We are currently integrating the HeartFx 2000
arrhythmia (Heart FX 2000) classifier developed by
Medata. Unlike the QRS detector in the open source
classifier, the HeartFx 2000 classifier was not
designed for real-time analysis. It is intended instead
to be used in a post classification environment,
analyzing holter recordings.
We hope to compare the performance of both of
these classifiers, with respect to efficiency, accuracy
and reliability while running multiple ECG sensors
transmitting data simultaneously. We feel that
multiple ECG classifiers would give us greater beat
detection and classification redundancy in a range of
disparate environments.
Using the commercial classifier as a reference
we would hope to extend the open source classifier
to detect new arrhythmias such as VT (Ventricular
Tachycardia), VF (Ventricular Fibrillation) and
Asystole. There are plans to carry out usability
testing in a hospital.
It has been shown that it is possible to integrate and
implement an open source ECG beat detector and
arrhythmia classifier in an ambulatory patient
monitoring system. Our results prove that our
architecture is capable of supporting large numbers
of ECG sensors simultaneously. Using Zigbee as our
wireless infrastructure has enabled us to produce low
cost, low power ECG sensors. We hope that, in long
term patient monitoring, where accurate
classification of arrhythmias is crucial, our system
will prove useful.
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BIOSIGNALS 2009 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing