and the agent receiving it
have a partial view of the situation. The possibility of
diagnosis depends a lot on the state of the agent when
it receives the resend message.
A lot of work has also to be done with regard to the
effectiveness of fault tolerance methods, usually used
for distributed systems, to MAS. Particularly, since
MAS are compound with a low level entity (the plat-
form) and high level entities (the agents), the shar-
ing of the fault tolerance among the platform and the
agents must be defined precisely to eventually allow
the adaptation of other handlers to the agents.
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ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence