Steven Mannheimer, Mexhid Ferati, Donald Huckleberry and Mathew Palakal
Indiana University School of Informatics
535 West Michigan Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46202
Keywords: Audeme, sound, Blind and visually impaired, Children, Cognitive long-term memory, Education.
Abstract: In this paper we demonstrate the utility of short, nonverbal sound symbols—called “audemes”—in the
encoding and recalling of text-based educational materials. In weekly meetings over a school year with
blind and visually impaired pre-college students, we explored their capacity for long-term memory of
individual audemes, audeme sequences, and textual content presented in conjunction with these. Through
interviews and group discussions, we also explored the ability of these students to create intuitive narratives
enabling memory of complex audemes and series of audemes. Further, we explored the mnemonic power of
positive affect in audemes, and the impact of thematic association of information-to-audeme. Our results
showed that the use of audemes can improve encoding and recall of educational content in the visually
impaired population. The ultimate goal of our work is implementation of an “acoustic interface” allowing
users to access a database of audemes and associated text-to-speech content.
In recent years, the proliferation of primarily visual,
screen-based information technologies has
accentuated the difficulties of the blind and visually
impaired in education. Although “screen readers”
(text-to-speech) applications are widely available,
their use is tedious and affect-less. Very little
research or development work has exploited the
capacious human memory for everyday noises,
music and other cognitively rich, non-verbal sounds,
and almost none has addressed complex sound
combinations. Advances in digital technologies have
made sound recording and reproduction very easy,
but little work has been done before now to explore
the mnemonic or semantic power of nonverbal
sound and its potential use in informational systems.
(Turnbull et al, 2006).
The preliminary hypothesis of our research
project is that short nonverbal acoustic symbols,
called audemes (to suggest an auditory lexeme and
phoneme) can serve as substitutes for visual
labels/icons to improve computer access to
educational material for visually impaired users.
An audeme is a crafted audio track, generally in
the 3-6 second range, used to signify and cue
memory about a theme and/or text. Audemes
comprise combinations of 1) the iconic sounds made
by natural and/or manufactured things (e.g. rain on
the pavement, car ignition); 2) abstract synthesized
sounds (e.g. buzzes, blips); 3) music; and 4)
occasional snippets of language gleaned from songs
(e.g. I’ve Been Working on the Railroad). In our
work with the students from the Indiana School for
the Blind and Visually Impaired (ISBVI) we found
that audemes work best when combining at least 2
but no more than 5 individual sounds. We also found
that nearly all iconic sounds could be recognized
quickly, in 2 seconds or less. This let us construct
relatively complex audemes containing 2-5 sounds
in sequence and/or simultaneous layers, to convey
relatively complex significations. For example, an
audeme for the American Civil War contained
snippets of the Battle Hymn of the Republic and
Dixie, staggered but overlapping and conflicting,
followed by the sound of rifle and cannon fire, all
combined in a 5-second audeme. Audeme design
was best approached through a dialogue between
designers and users to determine the most effective
combination of sound elements to best represent a
target theme. As our work evolved, we came to
understand the components of an effective audeme
to include acoustic uniqueness (one audeme is not
easily confused with another), thematic relevance
(the audeme contains music or sounds easily
associated with the theme) and emotional quality.
Mannheimer S., Ferati M., Huckleberry D. and Palakal M. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 175-180
DOI: 10.5220/0001532801750180
We also noted the semantic flexibility of many
audemes and sequences, i.e. that they could suggest
a range of possible interpretations depending on
surrounding audemes or explicit context. This
flexibility produced much of the “fun factor” for our
student subjects. They enjoyed generating internal
narratives that could explain audemes or audeme
sequence and competed to offer ingenious
We collaborated with the staff and students of
the ISBVI, enrolling a variable cohort of
approximately 20 students. In our initial studies,
they were divided into three groups: two groups
heard informative essays with a thematically related
audeme, while the control group heard the same
essay without the audeme. In tests conducted two
weeks later one group was tested on this essay while
hearing the audeme; two other groups were tested
without the audeme. This same test structure was
repeated three times with three distinct audemes and
three separate essays. In each of the three tests the
group that heard the audeme with the essay and also
during the test showed the greatest improvement in
recalling the information. The group that heard the
audeme during encoding but not during testing also
showed superior results over the control group,
which never heard the audeme. We conclude that the
use of audemes improves the participants’ abilities
for the functions of both encoding and cuing
memory of information.
Foundational work in psychoacoustics (Back, 1996)
raised questions about how speech and non-speech
stimuli earned long-term memory. With the advent
of the personal computer, the Graphical User
Interface (GUI) and mouse navigation in the 1980s,
important work in the development of acoustic or
auditory interfaces was performed in the late 1980s
by researchers such as W. Gaver (Gaver, 1989), S.
Brewster (Brewster, 1994), M. Blattner (Blattner et
al, 1989), A. Edwards (Edwards, 1989) and others.
Most of this concerned auditory enhancements to
GUIs. Researchers predicted that sound-based
interfaces could be useful for the blind or in “eyes
free” contexts such as driving (Edwards,
1989)(Stevens and Brewster, 1994).
Smither (Smither, 1993) and Brewster (Brewster,
1994) agreed that natural speech is more readily
understood and remembered than synthesized. Some
explored the relative value of abstract sound
(buzzes, beeps, et al.) or earcons (Blattner at al,
1989), vs. natural sounds or acoustic icons (e.g., the
sound of rain). Gaver (Gaver, 1989) suggested that
natural/iconic sounds are both more long-lasting in
memory and better able to conjure a range or depth
of content associations. Conversy (Conversy, 1998)
suggested that it is possible to synthesize abstract
sounds for natural phenomena such as speed, waves
or wind, and these will fully convey meaning. Back
and Des (Back and Des, 1996) report that popular
media have had a strong influence on how we expect
the natural world to sound. Mynatt reports that a
recorded sound must fit the mental model we have
for that sound: “Thus, thunder must crack, boom, or
roll…listeners will reject any of the myriad of other
sounds made by thunder or seagulls as not
authentic.” (Mynatt, 1994) Some researchers believe
that a judicious mix of all types of sound cues may
be the best way to proceed (Frohlich and Pucher,
Studies have demonstrated that sound can be a
powerful catalyst to memory (Sanchez and Flores,
2004). Some studies involved visually impaired
students (Doucet et al, 2004) and generally report
higher mnemonic performance than sighted students
(Sanchez and Jorquera, 2001). A few of these
studies have highlighted learning and short-term
memory (Sanchez and Flores, 2004). We are not
aware of studies of acoustic enhancement of long-
term memory. This study helps to fill this gap.
3.1 Experimental Environment
3.1.1 Audemes
Audemes are short sound combinations,
approximately 3-6 seconds, of sound icons or
effects, music and abstract sounds, with occasional
song lyrics or, rarely, recorded speech. We
constructed our audemes with commercial sound
effects libraries and Soundtrack Pro software. We
established meanings for our audemes initially
through discussion with our subjects and then
through researchers using their own best judgment.
For the three initial tests we created audemes for
“Radio,” “Slavery” and “US Constitution.” The
“Radio” audeme was the sound of a radio dial being
twisted through stations. The “Slavery” audeme
combined a short passage of a choir singing “Swing
Low, Sweet Chariot” followed by the sound of a
whip crack. The “US Constitution” audeme
combined the sound of a gavel (symbolizing courts),
the sound of quill pen writing and the Star Spangled
Banner. We also created three thematically
HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics
appropriate essays, each approximately 500 words,
from Web-based source.
3.1.2 Participants
We conducted weekly, one-hour sessions with
approximately 20 students from the Indiana School
for the Blind and Visually Impaired (ISBVI).
Students were of different ages, ranging from 9 to 17
years old; 11 of them were completely blind, and 9
were partially blind. External commitments meant
the number of weekly participants fluctuated
between 15-20. For their recruitment, consent of the
school and their parents was granted. They were
randomly recruited based on their willingness to
participate and subject to the ISBVI staff’s approval.
3.2 Experiment 1
Students were divided into three groups, carefully
selected by ISBVI staff to ensure a balance of age,
learning abilities, and level of visual impairment.
Group I was the control group, while Group II and
Group III were the experimental groups. A multiple-
choice pretest of the yet-to-be-heard thematic essay
was conducted with all groups to establish a baseline
of their existing knowledge of the themes. The
pretest contained 10 questions derived from the
lecture and these were printed in Braille or large-
print sheets. All three groups took the same test in
the same classroom with no talking during testing.
Afterwards, Group I was moved to a separate
classroom; Groups II and III remained together.
