Table 4: Time Performance of intermediate cycles on 20,000bids-256items (k=2,5,10,20,40).
k=2 k=5 k=10 K=20 K=40
HC-3-para-100ms 0.9889 0.9847 0.9829 0.9826 0.9818
AHC-3-para-100ms 0.9889 0.9805 0.9838 0.9874 0.9897
XHC-3-para-100ms 0.9892 0.9917 0.9943 0.9951 0.9966
(values are normalized as HC-3-para-1000msec equals 1)
In this paper, we proposed enhanced approximation
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for the purpose of iterative reallocation of items. Our
proposed algorithms effectively reuse the last solu-
tions to speed up initial approximation performance.
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gorithms outperform existing algorithms in some as-
pects. However, we found that in some cases reusing
the last solutions may worsen performance compared
to ordinary approximation from scratch. We proposed
an enhanced algorithm that effectively avoids the un-
desirable reuse of the last solutions in the algorithm.
We showed this is especially effective when a non-
negligible number of existing bids are deleted from
the last cycle.
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