middleware has been introduced by EGEE project as
a result of contributions from many other projects
including LCG, European DataGrid and VDT
(gLite, 2007). This middleware is based on
GLOBUS2, Condor and many other services
developed in projects like those above. gLite
orchestrates multiple service layers such as Access,
Security, Information and Monitoring, Data, and Job
Management Services (gLite, 2007). It also
accomplishes the Open Grid Services Architecture
(OGSA) Standard introduced by the Open Grid
Forum (OGF) (Foster et al., 2002). This software is
Open licensed and portable.
The gLite job management is guaranteed by the use
of a gLite User Interface (UI) node that will operate
as a BING gateway to the Grid layer. This node
provides the proxy creation and, by the use of the
WMProxy (Workload Manager Proxy) Service,
access to the Workload Management System
(WMS). WMProxy accepts job submission requests
described with the Job Description Language (JDL)
(Pacini, 2006) and control requests such as job
cancellation, job status, job output retrieval, etc
(Maraschini A., 2006).
For data providers the gLite middleware supply
complementary data management services like the
Storage Resource Manager (SRM) and can support
different data access protocols and interfaces like
GSIFTP, RFIO and gsidcap allowing advanced
functionality such as dynamic space allocation and
file management on shared storage systems (gLite,
Some early results from our group (Andrade et al.,
2007b) support that gLite might be a good option.
On a vertical application (from user interface,
storage and processing) on Multi-voxel Non-linear
fMRI Analysis (Andrade et al., 2007a) it was
possible to have a positive assessment on the gLite
both on the processing power ( report a 7 fold
reduction in time consumption on EGEE Grid
environment) and on the application development.
This paper presents a detailed architecture model for
the Brain Imaging Grid (BING) that will be the main
IT infrastructure of the recently created Portuguese
Brain Imaging Consortium. The architecture was
designed with flexibility in mind providing
extension points for semantic information search and
Currently a prototype is under development
integrating extensions to the basic WU concepts:
LocalGliteTask WU to execute gLite jobs,
LocalTask WU to map local processes, FtpData WU
to access to data in FTP and LocalData WU to map
local data storage. These are being used in BING
workflow engine development in order to support
simple workflows. Simultaneously we are
developing the basic processes to handle different
data formats, image modalities in order to be able to
support the complex brain image data model at the
VFS level.
This work was partially funded by the projects
BING (GRID/GRI/81833/2006) and Geres-Med
(GRID/GRI/81819/2006) of the F.C.T.
We would like also to thank our project colleagues
António Sousa Pereira (University of Aveiro),
Miguel Castelo-Branco (University of Coimbra),
Nuno Sousa (University of Minho), Aurélio
Campilho (University of Porto) and their institutions
for the support to the BING project.
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HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics