small. Nevertheless oscillatory behaviour can also
found under such conditions. The device is sensitive
enough to record small concentration changes giving
rise to changes in the optical density below 0.001. In
future experiments the microfluidic module will be
used for measuring complex kinetics in biochemical
systems. In that case, limited amounts of reactive
compounds, e.g. of enzymes, are available and the
use of small reaction volumes is an essential
prerequisite to allow quantitative measurements.
Figure 9: Oscillations of the I
absorption observed in the
module produced by the reaction of I
and ClO
continuous flow.
The influence of different ceramic materials on the
viability and proliferation of HeLa cells has been
tested as a first basic characterization of the
biocompatibility. In respect to their use in micro
fluidic devices the growth of cells in channels of
different width has been visualized. The LTCC-
technology has been proved as a very versatile
method to build up complex three-dimensional
multilevel channel structures including even large-
volume cavities, which are suitable for biological
and diagnostic applications.
The financial support of this work by the WWTF,
project MA05 "Inverse methods in biology and
chemistry” as well as by the FFG, project N209
"Nanoflu" is greatly acknowledged by the authors.
This project is integrated within EU 4M Project
(Contract Number NMP2-CT-2004-500274). The
maintenance with ceramic tapes and many useful
advices during the course of tape processing by Dr.
C. P. Kluge (CeramTec AG) are especially
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BIODEVICES 2009 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices