Near Field Communication (NFC) technology
has gained interest among the business community
and has attracted researchers to overcome
interoperability, infrastructural issues as well as
creating new business cases. At present there is no
common secured communication infrastructure over
which interested parties from diverse domains and
actors can play their role with confidence in terms of
security and trust. To encounter these problems,
‘Store Logistics and Payment with NFC’ (StoLPaN)
is a European project that has defined open
commercial and technical frameworks for NFC-
enabled services on mobile devices and hence
creates a universal environment that will facilitate
the deployment of NFC-enabled mobile applications
across a wide range of vertical markets, regardless of
the mobile device type and the nature of the services
required. The host environment also promotes the
deployment of NFC-enabled mobile applications in
many diverse application domains.
In this paper, we outline the applicability of LOC
and mobile NFC in the diagnosis of health but
particularly focusing on the insights leveraged
through the proposed the universal NFC based host
environment to deploy LOC functionalities and
major innovations of the proposed plan.
2.1 Identification of the Problem:
Application of Mobile NFC
An NFC device with an internal power supply is
considered active. A device with no internal power
supply, such as a smart card, is considered passive
and. Inductive coupling causes a passive device to
absorb energy from an active device when it gets
close enough. Once powered up, the passive device
can communicate and exchange data with the other
device. The ability of NFC devices to work as both
passive and active enables them to function as either
contact-less cards or readers (Ortiz, 2006; Leong et
al., 2006). Near Field Communication or NFC
technology can be used in various health care
applications as a robust way of gathering, processing
and automating the process of e.g. reminding
patients when it is time to take their prescribed
drugs, based on the prescriptions provided by
pharmacy (http://www.nfcnews.com/articles/2008/
Moreover, NFC-enabled devices can be used for off-
line monitoring of heart rates, glucose or blood
pressure (http://www.parksassociates.com/
digitalhealth/research/report3.htm). Other application
areas would be in making our environment
friendlier, which applies mainly to disabled persons.
NFC-enabled mobile platforms are rapidly
evolving, getting into our daily activities and are in
general interests of ordinary people. Common
mobile technology used with inexpensive easily
available tags, and soon possibly sensors as well,
makes the functionality widely available.
Networked medical devices will enable to
provide healthcare where constantly gathered and
analyzed information enables to protect patients
continuously with ad hoc decision support system.
Furthermore, NFC-enabled health monitoring and
diagnostic platform will create new opportunities for
the medical health care, but as well for the whole
medical device industry. In addition, some of
treatments will require no more regular doctor visits
and should be achievable by integration of different
NFC-enabled devices.
Besides, health measurements devices can
support self-care (Kaasinen, 2005), which could help
societies to deal with illnesses caused by unhealthy
living. For example, many of health problems might
be related to overweight and in number of cases
implementation of self-motivation system that
stimulates efforts or eating healthy food could
possibly solve, or at least marginalize the problem.
Monitoring and presentation of analyzed data with
goals matching could give feedback that will enable
people to consciously keep fit and healthy.
2.2 Towards a Solution: An NFC Host
In order to accurately address the interoperability
issues currently affecting the mobile NFC
technology, various usage cases are to be defined
within the StoLPaN framework and tested
throughout Europe. These use cases will contribute
to the identification of a common set of business
rules, which will define the roles and responsibilities
of every player in the NFC ecosystem. The results
will then be submitted for approval to the relevant
industry bodies for standardization of payments,
mobile, transit and ticketing as well LOC
Based on these findings, the consortium will
look into the specifications for technical
requirements and the security aspects of NFC-
enabled applications. They will also explore the
connection to existing contact-less platforms, easing