We have shown how the Game Description Language,
developed in the context of General Game Playing,
can be readily used as a declarative language to pro-
vide compact and machine processable specifications
of a large class of multiagent environments. This can
be applied to formalize the rules, for example, of an
e-marketplace, of publicly accessible agent platforms
on the Internet, of problem domains used in agent
competitions, etc. By automatically processing these
specifications, autonomous agents can fully automat-
ically learn how to participate in a new or modified
environment without the need to be (re-)programmed.
Moreover, successful off-the-shelf generalgame play-
ing systems can be readily employed as intelligent
agents for these environments.
It is interesting to note that GDL has been orig-
inally developed as problem specification language
for a competition (Genesereth et al., 2006), much
like the Planning Domain Description Language
(PDDL) (McDermott, 2000), which today is a quasi
standard for the specification of planning domains.
GDL can be viewed as a generalization of PDDL to
domains with multiple agents, because solving a plan-
ning problem can be understood as playing a single-
player game. Indeed, most features of current ver-
sions of PDDL can be expressed in GDL, though
with one notable exception: sensing actions are not
included in the current version of GDL. Although
a GDL specification leaves agents with uncertainty
about how the world evolves (an agent can decide on
its own actions but not on those of all other agents),
the language has been written for games without in-
formation asymmetry. An important research issue
for the near future is to extend the Game Description
Language so as to support descriptions of games with
asymmetric information and sensing actions, which
is a typical feature of card games, for instance. This
would then provide a suitable formalization language
for an even larger class of multiagent environments
than considered in this paper.
In the second part of the paper, we have used the
concept of a multiagent environment to provide a for-
mal, transition-based semantics for GDL. With this
we have made precise what is only informally de-
scribed in (Love et al., 2006). Our semantics for GDL
in terms of multiagent environments is related to an
existing formal characterization of GDL by a game
structure (van der Hoek et al., 2007). The main dif-
ference of the latter in comparison to our work are:
• It is restricted to propositional GDL;
• It puts further restrictions on GDL, such as not
allowing predicate init to occur in clause with
non-empty bodies;
• It uses an inductive definition of the set of all
states in order to obtain only those which are
reachable from the initial state. Since it is pos-
sible to give valid GDL specifications of games
that do not terminate, this definition would be un-
decidable in the general setting.
These restrictions have been imposed because the fo-
cus in (van der Hoek et al., 2007) lies on the use of
Temporal Logic for the purpose of verifying proper-
ties of games, such as termination or winnability. In
contrast to this, the semantics given in the present pa-
per covers full GDL.
We are grateful to the anonymous reviewers of this
paper for helpful suggestions. This research was par-
tially supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
under Contract TH 541/16-1.
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It is worth noting that this does not contradict the finite
derivability property of valid GDL specifications, which
just implies that all local reasoning problems are decidable.
More specifically, given a particular state it is decidable
whether an action is possible, and given a joint action it
is also decidable what properties hold in the updated state,
etc. On the other hand, GDL is expressive enough to de-
scribe any Turing machine as a “game” using clauses like
init(head(0)) ⇐
next(head(succ(X))) ⇐ true(head(X)) ∧
does(tm,move forward)
Hence, reachability of states is generally undecidable in