this software, therefore there are not results to
demonstrate this approach.
The ECCA software is not another endoscopic or
endogastric atlas. The atlas is for humans as is this
tool for computers. Those atlas are available on the
internet or books which intends to instruct and
provide up to date information about endogastric
diseases, in a way that medical doctors can provide
the best care possible, while the tool described in
this paper aims a similar learning phase for
computers and artificial intelligence algorithms.
The main objective is to create a large set of data
capable of training and testing several machine
learning and computer vision algorithms. In that way
distinct algorithms could be tested with the same or
similar test and training data. Therefore, the
comparison between them could be performed more
directly and with high accuracy.
Several on going studies taken place at SIAS-
IEETA R&D department using computer vision
applied to EC video benefit from the data gathered
from this tool. The development and evaluation of
these computer vision and detection algorithms,
based on EC video processing, become a simpler
process by using the data gathered by this tool.
Furthermore, it may be used as a teaching tool
for EC specialist trainees. Due to lack of test
subjects, students willing to expend some time
trying this tool, there are not data that prove or not
the pedagogical relevance of this software, in spite
accreditation by the EC specialists.
The authors would like to thank the
Gastroenterology Department of Santo António
General Hospital (HGSA) in Portugal and the
endoscopic capsule specialists of the same
department for their contribution to the clinical
annotation using the ECCA software. The authors
would also like to thank the IEETA institute for their
vital support The presented work was developed in
the scope of project PTDC/EEA-ELC/72418/2006,
financed by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a
Tecnologia), under “POS-Conhecimento”
programme of the Portuguese Government.
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