From Theory to Practice
Hugo Silva, Gonçalo Martins, Susana Palma
PLUX, Biosensor Engineering., Av. 5 de Outubro nº 70-8º, Lisbon, Portugal
Pedro Mil-Homens, Maria Valamatos
Faculty of Human Kinetics, Lisbon, Portugal
Keywords: Athletic Performance Evaluation, Wireless, Sensors, Real-Time, Automated signal processing.
Abstract: In order to obtain information on athletic performance, strength and power characteristics of the athlete are
generally evaluated. However, due to the large number of variables needed for the assessment, this kind of
evaluations is usually time consuming. Taking advantage of recent developments in the area of sensors and
acquisition systems and using signal processing algorithms reported in the literature, we developed a new
Athletic Performance Evaluation System. This system automatically determines evaluation parameters and
integrates them in ready-made reports, decreasing the time involved in the evaluation process. The system is
based on the installation of sensors and wireless acquisition systems at the assessment workstations of a
Sports Evaluation Laboratory. At present, Jump Platform, Leg Press and Multipower workstations are being
used. Strength and displacement data collected by the sensors at these workstations is automatically
processed in real time at the Central Base Station where standard force and power related evaluation
parameters are determined. Graphical representations of time evolution of the variables being measured by
the sensors are showed in real time on the screen. Each evaluation session is defined by a protocol that can
be specifically created by the coach for each athlete. The results of the evaluations are stored in an athletes'
database so that the historic performance of the athlete can be easily assessed. The resulting system presents
the deployment of sound theoretical evaluation metrics in a real time athlete performance evaluation system.
Athletic performance can be assessed by analyzing
specific variables that provide information about the
physical condition of the athlete. Generally, strength
and power related variables are the gold standard for
athletic evaluation. For their assessment, specific
tests and procedures are used (Morrow et al, 2005).
Those tests are designed in accordance to
recommendations and guidelines that assist coaches
collecting valid and reliable data used to determine
the needed evaluation parameters (Brown et al,
Traditionally, and according to the assessment
guidelines, a large amount of evaluation variables
must be determined in order to obtain complete
information on the athlete's physical condition.
Usually, the data measured during the evaluation
tests is processed a posteriori and summarized in
reports that are analyzed a few hours or even days
after the tests are done, which also contributes to the
slowness of the evaluation. With the recent
technological advances, this situation can be
overcame. Besides introducing new levels of
objectivity, automation and usability into the
evaluation process, the use of new technological
tools may reduce markedly the time needed to
complete a performance evaluation session. The
training process itself is, nowadays, turning into a
process that uses the advantages of new technologies
(Liebermann et al, 2002): the use of sensors and
real-time presentation of the athlete's signals during
training provides athletes and coaches with
sophisticated objective information about the sport
performance evolution and it can also be used as a
real time feedback tool.
Silva H., Martins G., Palma S., Mil-Homens P. and Valamatos M. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices, pages 239-244
DOI: 10.5220/0001548602390244
This paper describes a new Athletic Performance
Evaluation System based on real-time measurement
and processing of signals generated by the athlete
during the assessment tests. Using wireless sensors
and acquisition systems installed on different
evaluation workstations, an athlete-focused system
that includes automated algorithms for determining
strength and power-related variables was developed.
Standard evaluation methods (Hori et al, 2006,
Linthorne et al, 2001; Dowling et al, 1993) used for
manual analysis of data in the traditional evaluation
laboratories were automated in order to obtain a
faster, integrated evaluation system. In this way, the
time involved in testing each athlete is decreased by
a factor of three.
The computed variables are summarized in a
ready-made report and may be used as performance
indicators for purposes such as the quantification of
the relative contribution of strength and power to
athletics events, the identification of specific
weaknesses and prescription of suitable
training/rehabilitation programs, the follow-up of
training/rehabilitation programs or even the
identification of athletic talented individuals.
The setup of the system involves both hardware and
software modules. Signal acquisition and
transmission is done by wireless signal acquisition
hardware and measurement sensors installed on the
evaluation devices of the laboratory. Data analysis
and reporting as well as management of athletes
database and evaluation protocols are performed by
the different software modules installed on a Central
Base Station.
The system works on a workstation/protocol
Each workstation is composed of an evaluation
device instrumented with measurement sensors and
a wireless acquisition unit which collects the signals
measured by the sensors. The acquired data is
transmitted in real time to a Central Base Station via
Bluetooth, where it is automatically processed and
represented on a screen. For the moment, three
workstations are predefined: (a) Leg Press: for
evaluation of force production characteristics of the
lower members; (b) Jump Platform: for evaluation of
reactive force of the inferior members and (c)
Multipower: for evaluation of force production
characteristics of the superior members and dynamic
parameters such as power, velocity and muscular
resistance (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Schematic Representation of powerPlux athletic
performance evaluation system setup.
Each evaluation session is defined by a protocol
that is previously designed by the coach for the
athlete. To build a protocol, the coach chooses the
set and sequence of evaluations the athlete will
execute as well as the respective details. In the end
of each evaluation session a report is produced that
summarizes it and presents the best results, allowing
also the introduction of comments by the coach. If
several sessions of a same evaluation protocol are
performed, a comparative report may be produced.
Given the wireless connectivity between the
workstations and the Central Base Station, the coach
can easily follow the athlete's work, in three simple
steps: (a) connect: communicate wirelessly with the
workstation; (b) acquire: automatically access the
main performance indicators in real-time; and (c)
visualize: session and historic reporting and analysis,
with graphical curves representation and gain
Simultaneously the athlete has real-time
feedback about his/her performance during the
evaluations, with automated visual and acoustic aids
to support the protocol execution. The fact that this
feedback information is given in real-time to the
athlete provide conditions for him/her to improve
significantly the process of skill acquisition and
sport performance (Schmidt et al, 1999; Liebermann
et al, 2002).
Besides the automated data acquisition,
processing and analysis module, powerPlux also has
a management module which includes an Athlete
Database to store relevant information for each
athlete, each evaluation session and corresponding
final reports.
BIODEVICES 2009 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
The recent technological developments in the area of
hardware design and integration offer appropriate
tools for the development of compact, miniaturized
and versatile systems with a large range of
applications in the areas of real-time signal
acquisition and processing (Silva et al, 2005).
At a Sports Evaluation Laboratory, space needs
to be clear of obstacles and evaluation tools should
not interfere with athletes' performance, so that
parameters such as wireless connectivity,
miniaturization, versatility and usability are
desirable features when one thinks of a sports
assessment tool. Taking advantage of the new
acquisition hardware solutions (Silva et al, 2005),
we developed powerPlux Athletic Evaluation
System, which gathers the features referred above.
Each Workstation is instrumented with a 12bit,
1000Hz bioPlux8 wireless acquisition system and
suitable sensors for measuring the signals produced
by the athlete at those workstations (Table 1). In this
way, the analog data measured by the sensors are
converted to digital data by the bioPlux8 uint that
communicates via Bluetooth with the Central Base
Station, where the data is processed (Figure 2).
Table 1: Sensors used in the Workstations.
Workstation Sensors
Leg Press Load Cell
Jump Platform Force Platform
Multipower Load Cell; Displacement sensor
Figure 2: Schematic representation of powerPlux
Signals measured by the sensors of each
workstations are managed by powerPlux Software
Application. It consists of five internal modules: (a)
device and sensor configuration; (b) acquisition and
display; (c) automatic signal processing; (d)
reporting; and (e) database. These modules receive
the signals collected at the different workstations in
order to determine evaluation parameters, present
them in real time and store them in the database.
The architecture of powerPlux software is
intentionally simple. A Home Screen allows to
choose between the Configuration and the Database
sections. The Configuration section is where the
coach manages the evaluation devices, protocols,
and evaluations. The database section is reserved for
accessing athletes’ profiles: viewing the historic of
evaluations’ results and performing new evaluation
In order to obtain an objective quantification of
the athlete’s physical condition, reliable and valid
data needs to be collected. The design of evaluation
protocols may be guided by procedures
recommendations published by exercise science
experts (Brown et al, 2001). However, the ideal
evaluation protocol is not yet defined. Sports
scientists and coaches in evaluation laboratories
follow distinct recommendations and rules in order
to design their own evaluation protocols. Taking this
situation into account, we designed a versatile
software application that allows the coach to define
several parameters for his evaluation protocol and
sessions. In this way, a protocol may be costumized
according to the athletes' needs and according to the
different assessment guidelines. This is done in the
Protocol Configuration screen, where the coach may
choose the kind and sequence of the evaluations the
athlete needs to perform (Reactive Force, Isometric
Force or Velocity-Power) as well as a variety of
factors that need to be considered when testing: joint
angle at which to perform the testing, the rest
interval between consecutive repetitions, the number
of repetitions to perform (trials and definitives) or
the duration of each test. Other evaluation-specific
parameters may also be configured for each
evaluation protocol.
Once an evaluation protocol is designed and
chosen for an athlete, it is saved in the respective
page of the athletes’ database. The athlete may
execute as many evaluation sessions of that protocol
as needed.
The evaluation process is guided by visual
instructions. A graphic representation of the signal is
showed on the screen while the athlete is performing
the evaluations, which gives him real time visual
feedback of his performance.
In the end of an evaluation session a report os
produced with graphic representations of the best
execution with companion tables where the results
determined automatically by the signal processing
algorithms are shown. All the Session Reports are
saved to the Database and identified by date and
time. For printing purposes, a printable format of the
Report may also be generated. In this way, the
historic performance progress of the athlete can be
easily accessed, allowing follow-up as well as
performance gains comparison throughout different
evaluation sessions.
4.1 Evaluations
From the analysis of the signals recorded at the
different workstations, powerPlux processing
algorithms determine standard performance
evaluation variables. The fact that the determination
of those variables is automated, introduces a new
level of objectivity into the evaluation process,
allowing a better characterization of the performance
of the athlete.
4.1.1 Reactive Force
Jumping is frequently used as a method of
evaluation of reactive and explosive force in lower
members. The measurement and monitoring of
variables such as the jump height, contact time,
impulse or vertical velocity are used to study these
At the Jumping Workstation, the athlete
performs vertical jumps while standing on a force
platform that collects the vertical force signal. The
processing of this data allows the computation of the
standard variables related with the evaluation of
lower members reactive force.
Before the evaluation takes place, the coach may
configure some specific Evaluation Parameters,
namely the kind of jumps the athlete will perform
(Squat-jump, Counter-movement Jump or Drop
Jump) (Linthorne, 2001), the number of trial and
definitive collections and the duration of each
Introduction of algorithm configuration values is
also possible. As an example, the force value above
which the algorithm will detect the beginning of a
jump or the force value for the detection of invalid
squat jumps due to the an initial downward
movement may be different in distinct evaluation
powerPlux software automatically processes the
force signal measured during the jumps and
determinates the performance indicator variables in
real time: (a) contact time, (b) gravity center
elevation, (c) vertical velocity and (f) impulse
achieved in each of the repetitions. These
parameters, determined according to standard
methods in the literature (Dowling et al, 1993;
Linthorne, 2001), are presented while the athlete is
jumping (Figure 3) and are stored in the Evaluation
Session Report. The squat jump must always be
performed in a Reactive Force Evaluation Session in
order to assess the relative enhancements in jump
performance due to the effect of stretching the
muscle/tendon complex prior to contracting.
(Linthorne, 2001; Brown et al, 2001). The elevation
of the center of gravity achieved in this jump is
taken as base value with which the values achieved
in counter-movement and drop jump are compared.
Figure 3: Evaluation screen showing the results of a
counter movement jump evaluation.
4.1.2 Isometric Force
Isometric assessment of muscular function requires
the athlete to push maximally against a resistance,
where a measurement sensor is placed, without
movement taking place. This test is one of the oldest
methods used in sports science.
powerPlux allows the evaluation of isometric
force of both superior and inferior members. The test
is done at the Multi-Power and Leg-Press
workstations, respectively. The devices are
instrumented with load cells to measure force data.
The algorithms are applied in real time to this data
and determine, directly from the force-time curve,
the evaluation variables. Figure 4 shows a screen
shot of an evaluation of suprior members' isometric
Maximum Strength (Maximum Voluntary
Contraction) and the speed with which force can be
developed (Rate of Force Production) are important
variables of the isometric force evaluation
(Abernethy et al, 1995; Wilson et al, 1996). These
variables are determined by powerPlux software for
both superior and inferior members by automatic
analysis of the force-time curve and respective
derivative. Other important variables are also
determined: the percentage of the Maximum Force
at the instant when the Maximum Rate of Force
BIODEVICES 2009 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
Production is achieved, the Rate of Force Production
at 50, 150, 250 and 350ms and the Percentage of
Maximum Force at 50, 150, 250 and 350ms.
The evaluation may be unilateral or bilateral,
allowing the comparison between both left and right
members' performances.
Isometric assessments usually display high
test/retest reliabilities (Abernethy et al, 1995).
However, reliability varies between the muscle
groups, the parameter being assessed (Maximum
Force or Rate of Maximum Force Production) and
the posture at which the testing is performed (joint
angle). In order to facilitate the performance of a
comprehensive evaluation and follow-up of the
athlete, these parameters are recorded in the report
as well as the parameters configured before the
evaluation takes place.
Algorithm configuration parameters is also
possible for isometric force evaluation Workstations:
the Initial Force Value, the range of the derivative
and the Acquisition Frequency are configurable
parameters which the coach may adapt for different
Figure 4: Evaluation screen showing the results of a
Isometric Force Evaluation (unilateral).
4.1.3 Velocity-Power
The measurement of power output during exercise
gives useful information to evaluate athletes’ speed
strength (Hori et al, 2006), which can be used as an
indicator of performance in most athletic activities.
This evaluation can be done with an isotonic test that
consists of moving a sub-maximal load against
gravity as fast as possible.
Weightlifting exercises are effective training
methods to improve speed strength, which makes the
measurement of the power output in this kind of
exercises a helpful tool for coaches
powerPlux system integrates a Multipower
device instrumented with a sensor that measures the
time variation of the load displacement when the
athlete does the weightlifting. An algorithm
determines the velocity and acceleration of the
lifting exercise from the displacement data recorded
by the sensor mounted on the device (Hori et al,
2006). With this data, Force/Velocity and
Force/Power relations can be determined for
muscles under the isotonic situation, namely
regression equations for force and load as function
of velocity.
The maximum amount of weight that can be
lifted in one repetition, i.e., the One-Repetition
Maximum (1RM) is the most common measure of
isotonic strength. 1RM testing involves a trial and
error procedure in which progressively heavier
weights are lifted until the weight exceeds the
subject's ability. The standard procedure involves
starting from a percentage of a (estimated) reference
1 RM value and then lifting progressively heavier
loads until the heaviest successful lift is reached
(Brown, 2001). Before the evaluation takes place,
the coach indicates the estimated 1 RM. The lifting
evaluation starts with a load of 20% of the reference
1RM and continues with equally spaced increases of
loads until the maximum is reached. For each lifted
load, the following variables are automatically
computed and presented in the report: (a) Mean
Power; (b) Mean strength; (c) Mean and Maximum
Velocity of the lifted load; (d) Displacement of the
load; (f) Time to reach the Maximum Force and (g)
Strength Deficit.
Graphical representations of time variation of
displacement, force, force/velocity, force/power and
force deficit are also presented in real time, giving
the athlete feedback of his own work. At the end of
each evaluation session Full Power, ratio between 1
RM and Body Weight (1 RM/BW) and ratio
between the lifted load and Body Weight (W/BW)
are determined and presented in the report which can
be used for follow-up purposes.
Some evaluation parameters of the velocity-
power workstation may be configured, namely the
duration of each test (15s , 30 s, 45 s or 60 s), the
time until the start of the test and the type of
evaluation (unilateral or bilateral). The Acquisition
Frequency is also configurable.
4.2 Reports and Athletes' Database
At the end of the evaluation session, the results and
configuration parameters used are stored in the
Report. Results are organized in tables and
represented graphically for a better understanding
and analysis. When several sessions of the same
evaluation protocol are performed, additional
comparative data, including gain indicators, is
generated and added to the summary tables. The
several evaluation session's reports are organized by
date and time, in order to allow a simple and easy
view of the historic evolution of each athlete for
follow-up purposes.
The Database is the key point of athletes'
management since all the data concerning
evaluations and results can be consulted or edited. It
includes the athletes' profiles, where personal data as
well as reports of previous evaluation sessions are
This paper describes an intergrated, athlete-focused
system for automatic athletic performance
monitoring and evaluation. Making use of the recent
advances in technology, we installed wireless
measurement sensors and data acquisition systems in
the devices traditionally used for physical condition
assessment and designed a specific software that
integrates and automatically processes the data
recorded by the sensors in real time. The signal
processing algorithms are based on standard
methods available in the literature and have some
configurable parameters that make them adaptable to
the specific characteristics of an athlete or group of
Thanks to the automatic processing of data and
generation of reports the amount of time needed for
a coach to build and execute an evaluation session is
markedly reduced in contrast to the traditional
Each evaluation session is defined by a protocol
that is specifically created by the coach for the
athlete. In this way, a comprehensive athletic
evaluation can be made, showing the weaknesses
and strengths of the athelte and helping in the design
of a specific and optimized training program.
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Dowling, J. and Vamos, L., 1993, Identification of Kinetic
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Liebermann, D. G., Katz, L., Hughes, M. D., Barlett, R.
M., McClements, J., Franks, I. M., 2002, Advances in
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Linthorne, N.P., 2001, Analysis of standing vertical jumps
using a force platform. In American Journal of
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Morrow, J. M.Jr., Jackson, A. W., Disch J. G., Mood, D.
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Wilson, G.J., Murphy, A.J., 1996, The use of Isometric
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In Sports Medicine, 22(1):19-37.
BIODEVICES 2009 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices