gramming of several saccades in parallel. In fact,
we tested three models: the “1M” model program-
ming four saccades in parallel from the same foveated
point, the “2M” model programming two saccades in
parallel and the “4M” model programming only one
saccade at a time. This study showed that the “1M”
model is not realistic and the “4M” model seems to be
the most realistic. The behaviour of the “2M” model
illustrates that recomputing saliency in updating the
foveated point is beneficial. The best performance
comes however from the “4M” model presenting ef-
fectiveness of the reinitialization at each fixation. We
can conclude that saccade programming in parallel
seems not to be used by subjects when they have to
look freely at natural images.
Secondly, this study shows the positive effect of
the spatially variant retinal resolution on the pre-
diction quality. Whatever the saccade programming
strategy is, the models including the spatially vari-
ant retinal resolution greatly outperform the models
with constant resolution in terms of the quality of
fixation prediction and saccade distribution. The pa-
rameter α which controls the resolution decrease has
an important impact on saccade distribution (disper-
sion and mode position). Moreover, we found the
expected range of value for this parameter using our
model to compute saliency maps. We also notice that
if we have the same mode position, the dispersion of
the saccade distribution remains smaller on predicted
data than on experimental data, as we only consider a
bottom-up model and we have only one parameter to
In our models, a foveated point for the next sac-
cade is selected from subjects’ fixations instead of be-
ing looked for in the present saliency map. While fix-
ations are different from one subject to another, the
model is a subject-dependent model. If we want to go
further in creating a more general model of predict-
ing eye movements automatically, the model would
take into account human task, for example catego-
rization or information search, and hence passes from
a region-predicting model to a scanpath-predicting
This work is partially supported by grants from the
Rhˆone-Alpes Region with the LIMA project. T. Ho-
Phuoc’s PhD is funded by the French MESR.
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