A further improvement of the specificity in the
area of other strong arrhythmias, such as bigeminy,
trigeminy, couplets, etc., may be reached under a
slight increase of computing power demands.
One alternative approach to the detection consists
in the suppression of PVC beats previous to the anal-
ysis with the PPV- and the PPV-MF-Detectors. A new
determination of the thresholds would be necessary in
this case.
Another alternative modification of the proposed
methods would be the analysis of ECG episodes con-
taining a fixed amount of beats instead of a fixed time
period. This would specially simplify the implemen-
tation of the methods on mobile devices due to non-
variable memory allocations.
Further on, the possibility of distinguishing and
diagnosing not only between ”atrial fibrillation” and
”not atrial fibrillation”, but also between the different
other arrhythmias should be taken in consideration.
Another approach in this area could be the intent of
delivering the exact number of PVC beats occurred in
one certain ECG segment.
This work has been kindly supported by the German
government BMBF project MµGUARD. The authors
thank the University Hospital T
ubingen (UKT) for
their time and support with medical questions and
supply of clinical ECG records. We also want to thank
the Institute for Signal Processing Technology (ITIV),
at Karlsruhe (TH), Germany for providing
further ECG records.
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BIOSIGNALS 2009 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing