Presentation on a Method for its Development and Preliminary Results
Felipe Mancini, Alex Esteves Jaccoud Falcão, Anderson Diniz Hummel, Thiago Martini Costa
Cristina Lucia Feijo Ortolani, Fabio Teixeira and Ivan Torres Pisa
Department of Health Informatics, Federal University of São Paulo, Rua Botucatu 862, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Keywords: Internet, health, Information storage and retrieval, Pattern recognition system.
Abstract: The increase in the amount of available information on the world wide web is inexorable, which, on one
hand, provides the web user with more information. On the other hand, however, web searches become
increasingly more difficult to handle due to the increasing number of retrieved documents. The present
study is a proposal of development for a Brazilian search portal specific for health-related content. The aim
of such development is to provide web users, mainly the non-specialist ones, with the largest number
possible of web pages relevant to their search terms and inferred search intentions. The proposed search
portal integrates web mining-based filters and a decision-making support tool. The preliminary study results
show that among the algorithms tested to incorporate a filter module specific for health-related content -
artificial neural networks, logistic regression and nearest neighbor clustering (NNC) -, the application of
NNC resulted in the automated web health-related content classifier with the best performance for
sensitivity and specificity 0.92 and 1.00 respectively.
The world wide web content increases inexorably
each day pushing and being pushed by the
technological and economical development. Health-
related activities are one contributor to this increase.
In Brazil, 30% of web searches concern to
information on health conditions related topics
(CETIC, 2007).
However, adequacy and quality of available
information are two relevant issues regarding health-
related web content. A number of criteria for
assessing adequacy and quality have been devised
since 1997 (Lopes, 2004) such as the Health On Net
Foundation code (HON, 2008) and the criteria for
quality assessment by Health Information
Technology Institute (HITI, 2000).
These accrediting institutions have as aim
ensuring the suitability of heath information made
public on the web. However, the design of major
web search engines does not prioritize certified
websites. Chang et al. (2007) reported that in a
search concerning the health field, the first HON
certified reference was the 763th on the list of sites
retrieved by Google™.
This particular feature of major search engines
makes the system of quality certification for health
information on web unavailable for internet users. A
Brazilian study showed the usefulness and potential
appreciation of search engines incorporating a
feature that skims high quality health information -
83% of accesses to health-related sites didn’t use
popular web search engine (Silva, 2006).
There is an implied credibility in health sites.
The Harris Poll (2008) reported that 60% of
American web users believe entirely in the content
of the available health pages. This figure rises to
90% among Brazilian users (Silva, 2006). This
makes it even more important to provide Brazilians
accessing the worldwide web with assuredly
accurate health web pages.
This paper shows a method that aims at
implementing a Brazilian web portal for search and
retrieval of health focusing on the needs and
interests of the general public.
Mancini F., Esteves Jaccoud Falcão A., Diniz Hummel A., Martini Costa T., Lucia Feijo Ortolani C., Teixeira F. and Torres Pisa I. (2009).
BRAZILIAN HEALTH-RELATED CONTENT WEB SEARCH PORTAL - Presentation on a Method for its Development and Preliminary Results.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 306-310
DOI: 10.5220/0001552303060310
The architecture of this search portal, called In
Health Search Model (InHealth), has a services-
oriented architecture (SOA) (Erl, 2007), therefore,
all modules to be incorporated to it should follow
interoperation standards based on web-services
(Papazoglou, 2007).
InHealth comprises fundamentally 3 modules –
indexing module (IndHealth), inference module
(InfHealth) and a graphical user interface module
(IntHealth). The interaction of these 3 modules
within InHealth architecture is outlined in Figure 1.
Figure 1: In Health Search Model modules interaction.
As indicated in Figure 1, after a search term is
entered, the web service Inf Health performs a pre-
processing and selects related search terms supplied
to IndHealth, which retrieves sites relevant sites
supplied to IntHealth. IndHealth, InfHealth and
IntHealth are described below.
2.1 IndHealth
The portal is provided with a meta-search engine
(Dunford II, 2008). incorporated in IndHealth
module which works with Google and Yahoo
search engines.
IndHealth performs an index-based retrieval
using as indexing system the web content mining
(Kosala & Blockeel, 2000), which is a process to
find target information in documents subject to a
search. A number of techniques, such as information
retrieval (Hersh, 2003) and artificial neural
networks, can be used to implement this process
(Haykin, 1999).
The indexing module uses 2 filters: only-health
filter (OHealth) and suitability health filter
(SuiHealth) have been developed in Perl (Perl,
2008), PHP (PHP, 2008), Java (Java, 2008) and
MySQL (MySQL, 2008) database.
2.1.1 OHealth Filter
OHealth filter was incorporated into IndHealth
aiming at retrieving only web pages with health
information. Excluding commercial sites and
product advertisements, would save users searching
health issues the unwanted task of doing it
themselves (Tom & Latter, 2007).
Basically, this filter analyzes the similarity
between the web page content and the content of a
dictionary or descriptor for the health field, such as
DeCS (DeCS, 2008) or MeSH (MeSH, 2008). The
OHealth filter works with the assumption that the
greater the similarity between the web page under
analysis and health content descriptors, the higher
the probability of it being a web page focusing on
health issues.
2.1.2 SuiHealth Filter
Tang and Ng (Tang and Ng, 2006) reported that
using general-purpose searching engines, such as
Google, may render ineffective when the internet
search aims at reaching a diagnosis or understanding
better a health condition due to the web user coming
across with a large amount of irrelevant retrieved
information. Abraham and Reddy (Abraham and
Reddy, 2007) also showed some criticism regarding
the adequacy of both general-purpose and
specialized search engines for web user retrieving
information in the health field. Therefore, SuiHealth
filter focus on retrieving the web content which is
the most relevant and suitability possible to the
user’s search term.
The development of this filter ensues an
investigation carried out by Falcão
( using
the social media (O'Reilly, 2005) to determine sets
of terms for automatic ranking and indexing relevant
health web content.
2.2 InfHealth
Using a search term, this module makes inferences
concerning the health content that the user would
like to be retrieving.
BRAZILIAN HEALTH-RELATED CONTENT WEB SEARCH PORTAL - Presentation on a Method for its Development
and Preliminary Results
Decision-making support system (SAD) can be
used for this goal (Musen et al., 2006). SAD reads
the user’s search term as a health condition sign or
symptom and retrieves from and internal database all
possible health conditions including such sign of
symptom, which are fed into IndHealth as search terms.
Lepidus (Silva & Roque, 2000) is an SAD
focusing on general medical practice that has shown
to be highly effective in providing its user with the
correct diagnosis in 84% of the cases where signs
and symptoms of a health condition is presented. Its
incorporation to IntHealth may result in improved
Other inference component can also integrate
IntHealth, such as those working with images,
audio-visual features, forum groups, and scientific
reports, particularly available on Virtual Health
Library (Bireme, 2008).
This component is development in PHP and Java
languages in conjunction with MySQL database.
2.3 IntHealth
IntHealth, the GUI module of the portal system, has
been developed using Ajax (Ajax, 2008) and PHP
languages, and the Mini Ajax framework (Mini
Ajax, 2008). Its GUI should follow the heuristics
concepts of Nielsen (2005).
Figure 2: GUI proposed for InHealth portal for health-
related content web search.
Figure 2, also available at, show
the GUI of the InHealth web pages. Figure 2 (a)
shows the home page exhibiting just one box to
enter the search term. Figure 2 (b) shows the page
with the outcome of InHealth processing in a three-
box layout proposed by Mini Ajax. Each InfHealth
inference is processed on an asynchronous,
independent thread due this framework.
The present study focus on the preliminary results of
OHealth filter. This assessment involved 3 steps as
indicated in Figure 3. Firstly, 608 web pages from
the Merck Manual for Medical Information on
Health for the Family (Berkow et al., 2003) and 268
non-health web pages were selected.
Figure 3: Automated content classifier flow chart.
Next, the Term Frequency–Inverse Document
Frequency (TF-IDF) statistical model (Tardelli et al.,
2004) and stemming (Hersh, 2003) were used to
determine the similarity between the web pages
selected with the DeCS. The stopwords (Hersh,
2003) was unappreciated for the set of words
Finally, using similarity data sets for each web
page analyzed, classifier was development with the
use of free tools and open code for data mining,
Weka, developed by the University of Waikato
(Witten & Frank 2005). The goal of this classifier
was automatically recognition health-related content.
ANN, logistic regression (LR) (Bishop, 2007),
and nearest-neighbor clustering (NNC) (Duda, et al.,
2000) were used as aid algorithms for similarity
measurement, since they showed the best rates of
specificity and sensitivity as determined by the area
under the ROC curve (AUC) (Metz, 1978) when
applying the 10-fold cross validation test (Burnham
& Anderson, 2004). Others algorithms were tested
as bayes net, linear regression, and normalized
Gaussian radial basis function network (Bishop,
Specificity and sensitivity rates and AUC for
ANN, LR and NNC are presented in Table 1.
HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Table 1: Sensitivity (SE) and specificity (SP) rates, and
area under ROC curve (ROC) for nearest-neighbor
clustering (NNC), artificial neural networks (ANN), and
logistic regression (LR) classification algorithms, tested in
OHealth filter.
0.92 1.00 0.98
0.80 0.88 0.91
0.92 1.00 0.98
At the current stage of the study, NNC showed
the best performance as aid algorithm for automated
classification of web health content with the best
rates of specificity and sensitivity, and the largest
area under the ROC curve – 0.92, 1.00, 0.98
In the present study, nearest-neighbor clustering
(NNC) was able to recognize all Merck health web
pages – specificity 1 – and was able to filter 92% of
web pages with content not related to health issues
sensitivity 0.92.
Despite OHealth showed a satisfactory
performance in classifying health web pages, its
represented a single editor (Merck). Further tests
should be run including health web pages from
different sources and different editorial
Another point requiring further investigation is
classification time performance. With the present
design, OHealth took approximately 7 minutes to
carry out the classifying calculations for each web
page. Other approaches to assess similarity have
been proposed such as white lists and memory hash
Other software components integrating the
InHealth portal system are still in stages of design
and test, as the Lepidus adaptation and the GUI
The authors also plan to implement a
questionnaire-based assessment tool to be applied on
the general and specialist web users in order to
compare the performance of InHeath with other
general-purpose search engines such as Google.
The usefulness of a search portal for web pages with
health-related content is potentially enormous, and
the challenge of its implementation is motivating.
The preliminary results of the present study show
that web mining techniques can improve the
specificity of search for health information on the
world wide web.
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