optimum solutions. PSO-RTVIWAC is already
proven to be a good algorithm. However, PSO-
RTVIWAC used the standard PSO algorithm
technique to update the knowledge of the particle.
By modifying the fitness value that has been used
to update the particle knowledge, the
of the algorithm can be increased. This paper
proposed a new constant value to be added into
fitness value in updating equation. By applying
this constant value, the proposed technique that
used the same step as used by PSO_RTVIWAC,
can perform better. The results show that,
performance of proposed technique increased more
than 90% in average positioning error from
1.172m to 0.0181m, where as PSO-RTVIWAC
only around 75% from 0.106m to 0.0255m when
the total particle number increased from 10 to 25.
Proposed technique also needs less iteration
between 28 to 40 iterations to achieve the same
result by PSO-RTVIWAC that running with 50
iterations. The experimental results indicate this
updating technique can work effectively in
nonlinear dynamic systems.
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ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence