Several hypotheses are frequently quoted: U wave
genesis is a consequence of the late repolarization of
Purkinje fibers (Watanabe, 1975); U wave is gener-
ated because of mechanoelectrical feedback (Franz,
1996); U wave is a residual of the late repolarization
of cells in mid-myocardium (Druin et al., 1995).
A new view of the mid-myocardium hypothesis
was presented in (Ritsema van Eck et al., 2005) that
suggests that the end of the T wave is taken as the
residual of cancellation of opposing potential contri-
butions throughout the myocardium during the repo-
larization while the U wave arises because of imbal-
ance of potentials in the late repolarization because of
the prolongated repolarization of mid-myocardium.
Recently, it was shown that there are other alterna-
tives for T and U wave genesis (Depolli et al., 2008).
U waves can be generated even if the repolarization
of the mid-myocardium is not prolongated.
Leaving physiological causes aside and looking
on the problem purely mathematically, we experi-
enced drawbacks of the Wohlfart’s AP model in two
ways. First, we were unable to get a good fit between
the Wohlfart model and the measured APs from the
intact heart. Second, we identified the inability to
control AP phases 2 and 3 independently, to be the
limiting factor in our simulator’s abilities to produce
properly shaped ECGs. This comes about because the
slopes in these phases determine the shape and du-
ration of the T wave and the time of its appearance.
We propose an extension of the Wohlfart model in
terms of changing the repolarization part C(t) in the
Equation 1, as a solution for the problems mentioned
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
Methods, the spatial model of the left ventricle and
the simulation procedure are described. The simu-
lation results obtained with the Wohlfart model are
compared with a measured ECG. In section 3, the pro-
posed model extension is introduced together with an
example of an improved AP curve fit and measured
ECG fidelity. The paper concludes with an overview
of the obtained results and further work.
2.1 Model of the Left Ventricle
We constructed a three-dimensional model from
65628 cubic cells with a volume of 1 mm
, stylized
in a cup-like shape, shown in Figure 2. The model
is onion-like composition of twelve layers, which en-
ables different APs to be assigned to each layer. Re-
sults presented in this paper were obtained by com-
posing three thicker layers: epi, mid and endo, each
of them composed of four identical thinner layers.
Figure 2: Spatial model of the left ventricle. ECG lead po-
sitions are shown with dashed lines. Arrow points to the
excitation trigger area. The excitation time is shown on the
cutout of the myocardial wall; each level of gray represent-
ing 10 ms.
Implementation of faster longitudinal conduction
between cells of the same layer (along the wall) than
transversal conduction between cells of different lay-
ers (across the wall) emulates faster conduction paths
of the Purkinje fibers .
2.2 Simulation Method
ECG is simulated by fist calculating the excitation se-
quence for all the cells and then projecting the sum of
differences in cell potentials on approximate positions
of ECG leads. Simulation procedure is integrated
into a simulator, that takes parameters of Equation 1
as input and generates ECGs on predefined positions
as output. This simulator is then used in simulation
based optimization that solves the inverse problem of
identification of AP parameters.
The ECG simulator works with cell APs and a
simple rule for each cell. Excited cells behave as
sources of electrical potential determined by their AP
functions. Every excited cell stimulates its neighbor-
ing non-excited cells to become excited with a small
delay, which depends on the layer of the neighboring
cell and its position relative to the excited cell. Be-
cause of the onion-like layering, cell neighbors along
the wall will be of the same layer while neighbors per-
pendicular to the wall will be of different layers. If
neighbors are from different layers, the delay of 2 ms
results in transversal conduction velocity of 0.5 m/s.
On the other hand, if neighbors belong to the same
layer, the delay of 1/3 ms results in longitudinal con-
duction velocity of 3 m/s. Both velocities are in ac-
cordance with measured values on myocardial tissue
(Macfarlane and Lawrie, 1989).
Six observation points were selected around the
model, 4 cm away from the epicardial layer, at an-