Valdecir Bertoncelo, Laudelino Cordeiro Bastos
Cesumar/PUCPR, Guedner Avenue, 1610, Maringa, Brazil
Flávio Bortolozzi, Ana Paula Rodrigues
Department of Computing, Cesumar/PUCPR, Guedner Avenue, 1610, Maringa, Brazil
Keywords: Problem-based learning, ICTs, Education.
Abstract: This study is an analysis of a support system for learning the Gynecology and Obstetrics discipline in a
Medicine course using the PBL methodology. Its objective is to point out a computer model that can
measure the similarity index between the patient’s anamnesis as done by the student and the solution
proposed by the professor. The study also presents concepts of the PBL methodology and its several
applications, as well as the techniques used in learning with the use of this methodology. Additionally, it
shows the actual iteration of ICTs with the PBL methodology. It is this hoped that the investigative analyses
and the implementation of this system offers students possibilities to experience in anticipation the daily
routine of their future profession, with the aim of aiding them in the teaching-learning process by creating
the conditions to help the instructor in evaluating the student’s performance, while giving the student the
chance to debate the solution proposed by the professor.
We live in a world in constant change, powered by
great technological advances, of which education
could not possibly be immune. Currently,
Information and Communication Technologies
ICTs are greatly aiding the teaching/learning
relationship in education, and the Internet has been
decisive in presenting new alternatives for teachers
and students alike. Many educators and researchers
have been using new methods and paradigms in the
education field. In the medical field, new
methodologies for teaching and learning have
appeared; among them is Problem-Based Learning –
PBL. Besides to the diversification of the areas in
which PBL has been applied, the introduction of the
ICTs has created new virtual platforms, and new
software programs are integrating solutions and
adaptations for the development of PBL-based
teaching and learning.
Medical education in particular has taken a more
direct approach in this field, and today there are
several success stories in the formation of physicians
and healthcare professionals.
The presentation of clinical cases is one of the
main points in the teaching of medicine using the
PBL methodology. The premise for the use of this
methodology is to offer students the possibility of
experiencing in advance the daily routine of their
future profession, with the objective of facilitating
their learning process by creating the ideal
conditions for both the professor (in evaluating the
student’s performance) and the students themselves
(by allowing them to discuss the solution proposed
by the professor).
In (Rodrigues, 2006), a study was conducted to
guide students and professors in developing teaching
and learning strategies in Gynecology and Obstetrics
according to the PBL method. This study was
developed as part of the Learning Program in
Gynecology and Obstetrics at the Pontifícia
Universidade Católica do Paraná – PUCPR, for the
Women’s Health discipline. After a detailed analysis
of the research, a need was detected to incorporate
into the system an instrument to measure the
Bertoncello V., Cordeiro Bastos L., Bortolozzi F. and Rodrigues A. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 329-336
DOI: 10.5220/0001555003290336
similarity in the paths followed by the students in the
course and that predetermined by the professor. This
congruence was recorded into the system after an
analysis by the faculty member responsible for the
Gynecology and Obstetrics course. Student data and
the professor’s answer sheet have been stored into a
data base.
Considering the data contained in the data base,
the need was verified to obtain an automated or
semi-automated solution, in an adequate format, in
order to provide a greater level of autonomy for
students in the teaching/learning relationship. In
other words, it was necessary to add into the system
a module that allowed for a match between the path
taken by the student – step-by-step, from the
beginning to the end of the clinical case – and the
solution proposed by the professor, thereby
presenting a similarity index between the two
In this manner, the system contains a
computational model that allows the measurement of
the similarity index between the patient’s medical
history and the solution proposed by the professor.
Based on this index, it is possible for students to
measure and analyze where the divergence took
place between the decisions they made and those
indicated by the instructor. Thus, the results obtained
in this work can contribute to learning within the
medical community, as well as in the development
of medical students.
This study introduces the concepts of PBL
methodology and its many fields of application, as
well as the techniques used in PBL-based learning. It
also features a study on the anamnesis in the clinical
cases used in Gynecology and Obstetrics Learning
Program at PUCPR. Furthermore, it highlights the
current interaction between ICTs and the PBL
methodology. It concludes with an analysis and
discussion of the contributions this system can offer
to the medical community.
2.1 PBL and its Applications
PBL methodology was first developed in Canada in
1965, within the medical curriculum of McMaster
University. It represented a split from the learning
philosophies of the time, in which (Burgardt, 2000)
affirmed that the teaching of traditional medicine
was already geared towards the application and
repetition of the same practices, in a methodology
that used expository lectures, guidelines, summaries
and knowledge and the main reference points for
medical education.
Additionally, it is important to consider that
upon the implementation of the PBL methodology,
the educational process shifted towards four mental
spheres of the student – the education of behaviors
and attitudes; learning and discovering; learning
how to do; learning to coexist and learning to be
(Delors, 1998).
In the PBL methodology, traditional expository
lectures are not abandoned altogether, but take on the
purpose of clarifying unresolved issues from the
problematization stage (Behrens, 2005).
According to Ribeiro (2005), the PBL approach
is used almost worldwide, with characteristics
capable of promoting student learning, while also
aiding in the development of the professional
abilities and attitude expected. One of the greatest
benefits of this methodology is precisely that it
approaches the problem as a starting point for the
study process, focusing and motivating the learning
of new concepts.
In (Amaral, 2007), there is a description of two
experiments conducted with medical students,
aiming at evaluating whether these students could
take part in the Osce (Objective Structured Clinical
Examination), which evaluates beginning medical
students regarding their basic clinical abilities. Two
groups of students were submitted: the first group
was formed by students who had studied under the
traditional methodology, and the second was
composed of students from universities that used the
PBL methodology in their medical education
curriculum. The values were quite close, between
the two groups and between professors. The
conclusion was that students in training can be used
as reliable examiners in an exam of basic clinical
abilities for beginning students. Therefore, neither of
the two aforementioned methodologies was
responsible for the difference in student results,
which to a certain extent does not guarantee greater
development of students from one or the other
In (Johnstone, 2006), the importance of PBL is
analyzed as a method for the facilitation of learning,
and has made use of several tools to engage students
in different educational activities, such as: tutorials,
problem-solving, workshops, exercise groups, etc.
In the current decade, several technologies have
aided the education field; the Internet has certainly
had a decisive role in new solutions in the teaching-
learning relationship. Within PBL, in addition to the
diversification in the fields of application, new
virtual platforms have integrated solutions and
HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics
adaptations for the development of PBL-based
teaching and learning.
In an article by (Amen & Nunes, 2006), a
discussion is presented on the use of ICTs as a
pedagogical option for creating a learning
environment. The article also features and evaluation
of the contributions these technologies can make to
the interdisciplinary requirements contained in the
mandatory curricular guidelines for medical schools.
According to (Amen & Nunes, 2006), ICTs can
facilitate the interdisciplinary process, as they
feature a series of advantages as compared to the
conventional learning methods and facilitate the
immediate exchange of information, the
visualization of sub-tasks as parts of wider tasks, the
tailoring of information to individual learning styles,
encouraging exploration, greater organization of
ideas, greater integration and interaction, improved
speed in information retrieval, greater power of
distribution and communication in the most varied
The work of (Masarenti Jr. et. AL, 2006) features
a report on the use of open software in distance
education in the field of Medicine. This study
describes the technological support used by the
Edumed Institute for Medical and Health Education,
based on the six-year experience of that institution.
The support is based mainly in two Virtual Learning
Environments: Teleduc and Moodle. Teleduc was
developed by the Núcleo de Informática Aplicada à
Educação at the Universidade de Campinas
(Unicamp) (Rocha, 2002). This environment
features several tools for administration,
coordination and work, which significantly aid
professors in the authoring, follow-up and evaluation
of their learning proposals.
Moodle is an open software program for course
management, similar to TelEduc, but which some
additional advantages – the ability to implant extra
modules, greater flexibility in the use of tools and
the selection of appearance and layout, and the
possibility of using the same user profile for other
course, according to (Dougiamas, 2003).
With the use of these technologies, several
courses have been implemented and ministered, and
many consulting jobs have been conducted by the
Edumed Institute. In regards to extending the
functionalities of Teleduc, the Edumed team
designed and implemented – among other
improvements – a system of online authorship and
management of multiple-choice and open-answer
questionnaires, integrating them to the Teleduc
menu and tools. This allows for the effective
evaluation of distance-education students that make
use of their courses.
Therefore, with the evolution in ICTs, the PBL
methodology is no longer confined to the medical
education field. It can now be applied into a much
wider scope that transcends health education and
spreads into several other areas that mold their
curricula to the medical model.
The use of the PBL methodology in Brazil began
at the Universidade de Marília in 1997. Soon after,
in 1998, it was implemented at the Universidade
Estadual de Londrina. The PUCPR Medical School
began applying PBL starting in 2000.
2.2 The PUCPR Case
The purpose of implementing the PBL methodology
at PUCPR was precisely to build an environment
where, by having students actively participate in
solving the problems presented by professors, they
would build the basis for their own learning and
professional development.
Faced with the challenge, PUCPR began to use
the PBL methodology for classes. The students are
divided into groups of 8 to 15 members, which meet
twice a week for case studies. Each of the groups has
the participation of a tutor, who plays the role of
facilitator in the teaching-learning process. The
tutors themselves meet in groups of two to conduct
theoretical classes and to complement the
knowledge acquired by students. Evaluations are
conducted every other month, with a final exam at
the end of the bimester.
All case studies presented by the tutors during
meetings with students are elaborated by the
course’s group of tutors. These cases are built with
predetermined results in structured form, and serve
as motivation for students to achieve a critical view
and develop skills for solving the problems that are
presented, as well as creating a sense of
responsibility that will aid them in their conduct as
To believe in the principle that presenting
clinical cases is one of the main points of teaching
Medicine through the PBL methodology, as well as
the premise for using this methodology, is to offer
students the possibility to experience in advance the
daily routine of their future profession. Believing in
these principles, the PUCPR Medical School, in its
Learning Program in Gynecology and Obstetrics,
implemented the PBL methodology and began to
create a collection of clinical cases, which have been
optimized in an efficient and effective manner.
Additionally, PUCPR has a Graduate Program in
Health Technologies, with the main objective of
integrating and using new technologies in the health
care field. Thus, the aim of this work is to give
continuity to studies on the teaching-learning
process, and is inserted in its models of research. For
this study, research works were developed beginning
with an evaluation of Internet access viability and
the interest of students in a support system that
would offer the possibility solving clinical cases in
gynecology. Next, a tool was developed to classify
exercises and practice, with the concern of creating a
user-friendly interface and matching the teaching
methods applied at PUCPR. This resulted in several
research projects, among them (Rodrigues, 2006),
whose aim was to obtain a Gynecology and
Obstetrics Teaching Support System. The main
objective was to study, specify and implement a
system, based on the Internet platform, of support
for the teaching of Medicine through the solving of
clinical cases. The tool was tested by a sample of
students of the ninth period of Medicine, who were
able to analyze the ease of use, which was
considered “easy” by 90% of students. The
applicability to the study method was also analyzed;
95% of sampled students affirmed that the tool
stimulated them to think about the clinical case, and
65% of students indicated that the case solved using
the tool has the same degree of difficulty as that
discussed in the tutorial.
This system further allows the professor to
analyze in detail the solution found by students to
the cases, using the PBL methodology. The solution
is given in graphic form, making visualization easier
and allowing tutors to check for possible hitches in
the teaching-learning process.
3.1 The System
The system (Rodrigues, 2006) was developed in the
Program in Gynecology and Obstetrics at the
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná –
PUCPR, has as its basic characteristics the features:
Access - Login: each user (student or tutor) has
his own credentials for access, recording of
solutions and all actions carried out for the
Solution: graphic representation of user-selected
Variables can be added or removed from the
Follow-up questions can be defined for these
variables by the tutor at the time of creation of
the clinical case.
Diagnostic Impression: open fields for answers
on diagnostic hypotheses, differential
diagnostics, conduct and additional exams.
Comparison: the solutions of all students and
tutors can be compared through a graphical
Printing: all solution items are displayed, to be
printed if desired.
Statistics: the results of solved cases are
presented with the following information:
student’s name, selected hypothesis, differential
diagnosis, exams and conduct, duration of
solution, start time, end time, number of
variables included.
The system initially interacts through the modules
presented in Figure 1, identifying the requirements
that originated the need.
ccess the
uirement 3
Solve Clinical Case
Requirement 1
uirement 5
Compare Solution
Functional Requirement 4
Functional Requirement 6
Figure 1: System Modules – first interaction – Source:
Rodrigues (2006).
Figure 2: Initial system architecture – Source: Rodrigues
After the construction of use cases was
completed, the data base model was created to store
HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics
the clinical cases, user information and their
respective solutions.
In Figure 2, the proposed architecture is shown,
in which the tutors and students specify a URL from
a computer connected to the Internet. At the other
end of the network, there is a server that responds to
this access request.
The Access Module was developed with the
objective of guaranteeing security, with the student
using a login and password to begin the first records
of solving the clinical case. At the moment of user
authentication, the following data are recorded in
the solution of the clinical case, in the form of logs
(records of activities generated by system computer
a. Number of case being solved.
b. User code.
c. Performed action.
d. Date and time.
In order to access the system, students must
indicate a username and a password previously
registered at the site. When building the clinical
case selection module, a clinical case variable
selection screen was created, in which the clinical
findings are displayed in selection menu format.
They vary in position from case to case – at each
solution start, it is located in a different order. This
prevents students from fixing item positions instead
of selecting the variables in the sequence they
consider adequate. This structure was positioned
laterally on the screen to allow more space for the
presentation of answers to the requested questions.
In the Construction of Logs, two types of logs
were developed, in order to enable the verification
of the activities conducted by students during
solving. The two types of logs are:
: with the actions of visualizing case
description, solve the case, fill out diagnostic
hypothesis and compare the clinical case.
: records the activities during variable
selection, with inclusion and removal of
The objective of this module is for students to
request information about the patient based on the
selection of items from the menu. As they select the
question, the patient’s answer is displayed on the
In Figure 3, all system modules are presented in
the second iteration
with the requirements that
generated the need. It demonstrates the relation
between the impression module and the solution
comparison module. This indicates that, in order to
access this module, the comparison module must
have been previously accessed.
The remaining use cases were described to
define the new system modules::
Use Case 4: Record Diagnostic Impression;
Use Case 5: Follow-up questions
Use Case 6: Access statistics;
Use Case 7: Include new clinical case.
ccess the system
requirement 3
Solve Clinical Case
requirement 1
Record Diagnostic
requirement 8
equirement 4
requirement 6
requirement 6
requirement 7
Print Solution
requirement 9
Figure 3: System Modules – second interaction – Source:
(Rodrigues, 2006).
The system contributed efficiently to the
insertion of ICTs in the medical education
environment, specifically in the field of gynecology
and obstetrics. This gives students a support tool that
gives them information of previous clinical cases,
which serve as reference in their professional
development for studying new case, as well as
giving them quick and specific access.
The system evaluation in the second iteration
was conducted an acceptance test, in which the
tutoring professor, along with a group of 15 of
gynecology and obstetrics students , used the tool as
a group during a tutorial, in which they discussed the
clinical case as usual and then began solving the
case using the proposed tool. At the end of the
tutorial, the students answered a system evaluation
questionnaire, made up of five closed questions
(YES or NO) and one open question for
observations. Of the 15 students, five declared there
had been changes in the discussion of the case in
class with the aid of the tool. The students’
observations were:
It enables comparisons among classmates and
with the professor.
The tool required greater need for clinical
Tool features easy visualization.
It is a unique tool; it improves interest in
discussing the case.
It promoted simultaneous discussion among
The gynecology and obstetrics students were
questioned about their interest in working on other
cases using the tool; 73.33% answered YES and
26.67% said NO. In an interview with the tutoring
professor, she considered the tool ready for wider-
scale tests. These tests would be conducted with the
students solving clinical cases separately. This
would be considered the final step in the
development stages.
At the end of the system development stages, it was
confirmed that the system could be used by a larger
number of students. In order to validate the system,
20 medical students undergoing gynecology
tutorials took part in the process.
After the system was validated, the discussion of
cases by the students was studied. It was believed
that the students who had added and removed
variables were analyzing all possibilities in order to
form a diagnosis, in the same manner as they did in
the classroom during the tutorials.
Lastly, clinical case comparisons were made. After
filling out the entire clinical case, the complete
solved case solution is displayed, after which the
gynecology and obstetrics student can select other
answered cases in order to visually compare case
solutions. The student may not return to the case to
alter it after finishing the solution to the clinical
At this stage and after analyzing the project
(Rodrigues, 2006), it was verified that there is no
comparison between the paths taken by the medical
student and that predetermined by the professor,
which was recorded according to an analysis by the
faculty member responsible for the Gynecology and
Obstetrics discipline. The data are stored inside the
system, but their analysis was not done directly.
Based on that need, we observed the
importance of proposing a solution that aims to
automate or semi-automate a process that can make
a match between the path taken by the student, step-
by-step, form beginning to end, regarding the
clinical case and the solution proposed by the
3.2 Analysis and Discussion
In item 2.1, we showed that in the current decade,
several ICTs have contributed to the education field,
and that the Internet has been decisive in presenting
new solutions in the teaching / learning relationship.
Moreover, the use of the PBL methodology, in
addition to diversifying the areas in which it is
applied, new virtual platforms and software
programs are integrating solutions and adaptations
for the development of PBL-based teaching and
learning, thus demonstrating an ever-greater
integration between the PBL methodology and ICTs.
According to items 2.2 and 2.3 and after a
detailed analysis of the obtained results, it was
verified that there is no automated or semi-
automated comparison between the paths taken by
the medical student and the predetermined path set
by the system, which was recorded according to an
analysis by the faculty member responsible for the
Gynecology and Obstetrics discipline. As the
students’ data and the professor’s answer sheet are
stored in the system data base, it is possible to match
between the student’s data and the professor’s
answer sheet automatically or semi-automatically.
With the use of math-based tools, it is possible to
compare these two paths, thus obtaining an adequate
solution to this problem: automating or semi-
automating the process that can make a match
between the path taken by the student, step-by-step,
form beginning to end, regarding the clinical case
and the solution proposed by the professor.
The main characteristic of the PBL methodology
is the use of clinical cases as study objects. The
Learning Program in Gynecology and Obstetrics at
PUCPR has been a great ally to PBL, as both
students and professors adapted efficiently to the
process. This methodology offers students the
conditions to experience in their studies what would
really be happening in their professional lives.
In order to integrate the student with reality, and
so that individual performance can be monitored and
recorded, the support system for the teaching of
gynecology and obstetrics can be further improved
to include automation or semi-automation of the
analysis of similarity indices between the solution
found by the student and the professor’s answer
In order to solve this problem, the system
(Rodrigues, 2006) was provided with a module
where information related to the patient’s anamnesis
was stored. The System features logs, and was built
as follows: at each variable inclusion or exclusion
request by the user, a record is made. To that end,
two types of system logs were created: one that
records navigation, case description visualizations,
the possibility of the user solving the case, fill out
diagnostic hypothesis and compare clinical case. The
second log records activities that take place while
the variables are being selected, named requests,
Figure 1.
The log represented in Figure 3 demonstrates all
the requests made by the student and recorded in the
HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics
system developed by Ana Paula Rodrigues. The log
in figure 1 contains the following data:
the student who is performing the
patient’s anamnesis.
the question asked by the student to
the patient.
the action the student takes regarding the
question, whether or not it is included in the
system data base
date and time the consultation took place.
The records are of fundamental importance, as
with their comparison and the steps established as
parameters defined by the instructor of the
discipline, a similarity comparison will be made and
we will trace the levels of correct and wrong
answers of students in a manner closer to that
described by the faculty member.
A diagnostic hypothesis screen must be filled out
in the system by the student, with a description of
the consultation, thus making it possible to describe
the differential diagnoses and the additional exams
that can be requested for the patient. These data will
aid in the creation of the comparative diagnosis.
The access request will be answered by an
architecture in which the tutors and students have
access to the Internet by accessing the URL address
of the application, which resides in a server on the
other side of the network.
Next, the similarity is measured between the
anamnesis conducted by the student (path taken in
the data base) and that proposed by the professor
(path defined by the professor – answer sheet).
Thereby it is possible to present the difference
between the two solutions, in order to aid both the
student and the professor in analyzing the student’s
To gauge the similarity between the two models
– the one defined by the student and that fed into the
system by the professor (answer sheet) – we use
mathematical models that enable us to calculate the
distance between them.
As such, the mathematical models allow us to
analyze the system logs, by making a comparison
between the entire path executed by the student
throughout the anamnesis and later compared to that
suggested by the professor. At the end, data will be
given that will greatly aid in their academic and
professional life. In (Zeferino, 2007), we can affirm
that giving feedback to students is fundamental in
the teaching-learning process. For clinical medical
education, an answer to the student regarding his
performance will give him the conditions for self-
evaluation and to take decisions that will aid in
decision during future diagnoses.
During system validation, a questionnaire was
created and sent to a group of specialists, who
analyze it and later give their verdict on its use. If
the questionnaire is approved by the specialists, it
serves as reference for evaluating the tool.
The final result is adapted to a computational
model for monitoring the performance of the
medical student during initial patient evaluation.
To that end, the anamnesis conducted by the
student is monitored, and subsequently compared to
the proposal made by the professor, who use the
faculty member and professional experience to set
the best path to be taken during the consultation, so
that the final result can be achieved with the least
possible waste, both in material resources as well as
in patient’s and student’s time.
This comparison provides a report in which the
entire process followed by the student is described,
as well as the deviation in his case analysis, both
during the consultation and after receiving the
comparative results.
It is hoped that this becomes a cooperative tool
for students in their academic and professional
development as physicians.
The final results of the calculation of the
similarity indices are in the final stage of validation,
and in the future the system will be practically
automated or semi-automated.
The discussion of the results obtained in the program
in gynecology and obstetrics study and the analysis
of the contribution that the solution contained herein
will bring to the medical community and
development of medical students will certainly be
important. This evidences the importance of
integrating ITCs with the PBL methodology in the
teaching-learning process. The use of a data base
tool can feature devices that can aid the participants
in the teaching-learning process to trace the initial
parameters of their solution to the problem proposed
by the instructor; later, they are evaluated through
the stored data and verifying the similarity index.
Based on this evaluation, the student can reach a
lower deviation index from the path proposed by the
professor. In spite of being a study with partial
results in regards to validation of the similarity
indices – the instructor’s evaluation is fundamental
to the validation of learning – in general, students
and faculty alike indicated the viability of the use of
this teaching method within the studied context.
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Feedback como estratégia de aprendizado
HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics