Gij Gijk=+
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 3: different noise removal models’ experimental
results. (a) blurred image by Gauss noised with zero mean
and 0.01 variance, (b) filtered by Perona’s model with
iteration 14,(c) smoothed by ALM model with iteration
25,(d)smoothed by the proposed model with iteration 8.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 4: different noise removal models’ experimental
results.(a) noised image by salt & pepper noise which
density is 0.05, (b) smoothed by Perona’s model with
iteration 17, (c) filtered by ALM model with iteration 45,
(d) smoothed by the proposed model with iteration 10.
In the experiments, we applied Perona’s model,
ALM model (Alvarez, et al., 1
992) and the proposed
model to smooth the cameraman image with zero
mean and 0.02 variance noise (Figure 3). In Figure 4
we use salt & pepper noise which density is 0.05
blurred the origin image. Among the different
filtered images the reconstructed image using the
proposed model keep to more extent consistent with
human visual system.
In this work, an anisotropic diffusion model for
image smoothing based on the visual gradient is
presented. Our model uses a visual gradient which is
a generalization of the image gradient. Numerical
results show the proposed method’s performance.
As a tentative study of integrating HVS
information into anisotropic diffusion model for the
first time, the proposed model’s performance is
expected to be improved in the further researches.
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VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications