Computer-aided Therapy System with Augmented Feedback for the Lower Back
Dominique Brodbeck, Markus Degen, Michael Stanimirov
School of Life Sciences, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, Muttenz, Switzerland
Jan Kool
, Mandy Scheermesser
, Peter Oesch
, Cornelia Neuhaus
Department of Health, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Winterthur, Switzerland
Clinic Valens, Center for rehabilitation, Valens, Switzerland
University Children’s Hospital UKBB Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Back pain, Physiotherapy, Computer-aided therapy, Augmented feedback, Ambient visualization.
Low back pain is an important problem in industrialized countries. Two key factors limit the effectiveness of
physiotherapy: low compliance of patients with repetitive movement exercises, and inadequate awareness of
patients of their own posture. The Backtrainer system addresses these problems by real-time monitoring of
the spine position, by providing a framework for most common physiotherapy exercises for the low back, and
by providing feedback to patients in a motivating way. A minimal sensor configuration was identified as two
inertial sensors that measure the orientation of the lower back at two points with three degrees of freedom.
The software was designed as a flexible platform to experiment with different hardware, and with various
feedback modalities. Basic exercises for two types of movements are provided: mobilizing and stabilizing.
We developed visual feedback - abstract as well as in the form of a virtual reality game - and complemented
the on-screen graphics with an ambient feedback device. The system was evaluated during five weeks in a
rehabilitation clinic with 26 patients and 15 physiotherapists. Subjective satisfaction of subjects was good,
and we interpret the results as encouraging indication for the adoption of such a therapy support system by
both patients and therapists.
Low back pain (LBP) is a very frequent condition in
industrialized countries leading to high burden to the
health care system (van Tulder and Koes, 2002; van
Tulder and Koes, 1995). In the majority of cases,
no patho-anatomical causes for the complaints are
present and they are classified as non-specific LBP
(Deyo and Weinstein, 2001). Active and supervised
movement exercises are effective in reducing pain and
restoring function in non-specific LBP (Abenhaim L.,
e. a. 2000; Hayden et al., 2005). However, there
are several factors that limit the effectiveness of such
exercises and lead to poor therapy outcomes:
proprioception is inadequate for the lumbar spine
movement exercises are difficult to learn
exercises require a lot of repetition to be effective
appropriate feedback requires continuous pres-
ence of a physical therapist
Thus, the main problems are insufficient patient
motivation to comply with exercise regimes, as well
as the inability of the patients to exercise indepen-
dently. The aim of the Backtrainer project is to ad-
dress these limitations of current conservative ther-
apy, by automatically monitoring movement exercises
in real time, generating a motivating, game-like visual
feedback, and storing patients’ performance data for
later assessment.
The system has to be easy to use and simple
enough, in order for it to be adopted by physical ther-
apists, and so that it can be used by patients at home.
Although monitoring of back movements and pos-
tures in laboratory settings, but also at the workplace,
has gained a lot of attention in the past, there are no
technical solutions available that would fulfill these
This leads to the following research questions:
What is a minimal sensor configuration that still
produces enough data, in order to generate valid
feedback for movement exercises?
Brodbeck D., Degen M., Stanimirov M., Kool J., Scheermesser M., Oesch P. and Neuhaus C. (2009).
BACKTRAINER - Computer-aided Therapy System with Augmented Feedback for the Lower Back.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 66-73
DOI: 10.5220/0001550400660073
What basic set of exercises needs to be supported
by the software to cover most common therapy
In what form can the software provide intuitive
feedback about posture to focus patients’ attention
on the aspects that are relevant for the task?
How can the software motivate patients to use the
The problem was approached in three steps: (i)
identify the minimal sensor configuration, (ii) build a
prototype system, and (iii) evaluate the system in a
controlled clinical setting.
There have been numerous research projects address-
ing the measurement of the kinematics of the spine.
High-end systems usually use optical sensors, with
either passive or active markers that are glued onto
the skin. These systems have a very high precision,
often in the sub-millimeter range, and are used by
the video-game and movie industry for motion cap-
turing and animation generation. Other measurement
setups consist of sensors based on ultrasonic waves
to measure distances, electro magnetic tracking sys-
tems (Van Herp et al., 2000; Jordan, 2001), resistance
strain gauges, optical fibres (Dunne et al., 2006), or
sensors that use a combination of accelerometer, com-
pass, and gyroscope to determine the orientation of
the sensor (Lee and Laprade, 2003).
Each sensor technology has its advantages but also
its drawbacks. Optical systems can often capture only
in a small area, and there must be an unobstructed
line of sight from the camera to the markers. Systems
based on electromagnetism can be influenced by the
environment (i.e. training machines built of iron or
Research has also been done to compare the ac-
curacy of skin mounted (glued) sensors with radio-
graphs or magnetic resonance imaging used to iden-
tify the actual positions of vertebrae (Yang et al.,
2005; Mrl and Blickhan, 2006). The results show that
positions and motions of the skin markers can be used
as an estimate for the calculation of the position and
orientation of the underlying vertebrae. It should also
be noted that the goal of our system is not diagno-
sis, but to support physiotherapists whose work is also
based on surface observations.
Some recent publications focus on camera based
systems. In (Engels and Leloup, 2006) a system based
on low cost cameras has been described. This system
works with infrared cameras and a headband, with
mounted reflectors that can be used to recognize and
identify different sitting postures. Although the low
cost camera approach seems promising, it is not ap-
plicable in our situation because of the line of sight
problem, which applies to other optical systems as
The therapy system that was proposed in (Sucar
et al., 2008) also uses cameras to track gestures from
stroke patients and, in addition, provides augmented
feedback in a game-like setup. Another promising
approach, using multi-modal feedback in neural re-
habilitation, is described in (Huang et al., 2005). This
system uses visual as well as auditory means for feed-
back on functional, task-oriented exercises.
In order to satisfy the requirement of a simple and
easy to handle system, we had to identify the mini-
mal configuration of sensors that would still produce
enough data in order to classify movement quality and
performance, and to generate valid feedback. The hy-
pothesis was that it is sufficient to measure the ori-
entation of the lumbar spine at two points with three
degrees of freedom.
We used an optical motion capturing system (Op-
totrak Certus from NDI) with 22 infrared LEDs posi-
tioned on the subjects’ back (see Figure 1). The pre-
cision of this system is in the sub-millimeter range,
and data was collected with a sampling rate of 30
Hertz. In addition to the telemetry data, we captured
the movement of the subjects on video at a rate of 15
frames per second. This provided us with a setup that
is sufficiently overdetermined, to allow us to simulate
and virtually evaluate many different potential sensor
Figure 1: 22 markers were positioned in the region of the
lumbar spine (LS), and tracked with a high-precision optical
motion capturing system, in order to analyze the motion of
the lower back during standard movement tasks.
BACKTRAINER - Computer-aided Therapy System with Augmented Feedback for the Lower Back
Then we identified a set of movement tasks that
are commonly used for the management or in the di-
agnosis of low back pain:
1. Posture Correction (while seated)
2. Range of Motion (flexion/extension)
3. Range of Motion (lateral flexion)
4. Range of Motion (rotation)
5. Stabilization of lumbar spine during knee exten-
6. Lifting test (light load: 7.5 kg)
7. Lifting test (heavy load: 7.5-45 kg individually)
We recruited 22 healthy subjects between the ages
of 18 to 55 years, and asked them to perform the
above sequence of tasks. This produced a total of 2.4
hours of video synchronized with 5.6 million 3D po-
sitions for all of the markers. Standard statistical tools
are too limited to explore and analyze this large body
of information. We therefore developed a highly in-
teractive visualization application that would allow us
to visually explore the data, and experiment with dif-
ferent scenarios.
The visualization application consists of multiple
coordinated views that simultaneously show:
x, y, z positions of all the markers projected onto
the three planes of the body (sagittal, coronal,
3D view of the marker positions in space
synchronized video frames
missing values (due to line of sight problems)
derived values (e.g. spatial angles between pairs
of markers, distances)
Figure 2: The interactive visualization application uses mul-
tiple coordinated views to show different aspects, in order
to explore and analyze all the data that was recorded.
The software allows to plug in any number of al-
gorithms that produce derived values from selected
marker positions. We developed algorithms to mea-
sure angles and distances, as well as various pro-
jection methods onto the body planes. The videos
were examined visually by physiotherapy experts,
and marked up at points in time where subjects lost
their ability to stabilize the lumbar spine during the
This analysis revealed the following results:
The shape of the lumbar spine can be quanti-
fied by measuring the angle between vertebrae
Th12/L1 and L5/S1.
The difference between correct, stable movements
and unstable, potentially dangerous movements
can be identified in the data, and corresponds to
visual assessment by physical therapists.
The necessary data to evaluate the quality of
movement can be acquired by the use of skin sur-
face sensors.
Based on these results we confirmed our hypothe-
sis that for our intended goal to support therapy of low
back pain, it is sufficient to measure the orientation of
the lumbar spine at two points, with three degrees of
4.1 System Overview
The Backtrainer prototype consists of two inertial
sensor modules, capable of measuring the three rota-
tional degrees of freedom. Each of the two modules is
positioned on the patients’ back using an elastic band
(Figure 8). Motion data from the two sensor modules
are transmitted to a PC.
On the PC, a therapy software receives the signals
and reconstructs the movements of the lumbar spine.
The software further consists of a patient database,
and a set of movement exercises that can be config-
ured for the individual patient. The software supports
the therapist in instructing complex movements, and
allows the patient to exercise independently in a moti-
vating, game-like environment, and document therapy
activities and progress.
Figure 3 shows an architectural overview of all
components of the system.
HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 3: Overview of the Backtrainer system. Hardware,
exercise logic, and feedback are abstracted into separate
layers to guarantee high flexibility and extensibility.
4.2 Inertial Sensors
Of the sensing technologies discussed in section 2,
we chose to use inertial sensors, because of their low
cost and simplicity of use. We first considered to de-
velop a sensor based on accelerometers, gyroscopes,
and magnetometers on our own, but recently, many
commercial sensors of this type that match our speci-
fications have become available, and therefore we de-
cided against it.
We used sensors from two different manufactur-
ers. One was a wireless system (InertiaCube3 from
Intersense), and another one was a system where the
sensors are connected to the PC with USB cables
(MotionNode from GLI Interactive). We abstracted
the interfacing of the sensors in the software, so that
we are able to switch systems easily.
4.3 Software
The software is separated into several layers to guar-
antee high flexibility and extensibility (Figure 3). The
core application layer is responsible for the hardware
abstraction, as well as basic patient, exercise and ther-
apy management. The exercises are abstracted into a
separate layer, which makes it possible to easily add
any number of exercises to the system. This exercise
Figure 4: Use cases resulting from the task analysis.
logic layer takes care of configuration, generation of
feedback, and determination of the exercise success
level. Rendering and interaction are done in the feed-
back layer, to support the use of different feedback
In order to design the user interaction, a task anal-
ysis was performed based on scenarios of future ther-
apy sessions. The resulting use cases are summarized
in Figure 4.
Analysis of the use cases and iterative prototyping
together with therapists, lead to three areas of inter-
action that were then implemented in the following
main screens:
Device: Management of the hardware (Initialization,
calibration, monitoring).
Personae: Management and selection of therapist
and patients, monitor therapy (exercise perfor-
mances, access to historical data).
Exercises: Selection and performance of exercises
(configuration, personalization, feedback).
These three screens reproduce the main work flow
executed in a therapy session:
1. Initialize the device and make sure the sensors are
mounted correctly and deliver signals.
2. Select therapist and patient, review previous ses-
sions and decide on the exercises to be performed
in the current session.
3. Select, perform and evaluate exercises.
4.4 Exercises
The exercises are the main concept within the Back-
trainer system, they target the training area and can be
divided into the two groups of mobilizing and stabi-
lizing exercises.
Mobilization Exercises
The aim of mobilization exercises is to restore the
range of motion of the patient. The physiotherapist,
BACKTRAINER - Computer-aided Therapy System with Augmented Feedback for the Lower Back
together with the patient, set range limits which en-
close the required movement range to achieve the
treatment goal. This range is visualized to the pa-
tient by a white ball moving within the predefined
range limits. The ball turns its color to green if the
wanted limits are reached and to red if these are ex-
ceeded. This information assures him/her that mo-
tions within this range will be most effective. This is
important, because it prevents patients to be overcau-
tious or overambitious, which would result in a lower
success rate of the therapy. The success level of a
particular performance of the mobilizing exercise is
defined as the ratio of number of times that the limit
was reached to the total number of attempts.
Figure 5 shows the application window with the
mobilizing exercise selected. The slider and buttons
on the right allow the adjustment of exercise parame-
Figure 5: Mobilizing feedback.
Stabilization Exercises
The goal of stabilization exercises is to hold the lum-
bar spine in a given stable position, while perform-
ing movements such as ”squats”, lifting weight, or
changing from sitting to standing. For this type of
exercise, it is important to provide the patient with
an augmented feedback of the posture of the lumbar
spine, as proprioception of this region is typically low.
The metaphor of a ”green range” was introduced,
meaning that motions within this range are perfectly
tolerable. This range is adjustable and allows to de-
fine the level of difficulty for the exercise.
Our first approach for the visualization of the lum-
bar spine posture used a comic like stick figure that
had a bendable spine. Tests showed however that this
approach worked only, if the subject was positioned
exactly as the figure on the screen (i.e. standing up-
right). In other situations (e.g. sitting, kneeling), this
concrete depiction turned out to be more confusing
than helpful.
We therefore replaced the figure by a more ab-
stract visualization of a sphere balancing on a curved
convex surface. Figure 6 shows these two approaches
side by side. When the patient leaves the ”green
range”, then the ball slides down on one side of the
surface, and changes its color from yellow gradually
to red, depending on how much the current measured
angle is away from the green angle.
Figure 6: Stabilizing feedback: The first version (left) used
a figure like feedback but was then replaced by a more ab-
stract visualization using a ball balanced on a bump.
Game Exercise
As described in section 1, movement exercises with
many repetitions are key to therapy effectiveness. Pa-
tient compliance with repetitive movement exercise
regimes is problematic though. We developed a sim-
ple game with the aim of enhancing motivation and
In the game, the patient controls a bat at the bot-
tom of the window (Figure 7). The bat can be moved
from left to right, according to the difference in ro-
tational angles between the upper and lower sensor
modules. Which of the three rotational planes should
be used for the mapping, can be freely chosen by the
therapist, depending on the therapy goal. The task in
this game is to catch the balls that are rolling from the
back toward the front at randomly chosen offsets from
the center line. The ratio of caught vs. missed balls
is displayed as a score, and the final score is recorded
as the success level of this exercise in the patients’
therapy history.
This simple game is implemented in the Back-
trainer software using basic ”OpenGL” commands,
Figure 7: Game feedback: A ball (grey) is rolling from the
back toward the player and has to be caught by a bat (blue).
HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics
but the software design explicitly addresses the pos-
sibility to integrate more sophisticated games that can
be based on so called game-engines (Figure 3). Game
engines facilitate the implementation of 3D games
providing elaborate functions for the realization of
virtual worlds, avatars and leveling systems.
Lightbulb Feedback
The movements that a patient executes while perform-
ing a movement exercise often involve a rotation of
the line of vision of the patient (e.g. rotation of the
upper body in the coronal plane), or the line of vision
is not oriented horizontally (e.g. patient lying on the
chest). In such situations, it is unpractical to provide
a visual feedback on a computer screen with a fixed
position. It would be helpful to provide feedback that
is not directional in nature, but embedded in the envi-
ronment in an ambient way.
Auditory feedback is one possibility. However,
physiotherapy for low back patients is often per-
formed in clinical therapy settings, where many pa-
tients exercise in the same room at the same time. In
such a setting, auditory feedback can be distracting
and confusing.
Research in the field of human computer interac-
tion suggests the use of ”ambient displays”. Ambient
displays are abstract, peripheral displays that visual-
ize information on the periphery of a user’s attention
(Mankoff et al., 2003). This approach can also be
adapted to physiotherapy, to let the patient concen-
trate on the exercises and nevertheless perceive feed-
back about the movements.
For the Backtrainer system, we built a very simple
but effective component to generate an ”ambient feed-
back” using a modified color changing LED Light-
bulb (Figure 8). The Lightbulb was instrumented with
a USB-interface in order to be able to change the color
from software for any combination of the two primary
colors red and green.
The Lightbulb matches the ball metaphor that is
used for the feedback shown in the software on the
computer screen. Some exercises can be performed
with only the Lightbulb feedback (e.g. stabilizing
exercise) while others (e.g. game exercise) use the
Lightbulb as an additional feedback modality. Apart
from being an ambient feedback system for the pa-
tients, the bulb can also be used by physiotherapists
coaching several patients at the same time. The thera-
pist can observe the emitted color from a distance and
intervene to adapt exercise settings, i.e. if there are
too many ”misses” while playing the game exercise.
Figure 8 shows a therapy situation with the Back-
trainer mounted on the patients back, the LED Light-
bulb and the physiotherapist. The patient is perform-
Figure 8: The Backtrainer system in a therapy situation.
ing a stabilizing exercise (weight lifting while stabi-
lizing the lumbar spine).
In order to evaluate the Backtrainer system, we per-
formed an exploratory study in a controlled clinical
setting. The goal of this study was to use the sys-
tem under realistic conditions, in order to evaluate
the practicality in various situations. In particular the
goals were:
Evaluation of the practicality (expenditure of
time, handling, ease of use) and application in a
therapeutic setting.
Evaluation of acceptance of the system by thera-
pists and patients.
Evaluation of the feedback produced by the sys-
The study was performed in the rehabilitation
clinic Valens, Switzerland. 15 physical therapists
were given a short introduction to the Backtrainer
system. After this introduction, the therapists were
free to use the system at their discretion during
their regular therapy sessions with patients that suf-
fer from chronic back pain or that have undergone
back surgery. Both, patients and therapists were asked
to fill out questionnaires asking about their subjective
satisfaction with the system. In addition, the software
is equipped with extensive logging to provide objec-
tive data about the use of the system.
The study was planned for a duration of five
weeks. We report preliminary results after 80% of
this time has elapsed. The following discussion of the
results focuses on those aspects that relate to the soft-
ware of the Backtrainer system. In depth analysis of
the overall study is subject of further research, once
the study is completed.
BACKTRAINER - Computer-aided Therapy System with Augmented Feedback for the Lower Back
During the period under investigation (21 days),
the system has been in use between 1 and 2 hours per
day. 26 patients have performed therapy sessions with
the Backtrainer. They have performed a total of 248
exercises distributed as follows: mobilizing (17%),
stabilizing (51%), game (32%). The average dura-
tion of an exercise was about 2 minutes with the 90%
quantile at 5 minutes (8 minutes for the game exer-
cise). Since the game exercise can be considered a
mobilizing exercise, the distribution between the two
types of exercises is just about half and half.
We have received filled-out questionnaires from
18 patients and 8 therapists up to this point. The num-
bers are not complete due to the fact that the study
is still on-going, and questionnaires will typically be
filled out toward the end. Nevertheless, the numbers
are sufficiently large that they do provide an indica-
tion for the important trends.
Tables 1, 2, and 3 show the answers to selected
questions. In general, the feedback provided by the
Backtrainer is considered helpful by both patients and
therapists, and it matches the visual observations of
the therapists. Patients generally indicate that when
training individually, it is more fun to train with the
Backtrainer. We will have to further investigate into
the reason for the few less favorable answers though.
Therapists indicate that they can use the Backtrainer
to measure therapy progress. The evaluation of the
software by the therapists is favorable.
Table 1: Patient questionnaires (n = 18). Encoding: 4 Com-
pletely agree, 3 Agree somewhat, 2 Disagree somewhat, 1
Completely disagree.
Encoded Answers
[# answers]
Question 4 3 2 1 ¯x σ
Feedback from
the Backtrainer
was helpful
12 6 0 0 3.7 0.5
Feedback is easy
to understand
13 5 0 0 3.7 0.4
Makes it easier to
perform exercises
on your own
8 7 0 2 3.2 0.9
training is more
fun with the
8 7 2 1 3.2 0.9
Table 2: Physical therapist questionnaires (n = 8). Encod-
ing: 4 Completely agree, 3 Agree somewhat, 2 Disagree
somewhat, 1 Completely disagree.
Encoded Answers
[# answers]
Question 4 3 2 1 ¯x σ
Feedback from
the Backtrainer
was helpful for
4 4 0 0 3.5 0.5
The feedback
matched my
4 2 1 0 3.4 0.7
It is possible to
measure therapy
progress with the
4 3 1 0 3.4 0.7
Patients are
motivated to use
5 3 0 0 3.6 0.5
Table 3: Software evaluation by physical therapists (n = 8).
Encoding: 4 Completely agree, 3 Agree somewhat, 2 Dis-
agree somewhat, 1 Completely disagree.
Encoded Answers
[# answers]
Question 4 3 2 1 ¯x σ
impression is
very good
0 8 0 0 3.0 0.0
The software
fulfills its task
4 4 0 0 3.5 0.5
The software
matches my
expectations and
2 5 1 0 3.1 0.6
We have developed a system to support physiotherapy
of low back pain. We found that this is possible by
measuring the orientation of the lumbar spine at two
points, with three degrees of freedom. The dynamic
behavior and accuracy of commercially available in-
ertial sensors are good enough for this application.
The layered software architecture that we de-
veloped has proven effective in integrating differ-
ent hardware systems, and providing the flexibility
needed for prototyping. The separation of code for
the exercise concept into core, logic, and feedback is
useful for providing various feedback modalities in a
HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics
modular way.
The task analysis and the division of the interface
into three areas, resulted in a system that was easy
to use and matched the workflow of a typical therapy
session. The distribution of the exercise types per-
formed during the clinical evaluation shows that the
distinction between mobilizing and stabilizing move-
ments is fundamental and well reflected in practice.
The abstract visual feedback that we designed was
considered helpful. Ambient feedback in the form
of the Lightbulb proved to be a very useful addition
to the computer screen in a real-life therapy setting.
With regard to feedback and motivation, the study
only provided some first hints though. Participants
liked the game and the feedback, but there is fur-
ther systematic investigation needed to answer our re-
search questions in this area.
The usage patterns and the answers from the ques-
tionnaires from the clinical evaluation provide a stable
foundation for the further development of the Back-
trainer system. Since therapists did not have to follow
a fixed protocol, but were free to use the Backtrainer
when they saw a need, we interpret the numbers that
we found as encouraging indication for the adoption
of such a therapy support system.
The above results suggest future work for the elab-
oration of the system in several areas:
Evaluate other feedback modalities (e.g. audi-
tory, tactile), and other ambient devices (e.g. light
emitting floor panels). Also the use of wearable
3D-Displays (Eye-goggles) will be evaluated.
Explore a telemedical scenario in which the ex-
ercises performed by the patient at home can be
evaluated by geographically distant physiothera-
pists to provide guidance for the patients.
Evaluate ”virtual reality” game-like feedback
modalities to further raise motivational factors.
This work was supported by funding from the Swiss
Innovation Promotion Agency CTI. The authors
would like to thank Hocoma AG for their support.
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BACKTRAINER - Computer-aided Therapy System with Augmented Feedback for the Lower Back