The Figure 6 presents the measured phase of the
transmission parameters of the tested structure for
two cases: (1) when the line is covered with the
buffer only (line with square marks) and (2) when
the line is covered with DNAs inside the buffer (line
with circle marks). As the electrical properties of the
DNA molecule differ from the buffer one, we can
observe on the RF/microwave measurement the
signature of the DNA’s loading. We indeed obtain a
phase difference of 6° and 10° at 20GHz and 40GHz
respectively between the two cases, with and
without DNA, as summarized in the table I.
Table 1: Phase measurements summary.
Phase of the transmission
parameter in °
20 GHz 40 GHz
Without DNA -97 -153
With DNA -103 -163
Difference 6 10
The observed phase difference, around 7% in our
case, is larger than the minimum detectable phase
shift that we have estimated around 1°, but also
sufficiently high to envision microwave circuits with
enhanced sensitivity (7% multiply by the order of
the electrical function) like filter with operation
frequency sensitive to DNA concentration.
We also would like to outline that the use of
higher frequency increases the electrical signature
(the phase shift in our study) of DNA concentration,
and then to highlight one key point of our work,
which targets the integration of microwave (1-
30GHz) and even millimeterwave (30GHz to
110GHz or even higher) circuit for biological
This publication presents a proof of concept
demonstrator that emphasizes the potentialities of
RF/microwave detection and quantification of DNA
in its nominal biological environment. We take
benefit from the RF/microwave fields to achieve a
contact less detection scheme opening the door to ‘in
vitro’ analysis. We have first calibrated/validated
our RF sensor, and associated parameters extraction
procedure, with known liquid (D.I. water). We have
then detected the presence of DNA inside on host
liquid with a sensitivity, which is compatible with
measurement capabilities and future circuit design of
dedicated function.
Besides this electrical characterization, we
would like to outline that the fabrication of our
sensor is fully compatible with microtechnologies
and then inherit of their great interest, notably the
possible integration into lab-on-chip.
Furthermore, we think that it will be possible to have
access to the intrinsic DNA electrical parameters and
density, opening the door to the
quantification/discrimination of DNA inside its
biological environment.
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