Abstracting Resources to Human Models
Pedro Brand˜ao and Jean Bacon
Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB3 0FD, United Kingdom
Body Sensors, Networks, System Architecture, Models.
In the sensor network area, BSNs encompass a particular set of restrictions and conditions that separate them
from normal WSNs. More so than WSNs, BSNs would profit from different types of sensing information
and the sensor network itself provides more opportunities for different applications to use the same resources.
However, the heterogeneity of sensor HW devices and the myriad of different applications that try to use them
are an obstacle to its development. A problem is the need to address specific characteristics of the HW with-
out abstractions that 1) provide the freedom to access the needed information while 2) complying to a set of
requirements and 3) optimizing resource usage according to a set of metrics. We propose a middleware ap-
proach for abstracting lower level details from applications. We enrich the approach by building models in the
middle layer fed with data from the sensor network and query-able from the application layer. Furthermore: a)
applications should be able to set requirements to be met in providing the information, b) several applications
should be able to share the same resources, c) the resources should be optimized so as to meet the requirements
and prolong the lifetime of the BSN.
Healthcare surveillance and fitness assessment has led
to the proliferation of sensor use for human body
monitoring purposes. This can be seen in commer-
cial products for fitness assessment (eg.: (Vivomet-
rics, 2007)) and research initiatives as (Lo and Yang,
2006; Korhonen et al., 2003) for health monitoring.
Projects like Sesame (Computer Laboratory, 2007) at
University of Cambridge that deal with assessing ath-
letes performances, the Angel project (Garino et al.,
2007) from the 6
Framework EU program that focus
on modelling, simulation and deployment of Body
Sensor Network (BSN) applications and CodeBlue
(Lorincz et al., 2004) from Harvard University that
deals with network concerns in BSNs and Hardware
(HW) for BSNs R&D) are examples of current re-
search projects that focus on BSNs.
The trend and the need is here for BSNs, where
the sensor network lies within the limits of the human
body. There are several applications domains, be it
monitoring vital signals of 1
responders (eg.: (Vivo-
metrics, 2007)) and/or victims (Lorincz et al., 2004)
in disaster scenarios, health monitoring (Korhonen
et al., 2003) (ranging from physical and chemical
measures (Johannessen et al., 2005) to video imag-
ing (Coimbra et al., 2006)) or specific disease treat-
ment (eg.: diabetes (Steil et al., 2004)). Deriving
user context and performance are also scenarios dealt
with BSNs, for example: (Lukowicz et al., 2006) uses
force sensors to detect muscle work and correlate it
with fatigue and freshness of users to derive recog-
nition patterns and in (Aylward and Paradiso, 2006)
inertial sensors are used to discern group movement
in dance.
It is worth noting that although the current mo-
mentum on BSNs, this research area can be dated
back to 1961 with work from Mackay (Mackay, 1961)
opening prospects for this trend. The area has been
dormant until around a decade ago where interest in
the subject reappeared. First as just a new view of
Personal Area Networks (PANs) and gradually as a
new type of network composed of sensor devices.
One issue that currently remains not addressed in
BSNs is the possible heterogeneity of available infor-
mation. Most of the references mentioned deal with
just one type of information or have to go to great
lengths to use different sources of sensing data. Being
able to have plug-n-play sensors where adding a new
sensor into the BSN would imply its availability as a
source of information is, in our view, a major prob-
Brandão P. and Bacon J. (2009).
BSN MIDDLEWARE - Abstracting Resources to Human Models.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 245-250
DOI: 10.5220/0001545802450250
lem. This would enable a better and more accurate
estimation of the current situation through the corre-
lation of different sensing information. As an exam-
ple, blood pressure is more accurately measured when
taking blood pressure, blood flow and oxygen levels.
By adding an intermediate layer (middleware) to the
process we could have: i) application requests blood
pressure information; ii) middleware retrieves data
from the available sensors (which could involve acti-
vating them); iii) middleware aggregates the available
information using a defined model, adding metadata
about the information (confidence on the value (based
on the model and the data available), error margin
(taking into account statistics of the sensors used),
time of assessment, etc); iv) middleware provides the
application the information and metadata; v) applica-
tion handles the information taking into account its
metadata. The application request could (and most
likely would) have requirements associated.
As such, we see the main problem in BSNs bound
to the need to address specific characteristics of the
HW without any abstraction that 1) provides the free-
dom to access the needed information while 2) com-
plying to a set of requirements and 3) optimizing re-
source usage according to a set of metrics.
Our proposal is a middleware layer that abstracts
the underlying BSN to the application, providing an
information model to be queried. The information on
the model itself is derived using the data provided by
the BSN and applications state the models they want
to use. Application requirements and resource opti-
mization are also responsibilities of the middleware.
Section 3 will detail this architecture.
1.1 WSN and BSN
BSNs have several similarities with Wireless Sen-
sor Networks (WSNs), starting with being composed
by sensor nodes (albeit different) that form a net-
work. However we argue that there are several dif-
ferences that lend BSNs prone to different problems,
approaches and optimizations possibilities. Table 1
summarizes the aspects we regard fundamental, stat-
ing differences and similarities.
In our view, BSNs will have a central component
that receives and acts upon the nodes as the applica-
tions using it deem necessary. A PDA, mobile phone
or a more powerful node can be this component or can
act as a Gateway (GW) to the central component(e.g.:
a PC on a home environment). This central compo-
nent (Base Station (BS)) will be able to control all the
BSN, as the topology formed will be one-hop from it
to the nodes, due to the close range. The nodes will
refrain from much processing, delivering most of the
data to the BSs
. The data set treated will be very
heterogeneous, with possibly complex relationships
among the different types of data. BSNs are prone
to have different types of nodes added.
In WSNs the central component may or not exist
and if present will have a more limited view of the
whole system. WSNs tend to process the information
in a distribute approach; with nodes treating, corre-
lating and aggregating information, forming clusters,
etc. The network in WSNs is multi-hop due to the
usual large areas covered. The sensors in WSNs are
homogeneous in terms of HW and data acquisition.
As such, the information processed will normally be
of the same type, although some frameworks do offer
limited support for heterogeneity (see section 2).
Both frameworks have similar energy constraints
(the research on recharging also shares some com-
monality (Paradiso, 2005) and (Roundy et al., 2004)).
The differences stated lead to an easier to manage
network in BSNs in terms of connectivity establish-
ment and coordination/optimization of sensor nodes.
This opens more possibilities for optimizing the sen-
sor network usage. However, BSNs monitor different
types of information with complex interrelations be-
tween them, that can change from application to ap-
plication. To add to this, applications will also have
different requirements on the usage of the network
(Quality of Service (QoS), error, rates, etc). A mid-
dleware should handle these concerns so to provide
the applications with the abstract information they
need releasing them from the specificities of the un-
derlying resources.
In this section we will briefly describe some ap-
proaches that try to add flexibility and counteract het-
erogeneity. As an initial note, middleware specific for
BSNs still remains largely unexplored, thus some of
the work described here is from the WSN world.
As a counter example to the previous statement,
we have the middleware from the Angel EU project
(Garino et al., 2007) mentioned in section 1: Abstract
Middleware Services (Fummi et al., 2007). The ap-
proach provides an environment aimed at early simu-
lation and validation. It abstracts from the program-
mer the specific implementation to be used in the de-
ployment. For this, it is able to be mapped to current
existent middleware frameworks divided in: database
abstraction, tuple-space based, object oriented and
As counter example, the Equivital node (Equivital,
2007) processes all sensing information incorporating algo-
rithms for producing the processed information.
HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Table 1: BSN vs WSN.
i. Existence of a Base Station (BS);
ii. BS collects, maintains and processes the data;
iii. Nodes will do minimal processing, sending all data to
the BS;
iv. Centralized system where BS controls all nodes.
i. A BS may or not exist or there may be several BSs (may
be mobile to collect info);
ii. Same as in BSN, but also focus on on-demand querying;
iii. Nodes will do processing, aggregation to alleviate com-
munication or correlate results;
iv. Distributed system where nodes decide cooperatively.
i. One hop to BS;
ii. Close range but attenuated by body.
i. Multi hop through network of sensor nodes;
ii. Long range.
i. Constrained;
ii. Replacement is difficult in in-body sensor nodes;
iii. Recharging may be possible with scavenging or induc-
tive coupling.
i. Constrained;
ii. Replacement is difficult due to location, scale, etc;
iii. Recharging may be possible in some scenarios with nat-
ural energy or scavenging.
i. Correlation of different type of sensing information;
ii. Likely to have new types of sensors added;
iii. Prone to have different applications using the same re-
i. Usually aggregating the same type of information;
ii. Typically static in terms of node types (adding new sen-
sors of the same type);
iii. Usually deployed with one application in mind.
message based. The programmer is provided with
an abstraction for the HW and network that enables
the simulation of the application. The next phase of
deployment implies letting go the network abstrac-
tion embedded in the middleware and having a sep-
arate model for simulating the network. The final
phase maps the application to a specific implemen-
tation chosen. This approach does not free the appli-
cation developer from the underlying resources char-
acteristics per se, but provides a framework for early
testing. The mapping to a specific framework carries
the need to understand the framework and how it pro-
vides its results. Application requirements are said to
be specified in the first phase of deployment, but they
lack a description of the process, leading to the idea
that the requirements are defined in the initial pro-
gram by the developer in specific terms (taking into
account the framework chosen).
Some research proposals for WSNs, tackle some
of the issues we dubbed relevant. Namely: Middle-
ware Linking Applications and Networks (MiLAN)
(Heinzelman et al., 2004) tries to cope with ”the
gap between the protocol and the application [that]
is often too large to allow the protocols to be effec-
tively used by application developers”, by tackling
what they devise as the features of sensor applica-
tions: distribution, dynamicity in the availability of
sensor nodes, constraint application QoS demands,
resource limitation (bandwidth and energy) and coop-
erative applications. This last issue relates to different
applications using the same network to achieve differ-
ent objectives. MiLAN tries to cope with different ap-
plication requests using their QoS requirements as in-
put. It also takes into account the network information
(energy and bandwidth) and the system’s information
on the relevance of the different applications. MiLAN
uses as input: i) the data (variables) that the applica-
tion needs, ii) the required QoS for each variable and
iii) the level of QoS that each sensor or group of sen-
sors can provide for each variable. This information
is defined through the use of two sets of graphs. These
graphs enable the definition of sets of sensors to fulfil
the requirements of the applications. Another compo-
nent related to network characteristics defines another
set of sensors capable of evaluating the needed infor-
mation. The intersection of the sets gives the sensors
such as to maximize the time that the information can
be given (energy restriction).
In an attempt to ease application development, by
providing a known development environment, some
HW has been developed to directly support the Java
programming language. Sun with SUNSpot (SUN,
2007) and Sentilla (Sentilla, 2008) are deploying sen-
sor nodes that natively support Java. The rationale is
to abstract from the application developer some of the
underlying specifics of the HW by providing a famil-
iar environment. However, the abstraction provided
is at the language level, and most of the knowledge
about the HW must still be known to correctly and
efficiently implement the application. Our proposal
intends to put the abstraction at the information level.
There are other abstractions providing querying
interfaces that ease the development (such as TinyDB
(Madden et al., 2005) and Cougar (Yao and Gehrke,
2002)). They handle some heterogeneity by taking
the information sensed as input for Database (DB)
like functions. However, this abstraction is limited
in terms of functionality (DB like functions related
BSN MIDDLEWARE - Abstracting Resources to Human Models
to aggregation and threshold methodology) and does
not provide the abstraction at the information layer.
Other proposals like XMiddle (Mascolo et al., 2002)
and Hood (Whitehouse et al., 2004) enable data shar-
ing across different nodes relying on data structure
abstractions (XML in XMiddle) to deal with the dif-
ferent data. Here the focus is on data replication and
coherence and not explicitely on providing the notion
of correlation between different types of information
at a higher layer.
The work mentioned does not address the speci-
ficities of BSNs mentioned in section 1.1 (short range,
BS availability, etc), which leaves room for further
improvement. Also enabling the applications require-
ments to influence the resource allocation, thus cross-
ing (or more precisely, adapting) layer information,
will enable more opportunities for optimization (not
needing to take worst case approaches).
As introduced in section 1 the motivation for this pro-
posal lies in the lack of an information abstraction
to the sensor resources that copes with: i) collection
and aggregation of sensor data to provide higher level
information; ii) Metadata about the information de-
rived; iii) compliance to application requirements; iv)
management and optimization of resources. The ra-
tionale being that, applications are not interested in
handling the sensors but accessing specific informa-
tion. This view is similarly defended for WSNs in
(R¨omer, 2004). We introduce a middleware layer that
provides the said abstraction and functionalities.
The general middleware objectives would be: A)
collect data from sensor nodes; B) convert this data
to relevant information in a human body model; C)
collect metadata on the data received and correlate
it to the information on the model; D) answer re-
quests from applications based on the information in
the model providing the related metadata; E) opti-
mize resource usage (turn on/off, increase/decrease
frequencies of data collection, etc) while complying
to requirements set by the applications. Figure 1 de-
picts this architecture.
The next sections briefly describe the most rele-
vant issues on this architecture.
3.1 Human Models
One of the interesting points in the problem at hand
is related to the models to be used by the middleware.
More specifically, how will the middleware map the
data from the sensor network to the human model?
Middleware C
Data sensed
answers and
Body Area Network
Figure 1: Architecture Proposed.
One approach is to develop a system similar to
MiLAN (Heinzelman et al., 2004) (see section 2). It
defines graphs that identify the relationship between
sensed values and information assessment. The value
can then be part of another graph that defines system
states. The weights in these graphs describe the im-
portance of the sensor data or value in the assessment
of the information.
This system allows for a flexible definition of
models. It nonetheless lacks some formality and stan-
dardization in terms of having a wider acceptance.
The previous comment arises from the existence of
projects that have a more wider and formal approach
to define human biological models. As an exam-
ple, the Physiome Project (Hunter et al., 2002) aims
“to use computational modelling to analyse integra-
tive biological function in terms of underlying struc-
ture and molecular mechanisms”. Here, the objective
is to enable a mathematical handling of the Human
body. To achieve this it follows a hierarchical mod-
elling where the human body is divided in organs
composed of tissues made up of cells built on
proteins that are divided in atoms. The physical
and chemical relationships between the hierarchies
and the modules at each level are to be defined. The
weight of introducing such a system in a middleware
layer could be overwhelming or even an overkill. On
the other hand, it can provide a more comprehensible
(from the application point of view) model to query.
An architecture that enables applications to in-
put the model that they want to use (stating how in-
formation is correlated) provides a flexible approach.
These models should be nonetheless framed such that
the middleware is able to: i) unequivocally iden-
tify the information and its source; ii) infer com-
monalities between different models as to optimize
HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics
resources and iii) clearly interpret how the meta-
data correlates in the model. Figure 2 gives a draft
view of a possible tree model, where the difference
be made irrelevant when the information that nodes
produce is mapped to any level of the tree. Correla-
tion of metadata information (error, rate, etc) is part
of the model.
Defining a model that characterizes the mapping
from sensor data to model information to serve as an
input to the middleware is a major challenge.
App 1
BasicDataType BasicDataType
App 2
BasicDataType BasicDataType
Can be function
with state
Figure 2: Models with detected common data type.
3.2 Middleware
As stated, the middleware will deal with managing
resources so to fulfil applications requirements. As
seen in figure 1 there will be parts running on the
nodes (Middleware N) and the main block running
on the central component
(Middleware C). The mid-
dleware on the node would be responsible for: i) ad-
vertising the nodes capabilities (sensing information,
accuracy, rate, resources available (energy, process-
ing, network), etc); ii) abide to the central compo-
nent’s commands (turn sensors on/off, change rate,
etc); iii) answer information requests from central
component. The central component, as mentioned,
will have greater responsibilities so to: i) receive and
incorporate models received from apps; ii) receive re-
quests from apps with the associated requirements to
be fulfilled; iii) derive from the different models, re-
quirements and resources available a solution that sat-
isfies the apps and optimizes resource usage; iv) con-
trol the sensors according to the solution found and
request and receive information from them; v) main-
tain the model information and associated metadata
from the sensor information (data and new sensor ad-
vertisements) so to re-evaluate the solution found.
Point iii) for the central component incorporates
the optimization process and is the most relevant.
The GW architecture is not discussed here, but would
involve an extra block acting as a net GW.
3.2.1 Optimization
Finding a solution to maximize resource usage while
satisfying application requests will mandate a defini-
tion of what are the requirements, metrics and con-
trolled resources and how to map requirements to
metrics so to optimize the said resources.
We have already undertaken work on the first
point where requirements (eg.: real time, data updates
frequency, etc), metrics (eg.: QoS related, quality of
measurement related, etc) and resources (eg.: network
architecture, processing power, etc) have already been
drafted. Optimization algorithms will play the rele-
vant role in this issue.
Resources in these networks may change very
abrupt and unpredictably. This raises the problem
of how does the middleware handle the commitment
to fulfil requirements when resources are very unsta-
ble. A simple first solution is the usage of metadata
indicating the reliability of the information and trig-
gers when resources disappear, letting the application
deal with the failure. However, this should only oc-
cur when no other solution is feasible from the central
middleware’s perspective.
The issues described in section 1.1 that differentiate
BSNs from WSNs will take great influence on the
middleware. As stated, management will be simpler
with a central point and one hop communication paths
while the range of application and requirements will
pose severe constrains and opportunities on the opti-
mization process. This is then coupled with the need
to merge different models from different applications
to reach the best solution.
Our proposal aims to release the BSN application de-
veloper from the details of the underlying HW by pro-
viding an abstraction to these resources, enabling the
application to access the underlying information cor-
related and aggregated from the data provided by the
BSN. Thus, applications can gain with data from
different types of sensors (for the same or differ-
ent types of information) without needing to address
their specificities; applications can set requirements
to be met in providing the requested information; sev-
eral applications can more easily be accommodated
on top of the same set of resources; resource usage
can be optimized while taking into account the pre-
vious mentioned points; sensor plug-n-play capabil-
ity can more easily be attained; compartmentaliza-
tion of responsibilities provides better room for im-
BSN MIDDLEWARE - Abstracting Resources to Human Models
provements/updates(eg.: updating resource optimiza-
tions algorithms will not imply changes in applica-
tions). Applications can access higher level informa-
tion based on a model that derives its values from the
data on the sensor network.
Models, the mapping between sensor data and
model information and the optimization of resources
while meeting requirements are the main challenges.
Other issues like network topologies and service dis-
covery are also future work as the former will be re-
lated to resources and the latter with the ability to ac-
cess information in a plug-n-play architecture.
Experiments (healthcare and physical assessment)
will be undertaken at a future point to test the pro-
posed architecture.
Pedro Brand˜ao is partially funded by Fundac¸˜ao para
Ciˆencia e Tecnologia from Portugal.
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HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics