The micro controller is responsible for
assembling the information, sent by the CPU, in
order to drive the H-Bridge. It calculates the PWM
ON / OFF times, generating the desired signal to the
system output.
The micro controller uses an 8MHz crystal. In
order to generate a PWM signal that does not reach
frequencies higher than 30kHz, the sampling
frequency used by the micro controller is about 17
times higher than the frequency of the output signal
to ensure a low ripple at the filter output.
An AT90USB1287 low-power CMOS 8-bit
micro controller was used (Johnson and Tabasam,
2003), based on the AVR with 64/128K bytes of ISP
Flash and an USB device controller with full speed
and low speed data transfer support, enhanced RISC
architecture. By executing powerful instructions in a
single clock cycle, the AT90USB1287 achieves
throughputs approaching 1MIPS per MHz allowing
the system designer to optimize power consumption
versus processing speed.
The interface between master and slave blocks is
achieved by means of a USB connection due to is
large bandwidth and Plug and Play interoperability.
A full-duplex low speed (1.5Mbit/s) data rate
connection is used that guarantees up to 512kbit/s of
bandwidth in each direction.
The Bus topology used is the Reduced Host
Topology showed in figure 5 (Atmel, 2007).
Figure 5: Reduced Host Topology. A reduced host
controller has a unique USB port and does not handle full
USB tree with hub. It means that a reduced host controller
is designed to handle a unique point-to-point connection
with an unique USB device.
Its main characteristics are:
USB Host:
There is only one host in any USB system, and
it operates as the “master” of the USB bus;
The USB interface to the host system is referred
to as the Host Controller.
USB Device:
An USB device operates as a slave node on the
USB bus;
Thanks to the USB hub (that also operates as an
USB device) up to 127 devices can be
connected on the USB bus. Each device is
uniquely identified by a device address.
It would be only necessary to implement a more
elaborated connection topology if the micro
controller interacts with more than one device
because it would be necessary to guarantee that it
communicates with the correct device. As this
system is composed by just one device, the use of
the simplified topology facilitates the
implementation of the connection between the CPU
and the micro controller.
The micro controller output signal produces a
peak voltage of 3.3V. To manage an effective
treatment it is necessary to amplify this signal to
higher levels, such as 54V. To carry out this task it
was implemented an H-bridge with two quadrants,
allowing the change of the signal output polarity
according to the corresponding treatment. The H-
Bridge was implemented by means of L6225 DMOS
Dual Full Bridge chip which combines isolated
DMOS Power Transistors with CMOS and bipolar
circuits on the same chip (STMicroelectronics,
2007). Figure 6 shows the schematic diagram of this
Figure 6: H-Bridge circuit based on BCD technology.
Combines isolated DMOS Power Transistors with CMOS
and bipolar circuits on the same chip.
The signal output is a sum of two components: a
low frequency of 0.07Hz (Period = 14s) and a high
frequency of 1.8kHz. A low-pass active filter, with a
Q factor of 2, and a cut-off frequency of 2kHz were
used. Thus the filter output no longer presents the
high frequency components, produced by the PWM
modulator, and all variations of the sign are
smoothed. Figure 7 shows the output waveform of
the PWM modulator. Figure 8 depicts a time
expansion between B1 and B2 bars of figure 7.