Slave-block is to obtain the digitized ECG signal
through A/D interface and store them into an on-
chip DPRAM temporarily. As illustrated in Figure
1b, each Slave-electrode has two pieces of built-in
DPRAMs with 512 words each. At any given time,
one DPRAM is used for the write operation (save
the ECG data); the other DPRAM is used for the
read operation (transmit the ECG data). The finite
state machine (FSM) running on the Slave-block
could guarantee that the ECG data stored in one
DPRAM would be read out before being overwritten
by the upcoming ECG data.
In this system, the intelligent electrode placed on
the patient’s lower-belly is assigned as the Master-
electrode, which is connected with the other two
Slave-electrodes serially by the Active-Cable. The
Master-electrode takes charge of the whole ECG
monitoring system. The FSM running inside
Package Controller can issue a series of commands
according to the specific system status stored in
local registers. By generating these commands, the
Master-electrode is able to collect ECG data from a
target Slave-electrode, or check the current status of
a certain Slave-electrode. Compared with a Slave-
electrode, a Master-electrode has a larger DPRAM,
because it has to provide enough memory space for
the ECG data from all Slave-electrodes for an
interval of half a second. ECG data collection
process is initiated by the Master-electrode with a
time interval of half a second. During this collection
process, all ECG data stored inside a certain Slave-
electrode will be transferred to the Master-electrode
via the Active-Cable. Finally, all collected ECG data
will be sent to the PHA by the Bluetooth module.
2.3 Active-cable Architecture
All ECG data and command packages are
transmitted over the Active-Cable which is an
indispensable part of this wearable ECG monitoring
system. As illustrated in Figure 1a, it is a thin, soft
and dedicated cable composed of five metal wires,
which are named REF, SCK, SDA, VDD and VSS,
REF is an analog reference signal used for A/D
conversions on all Slave-electrodes. ECG data are
obtained by digitizing the electric potential
difference between a local measurement point and
the REF signal. In this design, by controlling a
switch embedded inside Analog Front End block,
the Master-electrode provides its local electric
potential as the system REF signal. The ECG data
transmission reliability is guaranteed by using a 2-
wire bus which is composed of SCK and SDA in the
Active-Cable. SCK carries the serial clock, while
SDA transmits commands and digital ECG data. The
ECG data are transmitted at a bit rate of 0.9 Mbits/S.
The last two wires in the Active-Cable are VDD and
VSS providing 3.3V system power and digital
ground respectively. In order to minimize the
electrical interference induced by neighbouring
wires and achieve high-quality ECG data, REF is
properly shielded with metal foil.
2.4 Slave-chain Scan Process and ECG
Data Collection Methodology
When the system is powered up, the Master-
electrode should know the exact addresses of Slave-
electrodes active in this system. In the current
design, a unique four-bit vector is assigned to each
Slave-electrode as its address.
In order to get a thorough knowledge of the
whole system, the Master-electrode initiates a slave-
chain scan process after power up, shown in Figure
2. All Slave-electrodes that are connected to the
Active-Cable will be scanned during this process.
The Master-electrode sends out a command frame
containing the target Slave-electrode address to the
Active-Cable. Simultaneously, a built-in timer starts
up. An acknowledgement will be sent back to the
Master-electrode if the target Slave-electrode exists.
Subsequently, this target address is saved into the
address-table, meaning that this Slave-electrode is
online and the Master-electrode will talk to it later.
Figure 2: Slave-chain scan process.