Vassiliki Koufi, Flora Malamateniou and George Vassilacopoulos
Department of Digital Systems, University of Piraeus, 80, Karaoli & Dimitriou Str., Piraeus 18534, Greece
Keywords: Grid portal application, Process, Role-based access control (RBAC), xoRBAC, Context.
Abstract: Healthcare is an increasingly collaborative enterprise involving a broad range of healthcare services
provided by a number of geographically distributed and organizationally disparate healthcare providers.
Grid technology has emerged as an integration infrastructure for shared and coordinated use of diverse data
resources residing in the healthcare settings of a health district. Moreover, healthcare processes can be
formed as compositions of web services that use grid database services to provide integrated healthcare
information thus improving healthcare quality. Further improvement can be achieved by means of Grid
portal applications developed on a wireless and mobile infrastructure as they provide to ubiquitous and
pervasive access to healthcare processes at the point of care. In such environments, the ability to provide an
effective access control mechanism that meets the requirement of the least privilege principle is essential.
Adherence to the least privilege principle requires continuous adjustments of user permissions in order to
adapt to the current situation. This paper presents an access control architecture for HDGPortal, a Grid
portal application which provides access to workflow-based healthcare processes using wireless Personal
Digital Assistants. The proposed architecture utilizes the xoRBAC component, which provides a role-based
access control service that enables the enforcement of fine-grained context-dependent access control
policies via context constraints. In particular, xoRBAC is integrated in our process-oriented healthcare
environment which is build on top of a Grid infrastructure and is accessible through HDGPortal. Thus, the
risk of compromising information integrity during task executions is reduced.
Healthcare delivery is a highly complex process
involving many individuals and organizations (Koufi
and Vassilacopoulos, 2008). Providing readily
access to integrated healthcare information at the
point of care remotely requires a system architecture
that enables collaboration and coordination among
healthcare services and facilitates the mobility of
healthcare professionals. To this end, a prototype
Grid portal application, namely HDGPortal, has
been developed that provides pervasive access to
process-based healthcare systems (Koufi and
Vassilacopoulos, 2008).
HDGPortal is a portal application that is used to
run healthcare processes implemented in the
Business Process Execution Language (BPEL).
These processes invoke web services, while on
execution, in order to provide integrated access to
healthcare information scattered around disparate
and geographically dispersed systems. These
services are sophisticated high-level services that
use Grid database services as basic primitives for
their creation. Grid database services offer
capabilities such as data federation and distributed
query processing and are generated by using Open
Grid Services Architecture - Data Access and
Integration (OGSA-DAI) (Open Grid Services
Architecture - Data Access and Integration (OGSA-
DAI), 2008), a middleware product which is part of
the Globus Toolkit (The Globus Toolkit, 2008). In
the remainder of this paper, we refer to web services
that are defined, deployed and executed using these
service-oriented Grid computing infrastructures as
Grid services (Emmerich, Butchart, Chen,
Wassermann and Price, 2006).
As tight matching of permissions to actual usage
and need is essential in healthcare applications, one
important security requirement in HDGPortal is
adherence to the least privilege principle. Its
Koufi V., Malamateniou F. and Vassilacopoulos G. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 22-29
DOI: 10.5220/0001539900220029
enforcement requires continuous adjustments of user
permissions to ensure that users assume the
minimum sets of permissions required for the
execution of each task of a healthcare process
selected. To this end, changes in contextual
information should be sensed during task executions
and relevant actions should be fired in response to
these changes.
xoRBAC is an open source software component
that provides a policy decision point with an
integrated policy repository for Role-Based Access
Control (RBAC) policies (xoRBAC, 2008). In
particular, xoRBAC provides an RBAC service that
conforms to level 4a of the NIST model for RBAC
(Neumann and Strembeck, 2001). In its current
form, it preserves the advantages of role-based
access control, and allows for the definition of
“traditional” RBAC policies. Additionally it adds
further flexibility through the specification of fine-
grained context-dependent access control policies
via context constraints (Neumann and Strembeck,
2003). On these grounds, the incorporation of
xoRBAC in a process-based healthcare system build
on top of a Grid infrastructure can offer significant
benefits in the design and implementation of a
context-aware access control mechanism.
This paper is mainly concerned with situations,
often occurred in healthcare delivery, where the
information requested by an authorized user needs to
be available when and where needed. Thus, a
context-aware access control mechanism is proposed
that utilizes xoRBAC component and, hence, it
incorporates the advantages of broad, role-based
permission assignment and administration across
object types, as in RBAC, and yet provides the
flexibility for adjusting role permissions on
individual objects during a BPEL process enactment
according to the current context. During the
execution of a workflow instance, changes in
context information are sensed to adapt user
permissions to the minimum required for completing
a job. Relevant access control policies are enforced
at both the BPEL task level and the Grid database
service level.
In the last few years, there has been a trend towards
using BPEL for Grid service composition
(Emmerich, Butchart, Chen, Wassermann and Price,
2006). Security aspects, such as authentication and
access control, are not standardized through BPEL,
but are left to the implementation of BPEL
compliant process engine (Mendling, Strembeck,
Stermsek and Neumann, 2004; Thomas, Paci,
Bertino and Eugster, 2007; Bertino, Crampton and
Paci, 2006). Several studies have been conducted
regarding the enforcement of access control in BPEL
(Mendling, Strembeck, Stermsek and Neumann,
2004; Thomas, Paci, Bertino and Eugster, 2007;
Bertino, Crampton and Paci, 2006; Dou, Cheung,
Chen and Cai, 2005; Paci, Bertino and Crampton,
2008; Fischer, Bleimann, Fuhrmann and Furnell,
2007). Most of these studies argue that BPEL can
benefit from incorporating properly enhanced role-
based access control (RBAC) mechanisms (National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
RBAC, 2008).
In turn, grid middleware, namely Open Grid
Services Architecture - Data Access and Integration
(OGSA-DAI) (Open Grid Services Architecture -
Data Access and Integration (OGSA-DAI), 2008),
that facilitates data federation and distributed query
processing through the use of grid database services
provides relatively simple and static mechanisms
regarding authorization and access control
(Adamski, Kulczewski, Kurowski, Nabrzyski and
Hume, 2007). In particular, OGSA-DAI mechanisms
are written in a modular way so as to enable
incorporation of application-specific security models
in relatively straightforward fashion (Power,
Slaymaker, Politou and Simpson, 2005). Hence,
several studies have been conducted regarding the
enhancement of these access control mechanisms
(Adamski, Kulczewski, Kurowski, Nabrzyski and
Hume, 2007; Power, Slaymaker, Politou and
Simpson, 2005). Most of these studies argue that
moving from identity-based to role-based access
control mechanisms can offer significant benefits in
the provision of effective access control over Grid
middleware services (National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST) RBAC, 2008).
In this paper we propose a security architecture
that implements access control in the context of a
pervasive process-based healthcare system build on
a Grid infrastructure. The proposed architecture
utilizes the xoRBAC component on both the BPEL
and the Grid Database service level in order to
enforce fine-grained context-dependent access
control policies.
To illustrate the main principles of the security
architecture incorporated into the HDGPortal, a
sample integration project is described which is
concerned with the automation of a cross-
organizational healthcare process spanning a health
district. Typically, a health district consists of one
district general hospital (DGH) and a number of
peripheral hospitals and health centers. As patient
referrals are usually made among various healthcare
providers within a district (e.g. for hospitalization,
for outpatient consultation or for performing
specialized medical procedures), there is a need to
ensure authorized access to the tasks comprising the
relevant healthcare processes and, then, to patient
information required through the execution of these
Suppose that a healthcare process is concerned
with a radiological request issued by physicians on a
ward round, for their patients. The radiological
department receives each request, schedules the
radiological procedures requested and sends a
message to the requesting physician notifying
him/her on the date and time scheduled for its
performance. On performing the radiological
procedure requested, the radiologist accesses the
relevant part of the patient record and issues a
radiological report, incorporating both the
radiological images and the associated assessment,
which is send to the requesting physician.
Figure 1 shows a high-level view of the
healthcare process using IBM Websphere Workflow
build-time tool (IBM Corporation. IBM Websphere
Workflow – Getting Started with Buildtime V. 3.6,
2005). In this business process the hospital
organizational units involved are the clinical
department and the radiology department of a
hospital and the roles participating in the healthcare
process are physician (PHYS) and radiologist
(RDD). Table 1 shows an extract of workflow
authorization requirements regarding task execution
and related data access privileges assigned to these
roles, respectively.
From an authorization perspective, the healthcare
process of Figure 1 surfaces several requirements
with regard to task execution and Grid database
services’ invocation. These requirements include the
Restricted task execution
In certain circumstances the candidates for a
task instance execution should be dynamically
determined and be either a sub-group of the
authorized users or only one, specific
authorized user. For example, a request for
performing a radiological procedure on a
patient (e.g. CT or MRI), issued by a
physician, should be routed only to the sub-
group of on-duty radiologists who hold the
relevant sub-specialty and the radiological
report, issued by the radiologist, should be
routed only to the requesting physician.
Restricted grid database service invocation
Given that a role holder can execute a specific
task, he/she should be allowed to exercise a
dynamically determined set of permissions on
certain data only which are accessible via the
associated Grid database services. For
example, during the execution of the
“IssueRadRequest” task, the relevant Grid
database services invoked should allow a
physician to write and read patient record data
and to issue (write, edit and send) radiological
requests only for his/her patients while on
duty and only within the hospital premises.
Table 1: Extract of authorization requirements for the
healthcare process of Figure 1 (Task execution and data
access permissions).
1. PHYSs may issue requests for radiological
procedures on patients while on duty and within the
hospital premises (IssueRadRequest).
1.1 PHYSs may write radiological requests for their
current patients.
1.2 PHYSs may edit radiological requests for their
current patients before sent.
1.3 PHYSs may send radiological requests for their
current patients.
1.4 PHYSs may cancel radiological requests for their
current patients after sent.
1.5 PHYSs may read patient records of their current
2. RDDs holding a specific sub-specialty may
perform only relevant radiological procedures on
patients (RerformRadRequest)
3. RDDs may issue patient-oriented radiological
reports on request by physicians (IssueRadReport).
3.1 RDDs may read patient record data before sending
their radiological reports.
3.2 RDDs may write patient-oriented radiological
reports for their current patients.
3.3 RDDs may edit patient-oriented radiological
reports for their current patients before sent.
3.4 RDDs may send patient-oriented radiological
requests for their current patients
3.5 RDDs may cancel patient-oriented radiological
reports after sent.
3.6 RDDs may read past patient radiological reports
prepared by them.
4. PHYSs may receive patient radiological reports
issued by radiologists only if requested by them
4.1. PHYSs may read the requested radiological reports
on their patients.
4.2. PHYSs may read patient records of their patients.
HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 1: Radiological request process model using IBM WebSphere Workflow.
The above requirements suggest that certain
permissions of the healthcare process participants
depend on the process execution context. In
particular, contextual information available at access
time, such as proximity, location and time, can
influence the authorization decision that allows a
user to perform a task and, given this permission, to
invoke the associated Grid database services. This
enables a more flexible and precise access control
policy specification that satisfies the least privilege
Figure 2 illustrates a high-level view of HDGPortal
architecture, which is described by a three-tier
model, comprising the PDA client, the server site of
the DGH and the Grid which, in turn, comprises
remote data resources. The latter are heterogeneous
and reside in geographically distributed and
organizationally disparate healthcare providers
within a health district. HDGPortal’s architecture
requires enhanced security mechanisms with special
focus on authorization and access control over the
tasks comprising the BPEL processes and the
underlying services (Grid database services and Grid
services invoking them). Figure 3 illustrates a high-
level view of the proposed security architecture
which consists of a global access control service,
residing on a server at the DGH site, and one local
access control service, residing at each healthcare
organization within the health district. Both services
are making use of the xoRBAC access control
component which provides an RBAC service that
conforms to level 4a of the NIST model for RBAC
(Neumann and Strembeck, 2001) and constitutes a
core component of this architecture.
xoRBAC does not demand on a specific
authentication mechanism, it only assumes that some
authentication service is in place (Neumann and
Strembeck, 2001). Therefore, in HDGPortal
prototype authentication is performed by means of a
sophisticated authentication environment based on
X.509 certificates and SSL. In particular, Grid
Security Infrastructure (GSI) authentication
mechanism is used which defines single sign-on
algorithms and protocols, cross-domain
authentication protocols, and temporary credentials
called proxy credentials stored in the MyProxy
Server (MyProxy Credential Management Service,
2008). MyProxy is open source software for
managing X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
security credentials (certificates and private keys)
(MyProxy Credential Management Service, 2008). It
combines an online credential repository with an
online certificate authority to allow users to securely
obtain proxy credentials when and where needed,
without worrying about managing private key and
certificate files (MyProxy Credential Management
Service, 2008). In our environment, a MyProxy
server is hosted on a server at the DGH site.
Healthcare professionals use MyProxy to delegate
credentials to the HDGPortal, which then is acting
on their behalf. This is achieved by storing
credentials in the MyProxy repository and retrieving
them when logging in HDGPortal by typing in the
MyProxy passphrase.
All web transactions are executed under the
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) via HTTPS.
Figure 2: System Architecture.
Figure 3: Security Architecture.
Grid Service
Grid Service
Grid Service
Data Grid
Global Security Server
BPEL Process
PDA Client
District General Hospital Grid
Local Authorization Server
Healthcare Organization
User-to-Role assignments
Task-related role permissions
Role permissions related to Grid
database services
Global xoRBAC instance
Local xoRBAC instance
OGSA-DAI Service OGSA-DAI Service
Oracle MySQL Postgres
MyProxy Server
BPEL Engine
access control service
access control service
HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics
4.1 Access Control Mechanism
In HDGPortal prototype, access control is provided
at two levels: the BPEL task level and the Grid
database service level (Koufi and Vassilacopoulos,
2008). Hence, a middleware-based access control
mechanism has been developed which is employed
to mediate between subjects (healthcare
professionals) and objects (BPEL tasks and Grid
database services) and to decide whether access of a
given subject to a given object should be permitted
or denied by taking into account the current context.
In particular, the Java Authentication and
Authorization Service (JAAS) (Java Authentication
and Authorization Service, 2008) was used for the
development of:
an, external to the BPEL engine, access control
service (global access control service) that
regulates user access to BPEL tasks
comprising the healthcare processes. These
tasks are hosted on the BPEL engine at the
DGH site.
an, external to OGSA-DAI, access control
service (local access control) that enhances its
mechanism by adding context-awareness
features. In particular, this service regulates
access to Grid database services which form
the basic primitives for the generation of the
Grid services invoked by the relevant tasks.
Grid database services are hosted on web
servers at healthcare organizations’ sites.
The above access control services utilize two
kinds of xoRBAC instances. In particular,
the global access control service uses a
xoRBAC instance (global xoRBAC instance)
for the definition of permissions on the
corresponding BPEL tasks comprising the
healthcare processes. These permissions are
assigned to roles which are, in turn, assigned
to healthcare professionals. The global
xoRBAC instance resides on a server at the
DGH site.
each local access control service uses a
xoRBAC instance (local xoRBAC instance)
for the definition of permissions on the
corresponding Grid database services invoked
by the relevant BPEL tasks. The local
xoRBAC instance resides on a server at each
healthcare setting.
According to the proposed mechanism, each
request for a task execution, issued by a healthcare
professional, is captured and passed to the global
xoRBAC instance which decides whether access
should be granted. As each task execution invokes
exactly one Grid service, allowing task execution
means allowing the invocation of the underlying
Grid service. The decision for granting access or not
is taken in accordance to the active role set of a
subject (healthcare professional) and the context
holding at the time of the attempted access. During
task execution, the relevant Grid service is invoked
which, in turn, may involve the invocation of a
number of Grid database services residing at
different sites within a health district. Each request
for the invocation of a Grid database service is
captured at the site hosting the service and passed to
the corresponding local xoRBAC instance which
decides whether access should be granted with
regard to the current context.
4.2 Context Information Management
In the HDGPortal prototype, the contextual
information is determined by a pre-defined set of
attributes related to:
the user (e.g. user certificate, user/patient
the environment (e.g. client location and time
of attempted access) and
the data resource provider, namely to the
healthcare organization (e.g. local security
For example, the permissions of a physician
using HDGPortal on his/her PDA, are adapted
depending on his/her identity (included in the proxy
certificate), location and time of access as well as
the security policy of each healthcare organization
where a portion of the requested information is
Context information relevant to access control is
used for the definition of context constraints which
enable the enforcement of fine-grained context-
dependent access control policies. In xoRBAC
component, enforcement of such policies is achieved
via the dynamic constraint manager sub-system. The
latter comprises the environment mapping which
captures context information via physical and logical
sensors, and the constraint evaluation which uses
the collected values to evaluate the relevant context
constraints associated with a certain conditional
permission (Guth, Neumann and Strembeck, 2003).
Context constraints are composed of context
conditions through which they combine and
interrelate the measurements of the sensors (Guth,
Neumann and Strembeck, 2003).
In HDGPortal, context information is captured
by a set of xoRBAC’s logical sensors. These consist
only of software components and are used to gather
information extracted from system internal sources
(e.g. the IP address of a certain device, information
stored in databases or log files, the status of other
applications or services, CPU ID, CPU state,
network load and so on) (Neumann and Strembeck,
2003). Currently, xoRBAC implements three types
of logical sensors, namely Localhost, Database and
Flatfile Sensors, respectively. HDGPortal utilizes
these types of sensors in conjuction with an
Authentication Sensor. The Database and Flatfile
Sensors are used in their current form while
Localhost Sensor has been extended in order to
provide additional information (i.e. the client’s IP).
Moreover, the Authentication Sensor is a logical
sensor build from scratch which is concerned with
user-related context information (i.e. the validation
of the user’s proxy certificate). In particular,
HDGPortal uses:
Localhost Sensor for capturing context
information related to the environment (i.e.
time of attempted access and client location).
Time is captured via
clock, a context function
which is already exported by
In order for client location to be captured,
LocalhostSensor is extended with an additional
context function, namely
clientLocation which
processes the HTTP headers of each client
request in order to extract the client’s IP and
determine whether the healthcare professional
using it is in hospital premises at the time of
the attempted access.
Database Sensor for capturing part of the
context information related to the user (i.e.
user/patient relationship). This information is
retrieved by querying the relevant MySQL
database. One important disadvantage of this
sensor though is that in-depth knowledge of
the underlying database schema is required.
Flatfile Sensor for capturing context
information relevant to the data resource
provider, namely the healthcare setting
hosting part of the patient’s medical record.
This information is the provider’s local access
control policy regarding certain individuals
(i.e. an access control list) and is stored in a
file at the provider’s site. In particular, if there
is an entry for a user requesting access to a
data resource then the authorization decision
is based on the rights assigned to him via that
entry and overrides the decision deducted by
taking into account the rest of the information
comprising the context information model.
Authentication Sensor for checking the validity
of the credentials used by each user requesting
access to the system.
In the case of the healthcare process described in
Section 3, a physician may execute the task
“IssueRadRequest” (i.e. issue a request for a
radiological procedure on one of his/her patients)
while on duty and within the hospital premises.
Thus, the context attributes to be taken under
consideration in the relevant authorization decision
1. current_date_&_time
2. duty_date_&_time_interval
3. client_IP_address
4. in_premises_IP_address
The values of these attributes are collected via a
subset of the above mentioned sensors. The context
conditions that must evaluate to true in order for
access to be granted to the physician are:
1. current_date_&_time in duty_date_&_time_
2. client_IP_address is-a in_premises_IP_
These context conditions compose the context
constraint which is associated with the conditional
permission on the task “IssueRadRequest”. This
constraint is evaluated by the constraint evaluation
component of the xoRBAC’s dynamic constraint
management sub-system whenever access to the task
is requested.
Development of pervasive applications that provide
readily access to integrated healthcare information at
the point of care, introduces security risks especially
with regard to authorization and access control.
Hence, relevant mechanisms must be in place that
can conveniently regulate user access to information
while providing confidence that security policies are
faithfully and consistently enforced within and
across organizations residing in a health district. In
particular, when adherence to the least privilege
principle is considered a prominent feature of a
system, the incorporated access control mechanism
should provide tight, just-in-time permissions so that
authorized users get access to specific objects
HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics
subject to the current context. The access control
mechanism presented in this paper meets the
aforementioned requirements and is embedded into a
Grid portal application, namely HDGPortal. In
particular, the mechanism ensures authorized
execution of BPEL tasks and invocation of relevant
Grid database services in accordance with the
current context. To this end, a number of xoRBAC
instances are integrated at both the BPEL and the
Grid database service level as policy decision points.
Thus, a tight matching of permissions to actual
usage and need is ensured through the specification
of fine-grained context-dependent access control
Currently, the pieces of information influencing
authorization decisions in xoRBAC are rather
limited. This fact, suggests directions for future
work. In particular, the enrichment of the context
information model used by xoRBAC may enable the
enforcement of even more effective access control
policies in healthcare. Furthermore, certain
disadvantages that appear in the mechanisms that are
currently used for the collection of the context
information may constitute an interesting topic for
further research.
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