Computer derived features from 2D ultrasound im-
ages of the thyroid glands were used as part of a pro-
totype biometric system. These features are related
to the acoustic impedance, texture and morphology of
the thyroid tissue.
Good results were achieved with the MAP clas-
sifier, when using the three most discriminant fea-
tures, computed by PCA. Moreover, reasonably high
identification rates were also achieved with the en-
tropy distance classifiers, suggesting that the acoustic
impedance, or reflectivity, of the tissues is a relevant
feature to discriminate between individuals. Analy-
sis of thyroid echo-morphology should be further ex-
ploited because it appears to be very useful not only
as a (soft) biometric system but also as a diagnostic
Preliminary results, using only 9 parameters ex-
tracted from ultrasoundimages, are encouraging. Fur-
ther studies, involving larger data sets (more individ-
uals and more samples), as well as observations taken
from multiple sessions along distinct time instants,
are required to better establish the accuracy of this
new biometric modality.
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