tone of the message, a form of affective evaluation
called sentiment analysis.
We have separately developed a health monitor
system, which adaptively chooses questions, based
on the patient’s situational answers, from a thousand
question dataset, covering the full range of lifestyle
conditions. (Sanders, 2008)
See http://www.canis.uiuc.edu/healthmonitor .
The questions in the dataset are more precisely
targeted towards evaluating the patient than the free-
text extracted from their messages. However, the
number of available messages is currently much
larger than the number of answered questions. So
having an outcome measure for drug regimens from
health messages would enable us to extrapolate the
effects of health monitors over large populations.
Making these tools available to the public, could
help foster a sense of community and create
discussion topics. The website could also foster
discussion between doctors and patients, enhancing
medical communication, and between patients and
patients, enhancing social networking.
Application of conceptual matching to massive
amounts of health information is just beginning.
Most health information is not yet in a form to allow
for the ready evaluation of trends and patterns; here
health messages are substituting for detailed
personal health records. One envisions large health
datasets, involving medication follow-up, large-scale
clinical trials, common clinical diagnoses, and other
information analyzed using these techniques.
The nature of health information is going to
change, methods of clinical trials will be re-
evaluated, and population health information will be
placed on a firm informational basis. Despite current
difficulties of tracking information, the use of
conceptual matching will enable analysis of health
information to enter the modern technology world.
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