system where we gathered evaluation information
from experts. The system is initially tested for a
small group of students in computer science
department at our college and we found it very
useful for assessing students’ performance in their
cooperative training. Our type-2 fuzzy set model
has the potential to capture the uncertainties due to
words used in subjective evaluation of a student.
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system for large number of students from different
departments and investigating the use of the
system for other courses/situations e.g. assessing
group projects etc. Moreover, type-2 fuzzy sets
will also be tested for representing final grades.
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considered in future e.g. deciding the optimal
number of linguistic input/output variables for
assessment components, working with non-
singleton input from evaluators, and deciding the
appropriate number of experts for survey response
etc. In future these issues will be taken into
consideration for improving the overall
performance of the system.
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