Group I (the control group) listened to a reading or
text-to-speech rendition of the associated essay
without any audemes being played. Group II and III
listened to the same lecture with the relevant audeme
played between each paragraph of the text, resulting
in the same audeme being played 8-10 times for
each essay. Two weeks after each initial session, a
posttest was given. This test contained the questions
from the pretest in randomized order and with three
new questions serving as statistical noise. All
questions were read aloud by researchers. Group I
and II took the posttest without hearing the audeme,
while Group III heard the audeme played before and
after each of the test questions. This allowed
researchers to track how well students remember the
lecture by itself after two week (Group I); if
audemes enhanced encoding (Group II); and how
well the audemes enhanced both encoding and recall
(Group III).
Table 1 demonstrates that exposure to audemes
in conjunction with text increased encoding and
recollection of associated content. For Radio
content, Group III showed a 52% increase in tested
knowledge (from 4.2 correct answers to 6.4),
factored against the pre-knowledge. For US
Constitution, Group III showed a 65% increase
(from 3.3 correct answers in pre-test to 5.50 correct
in post-test). For Slavery, Group III showed an 80%
increase (from 3.75 correct in pre-test to 6.75 correct
in post-test). Group II showed a 38% increase in
knowledge for Radio (from 4.2 to 5.80 correct); and
a 16% increase for US Constitution (from 5.16 to
6.00 correct) and a 12% increase for Slavery (6.25 to
7.00). Group I, the control group, demonstrated a
47% increase in knowledge for Radio (3.40 to 5.00),
then a 3.6% decrease in knowledge for US
Constitution (4.67 to 4.50); and a 20% increase for
Slavery (5.00 to 6.00).
Table 1: Results for all groups.
Figure 1: Cumulative improvement for each group.
3.2.1 Data Analysis
The statistical analysis of the data began by
computing the difference between the pretest and
posttest scores for each participant. Afterwards, we
analyzed those differences in a One-Way ANOVA.
This difference was called Gain.
Gain = posttest – pretest
Table 2: Anova.
The p-value is .001 (p<.05), which means that there
is significant difference in the level of improvement
among the three groups.
3.3 Experiment 2
We then tested audeme sequences. Participants
heard three distinct sequences named C (Charlie), D
(Daniel), and E (Edward). Each sequence contained
6 audemes. The participants were asked to memorize
the individual audemes, their order and their
sequence identity. Through earlier interviews with
the students we learned they can devise sequential
narratives to encode 3, 4 or 5 previously unheard
audemes. Students reported that six audeme
sequences were difficult to narrate this way. As
such, we decided to use six-audeme sequences to
explore the possibility that students’ memory might
work in smaller “chunks” within longer, less easily
encoded sequences. We first named and played the
three audeme sequences separately for the students.
One week later we played various shuffled mixtures
of 3-6 audemes drawn from all three original
sequences. We asked students to decide which of
the original sequences (C, D or E) each shuffled
sequence most strongly resembled.
We begin this experiment with four hypotheses
in mind:
H1: Majority should win. For example, in the test
sequence E5-D2-E4-E3, students should identify this
shuffled sequence as most resembling original
audeme sequence E.
H2: Audemes from the first (C1, D1, E1) and last
(C6, D6, E6) positions in original sequences should
disproportionately impact resemblance of a shuffled
sequence to an original.
H3: Audemes given first (e.g., E4 in E4-D4-C4)
or last (e.g. C4 in E4-D4-C4) position in a shuffled
sequence should disproportionately impact
resemblance of a shuffled sequence to an original.
H4: Consecutive audeme “chunks” (e.g., C3-4-5
in shuffled D5-C3-4-5-D4-2), should
disproportionately impact resemblance to an original
audeme sequence.
3.3.1 Testing for Majority
In the Majority test we tracked students’
identification of resemblance between a shuffled test
sequence and one of the three original sequences
when a majority of the test audemes had been taken
from that original sequence. We used a total of nine
new audeme sequences devised from the original
audeme sequences (C, D, and E) to test for Majority.
Figure 2: Majority test results.
Figure 2 shows the mean of 9.78 (variance =
1.694; stdev = 1.302) against 4.22 (variance = 1.694;
stdev = 1.302) in favor of Majority. This means that
69.85% of the time participants identified
resemblance of a test sequence to a given original
sequence when a majority of audemes in the test
sequence were taken from that original audeme
sequence, against 30.14% for other cases.
3.3.2 Test for Original Position
The Original Position test tracks the relative
influence of the First and/or Last audemes in an
original sequence on students’ ability to identify
resemblance between original and test sequences.
We used a total of nine new audeme sequences
devised from the original audeme sequences to test
for Original Position.
Figure 3: Original Position results.
Figure 3 shows the mean of 6.2 (variance = 7.2;
stdev = 2.683) or 44.28% in favor of the First
HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics
position against Middle position with mean 4.00
(variance = 3.5; stdev = 1.871) or 28.57% and Last
position with mean 4.2 (variance = 3.511; stdev =
1.874) or 30%. This shows that the First position had
the greatest impact on students’ sense of
resemblence between original and test sequences,
and suggests a string impact on encoding sequence
3.3.3 Test for Test Position
The Test Position test tracks the relative influence
First and/or Last audemes in a new, shuffled test
audeme sequence, regardless of their position in the
original audeme. We used a total of nine new
audeme sequences devised from the original
audemes to test for Test Position.
Figure 4 shows the mean of 6.44 (variance =
6.528; stdev = 2.555) or 46% in favor of the Last
position against the First position with mean 4.00
(variance = 2.5; stdev = 1.581) or 28.57% and
Middle position with mean 3.33 (variance = 5.25;
stdev = 2.291) or 23.78%. This proves that, all other
factors being equal, audemes that occupied the last
position in any original sequence had the greatest
influence on students’ interpretation of resemblance
to a new test sequence. In short, the last audeme
heard in a test sequence had the strongest influence
on the students’ perception of similarity to earlier,
original sequences.
Figure 4: Test Position results.
3.3.4 Test for Consecutiveness
The Consecutiveness test tracks the impact of
consecutive audemes taken from an original
sequence and included, in the same order, in a new
shuffled test audeme sequence. We used a total of 10
new audeme sequences devised from the original
audemes to test for Consecutiveness.
Figure 5: Consecutive Position results.
Figure 5 shows that the impact of the
consecutiveness with a mean 6.6 (variance = 3.156;
stdev = 1.776) or 47.14% is weaker than all other
tested factors (Majority, Original Position, Test
Position) which had a mean of 7.889 (variance =
2.861; stdev = 1.691) or 56.35%.
3.4 Experiment 3
We speculated that besides position of the audemes
in a sequence, their affect (or perceived emotional
quality as either negative or positive) should have
great impact in their memorization and their ability
to form lasting associations with other content. First,
we presented all 18 audemes from C, D and E to the
participants and they rated them as Positive or
Negative. Preparing students for the test, we
broadly suggested that they use any intuitive
definition for “negative” (bad, unhappy, don’t like,
sad, unpleasant, etc.) and “positive” (good, happy,
like it, pleasant, etc.). From their replies we devised
a five-point emotional scale for these audemes.
Using this scale, we tracked the influence of
emotional affect in memorization of 28 audeme
sequences. The Positive audemes triggered better
memorization in 67.86% of the cases against 32.14%
of Negative audemes.
3.5 Experiment 4
We presented 20 short topics and texts along with a
different audeme for each. Ten of the audemes were
thematically or metaphorically related to the text
(e.g., the crunch of footsteps in snow + gunfire =
The Cold War) and 10 had no thematic relationship
to their assigned texts, (e.g., a computer-made buzz
+ a brief passage of classical music = The National
Grange). The audemes-text pairs were presented
randomly. A week later we tested for recall of the
associated text using 5-answer multiple-choice
questions, with 10 questions for the themed audeme
texts and 10 for the arbitrary audemes. Test results
showed that the participants’ recall of information
associated with themed audemes was 67.82% (mean
= 7.25; variance = 10.867; stdev = 3.296) better than
their recall of information with arbitrary audemes
32.17% (mean = 3.437; variance = 8.396; stdev =
From our experiments and interviews with
participants we have reached the following
conclusions: (1) Audemes increase memory for
associated text; (2) Participants display a strong
ability to identify an individual audeme as a member
of a six-audeme sequence and carry that sense of
sequence identity forward; (3) Several factors
impact the perception of resemblance or similarity
between different sequences, including majority,
position (when encoding), last position (when
recalling), and positive affect of component
audemes; (4) Themed and/or emotionally positive
audemes are most memorable; and 5) intuitive
narratives enhance affect and memory of sequences.
We believe our outcomes can be applied to a
broader range of contexts for both disabled and
mainstream populations. The increasing
informational capacity of all technologies has
elevated expectations that they will communicate, at
least as to navigational cues and process status.
These developments open the door for a broad range
of new uses and new understandings of the power of
acoustic information. Although current industry
focus is on speech as the primary input/output
system for acoustic interfaces, our studies strongly
suggest that nonverbal acoustic information may
actually prove more powerful and user-friendly in
the conveyance of information.
This work was supported by a grant from the Nina
Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust.
Researchers want to thank the students and the
staff of Indiana School for the Blind and Visually
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HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics