Vyacheslav Andreev, Andrey Glashchenko, Anton Ivashchenko, Sergey Inozemtsev
George Rzevski, Petr Skobelev and Petr Shveykin
Magenta Technology Ltd, 349 Novo-Sadovaya St., Samara, 443125 Russia
Keywords: Multi-agent systems, Adaptive scheduling, Real time, Mobile resources.
Abstract: The document presents an overview of Magenta multi-agent solutions for real time scheduling and
optimization of mobile resources. Brief survey on traditional scheduling methods, main principles of multi-
agent approach, system architecture, functionality, industrial applications and perspectives are described.
The multi-agent approach for dynamic scheduling gives opportunity to solve complex problems, react on
events in real time, improve resource utilization and provide a number of other benefits.
The increasing number of the modern enterprises
meets problems of optimal scheduling resources in
real time. This problem becomes especially actual
and important for enterprises of transportation
logistics operating large fleets of mobile resources
(ships, trucks, taxi and others), in connection with
increase of complexity and dynamics of business,
and also a rise in fuel prices.
Thus it is a question of the enterprises having
hundreds and thousands of mobile resources,
simultaneously being in movement, receiving tens of
thousands orders a day, in unpredictable moments of
time, operating in regional or national scale, and
trying to satisfy various client requirements. For
such enterprises the solution of the specified
problem becomes crucially important for business,
as without using of the automated systems of
resource scheduling these enterprises simply can not
run business successfully in the future, to be
effective and competitive.
However, new methods, algorithms and software
tools which would allow adapting flexibly plans of
realization of orders in real time are necessary for
solving this problem. Flexibility supposes an
operative automatic reaction on unpredictable events
to be here, such as a new order arriving, the
cancellation of already accepted and allocated order,
failure or a delay of a resource, arriving of a new
resource, change of criterion or strategy of planning,
Thus, unlike known "batch" methods when all
orders and resources are known in advance (and can
be more or less optimized with well-known
methods), in case of real time software solution
should work in adaptive manner dynamically
adjusting existing plans instead of full re-scheduling
of already allocated orders each time: any new event
should activate processing of corresponding orders
and resources, causing a chain of re-scheduling
operations which depth can be limited by available
time of the reply or other factors. At the same time,
if there is enough time, the schedule can be exposed
to continuous optimization or, in general, to
balancing of interests of all participants as each
order or a resource can have their own specific
system of criteria, preferences and constraints.
Introduction of such new methods and tools in
many respects is stimulated by the appearance of the
Internet-services supporting work in real time
(giving operative data about possible routes,
weather, traffic jams, etc.), opportunities of GPS
navigation, e-maps, and new mobile phones,
handheld computers and communication devices
with an opportunity of getting user geographic
coordinates. A driver, armed by such device, can
constantly be on "radar" of system that allows to
react instantly to arising events, to look for the best
resource for each order, to count the schedule of
performance of the order, constantly to compare
Andreev V., Glashchenko A., Ivashchenko A., Inozemtsev S., Rzevski G., Skobelev P. and Shveykin P. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, pages 489-496
with the plan and a reality, to monitor possible risks
of delay. Besides these devices allow to cooperate
online with control centre of the enterprise (or other
drivers), receiving and choosing possible options,
chacking order starting and finishing, reporting
about unforeseen events, requesting the information
on the nearest fuel station, etc.
Thus modern e-maps (Map24, MapPoint, Google
Maps, MapInfo and others) allow to receive a
detailed route "door - to door", considering not only
seasonal throughput of roads and typical places of
traffic jams occurrence during various time of day,
but also traffic signs. At last, modern Internet-
services in big cities allow receiving the information
on weather conditions change or really arisen jams
on the roads, the nearest restaurants and cafe, auto
repair shops, etc.
In this document the multi-agent approach for
developing adaptive schedulers for mobile resources
is considered, the generic architecture of adaptive
schedulers is shown, examples of industrial
applications in transport logistics are given, and also
next steps of the developments are discussed.
In spite of significant progress regarding
development of large-scale Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) systems, opportunities of the
enterprises on development of adaptive scheduling
systems remain very limited.
Traditionally the ERP systems include
subsystems of orders collection, large databases for
orders and resources, accounting and reporting
subsystems and a lot of other components. However
in these systems batch or manual scheduling of
orders is supported, that was already discussed
above. The schedulers offered by such large
companies, as SAP, Oracle, Manugistics (it was
recently bought by JDA), i2, ILOG and others
usually realize various versions of Constraint
programming methods, based on combinatory search
of options in depth, for example, a method of
branches and borders (Handbook of Scheduling,
To reduce the number of options considered in
combinatorial search new methods consider various
heuristics and meta-heuristics (the term "heuristics"
is usually understood as a set rules, defining what
option is the best, and "meta-heuristics" means a
rules to choose heuristics), allowing to provide good
decisions for reasonable time and reducing search
iterations (Stefan Vos., 2000 – 2001).
Well-known heuristics in optimization are
"greedy" methods. In such methods the decisions are
taken by a choice of the best of options on each step,
and once made decision is never reconsidered.
Various other methods of local optimization are
more complex, where initial solution which then is
improving by local changes can be changed
randomly or in some pre-defined way, if the good
final solution is not reached, and the process repeats
many times.
As one of the most known meta-heuristics we
can consider Simple Local Search Based Meta-
heuristics (SLSBM) – local optimization meta-
heuristics. Here one of heuristics can implement
casual choice of one candidate from the list of the
best, another one - looking forward or randomizing
of criteria, etc. One more meta-heuristics developing
recently is Simulated Annealing which is based on
modeling of process of cooling. This method
represents an expansion of methods of local
optimization in which many options could be formed
on each step and it is possible to consider not only
the best options, but also some worsening decisions
with the probability calculated as function from
some attribute, analogue of temperature.
The main idea of becoming more and more
popular Tabu Search is the usage of history of
decisions of local optimization when some
investigated options are becoming prohibited (tabu)
and consequently they are not considered on a
following step.
One more new meta-heuristic is Ant Search, in
which the behavior of the ants, getting food is
modeled. The success of one ant in getting of
"food", i.e. taking of some decision, during some
time prompts other ants a correct direction, but in
due course signs on this successful direction "fade".
In last period of time also many other meta-
heuristics become more and more popular inheritting
physical or biological concepts. Another example
here is Adaptive Memory Programming method
which inherits the use of common memory of
decisions. In last developments researchers apply
mixed miscellaneous meta-heuristics, in which
several parallel algorithms are acting, and each of
them suggest their own decision.
At the same time, even in view of considered
methods and tools of local search of variants require
greater expenses of memory and time for producing
schedules. For example, producing of the optimum
plan for the large transport company in one of
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
available software packages takes about 8-10 hours.
During this time the volume of orders can be
essentially changed that will require to start planning
all over again. At the same time the technology for
planning in real time remain rather primitive, and an
opportunity of flexible adaptation on the base of
happening events refer mainly to an opportunity of
manual plans updating. As a result, according to the
estimations of transportation logistics experts, the
created schedules are feasible only on 40 %, that
compels many large transport companies still to
contain staff of very skilled and expensive operators
on planning and to carry out time-consuming manual
or semi-automatic planning.
This, certainly, is promoted by both high
complexity and labour intensity of planning,
unpredictability of dynamics of a stream of events,
by requirements of an individual approach to each
order and resource, constant change of conditions of
functioning of the enterprise forced by clients and
competitors, and also necessity of the account of
many other very specific features in each business.
For example, the operator of trucks fleet should
constantly keep in a head preferable time windows
of loading-unloading of warehouses and shops,
conditions of contracts with clients, rules of
compatibility of cargoes, experience of the concrete
driver and even such specific facts, that the certain
road became impassable for greater wagons because
of rank branches of trees.
As a result many of existing classic methods of
planning and resource optimization have a number
of very important limitations in practice:
Do not consider complexities of the modern
business operating in thousand of orders
and resources, supporting interdependency
between all operations, reflecting and
balancing interests of many parties
involved, having a lot of their own features;
Do not provide opportunities for adaptive
planning in real time which requires
dynamic event-driven conflict solving in
already available schedule;
It is supposed that all orders and resources
are “identical” but in practice they all have
their own individual criteria, preferences
and restrictions, each can change during the
sistem work (service level, time of delivery,
costs and profits, risks of delivery,
inconvenience of the driver, etc);
Do not give the tools for the aquiring
knowledge which are specific to every
enterprise, influencing quality of provided
Do not allow an operator to explain and
adjust decisions easily and in convenient
All this not only reduces productivity and
efficiency of existing methods and tools, but also in
practice in many respects stops their use.
To provide opportunity to build adaptive schedulers
on the top of existing ERP systems and eliminate the
specified lacks in scheduling mobile objects multi-
agent approach was offered which is based on the
concept of networks of demand and supply
(Skobelev P.O., 2002; Vittih V.A., Skobelev P.О.,
Below there is a short description of the offered
approach in application to transportation logistics.
The model of any transport network can be based on
the description of dynamic interaction of agents
which take roles of demands and resources. For
example, for truck operator the model of a
transportation network can include agents of a client
and an order, a truck and a cargo, a crossdock and a
store, a driver, etc. Complexity of model and
accuracy of modeling of a real network increase as
with growth of a number of program agents
representing interests of different physical and
abstract essences, necessary for the description of
network, and growth of intensity of interactions
between agents of different types.
Thus a basis of interaction of all specified agents
is a virtual market on which agents can buy or sell
the services: the order searches for the truck, the
truck for the driver, etc. During these interactions
agents can take decisions on building links between
demand and supply and change their decision when
new events take place.
The role of demand bears in itself the knowledge
of "ideal" requirements of order implementation
(future), and a role of an supply (resource) -
knowledge of "reality" (past and present). As a
result, each truck knows for certain what is its route,
where it is now, what cargo it is loaded, etc.
Receiving offers from different trucks, the order can
decide, which of them suits better. But, on the other
hand, the truck can generate new demand, specifying
which orders are necessary for it at present to be full
and significantly increase utilization.
The constant activity of all agents, either from
demands’ side, or from supplys’ one, calls multi-
thread negotiations in the virtual market,
going quasiparallely. Thus the feature of the
approach is that each agent is considered as a
machine of states that returns control to the
dispatcher after each step of negotiations. Each
agent constantly tries to achieve its goal and for this
purpose enters into relations with other agents (the
order is reserved on the truck, the truck on the
driver, etc.) which can be reconsidered by agents as
a result of decision making, and also under action of
events coming from the outside or generated inside.
So, after getting the new order in the system its
agent is created, that on behalf of this order enters
interaction with agents of resources for search of the
best location. If the most suitable resources are
already occupied, they can start to suggest to the
orders placed on them earlier to look for
new locations. This process, as chain reaction, can
grasp all new orders and resources, forming a wave
of negotiations and changes, and, theoretically, can
end with full reconstruction of the whole schedu
If suddenly by some reason a chosen truck
becomes not available (damage, breakdown, etc.),
then its agent must be activated and then it will find
all the orders, which are planned to this truck and
report them about resource un-availability. These
orders activate and start to look for other trucks.
This allows to re-plan the routes of trips operatively,
flexibly and safely. The result is considered done
and the system ends its work when all agents don’t
have opportunities to improve their status anymore.
Thus the decision of a problem at the given
approach is formed evolutionary during the
exercising of each new event and consequently is
irreversible (for convertibility it’s necessary
reproduction of conditions at which the decision was
accepted). But the formed schedule is considered not
as "static" structure of data received as a result of
unitary application of one central monolithic
algorithm, but as unstable balance of interests of
many parties involved, being got and supported
during interactions of two opposite entities of
demands and resources.
As a result the given approach in many respects
integrates the considered above modern ideas of the
dynamic planning and optimization and provide a
number of meta-heuristics and solid framework for
developing various number of competing and
cooperating agents implementing modern algorithms
of optimization. It helps significantly to increase
quality and efficency of scheduling and make results
more clear, adjustable for end-users, and also to
reduce delivery time.
To implement the developed approach in scales of
the large enterprise the architecture of system for
adaptive scheduling is offered, it’s presented on Fig.
Let's consider in detail the basic components of
the given architecture expanding applicability of the
adaptive scheduler up to scales of the enterprise
(Andreev V.V., Vittih V.A., Batischev S.V.,
Ivkushkin K.V., Minakov I.A., Rzevski G.A.,
Safronov A.V., Skobelev P.О., 2003; Batishev S.V.,
Ivkushkin C.V., Minakov I.A., Rzevski G.A.,
Skobelev P.O., 2001).
In general, the system implements a standard
three-tier architecture including servers for web-
interface, business-logic and databases, and also can
get the operative information from external web-
services and cooperate with communication devices
of users (for example, drivers).
Web-interface layer of the system gives an
opportunity to make settings and process orders and
resources of the enterprise, etc. Through a web-
interface the system operator can see the current
schedule of system formed by the adaptive
scheduler, in the form of Gantt chart (the schedule
on each resource) or in a tabulated mode, from the
side of both orders, and resources. At last, one more
important component is for a display and processing
of events of different type which can be transferred
to scheduling manually or automatically. It is
important to note, that internal and external events
processing report is available for a user, that allows
to explain the decision making logic of the system to
an operator.
If necessary a user can be provided both with a
desk-top interface for more convenient work at the
local machine using web-start technology.
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Settings Schedule Events
of e-maps
Figure 1: Architecture Of Systems For Adaptive Scheduling.
The layer of business-logic actually provides a
reaction to events, adaptive scheduling and delivery
of results. A basis of this part of the system is the
adaptive scheduler constructed using the described
above multi-agent approach. For each problem there
can be developed a new scheduling engine, but at
the same time there are certain opportunities of
adaptation of existing "engine" according to new
requirements by ontology configuration. The tools of
ontology support allow to describe objects and
attitudes of a problem domain, and also the scene
describe current position of resources and orders in a
transportation network at the moment of time. On
this basis the rules of decision-making are formed,
which can be switched on and off, be modified or
adjusted by the user. The logic of decision-making is
supported by the set of components, allowing to
carry out calculations of distances or costs, which
are specific for transport logistics, and other
The database layer allows to save the
information of concrete orders and resources, and
also history of changes of the schedule.
The adaptive scheduling system can integrate
itself with client platform or to use components of
the offered platform including tools of a security
control and management rights of users, provide
visual reports, etc.
On the basis of given representation of
architecture there can be developed the solutions on
adaptive scheduling of resources for enterprises of
various domains, considering the specific
requirements and restrictions.
The examples of industrial application of the
described approach and solution architecture are
given below.
5.1 Tankers Scheduling System
This system is used for management of large-
capacity tankers, carrying out transcontinental
transportations of oil (Himoff, J., Skobelev, P.О.,
Wooldridge M., 2005).
Everyday a company, carrying out up to 70 % of
world transportation in a considered class of vessels,
gets 10-15 inquiries about oil transportation.
Operators of the company should make the analysis
of a situation in real time, sometimes even on the
phone, to analyze situation, provide all economic
calculations and make a decision, on what tanker it
is necessary to execute the order.
of traffic, wether,
Other web-services
(by demand)
devices support
Operational platform
Orders Resources History
At the same time it is necessary to keep
constantly in a head arrangement and traffic
schedules of about 50 own vessels, and also
positions of competitors, count routes of traffic,
consider features of passage of Suez canal if it is
necessary (time for partial unloading of oil is
required), consider, what ships can enter into what
ports, where and when it is better to refuel the
tanker, what are weather conditions, etc.
To solve this problem the system of adaptive
scheduling has been developed, which was
integrated with a data management system. Due to
small horizon of scheduling (the number of orders
planned forwarding advance), in this system the
arrival of a new event entails long chains of possible
changes including up to 7 exchanges of orders
between tankers. Thus, the new order can affect
changes of a lot of tankers and even alteration of
contracts with a number of clients.
Now the system is in regular operation by the
customer for already more than two years, daily
allowing to simulate orders allocations and schedule
choosen orders more effectively. The cost of one day
of idle time of such tanker is about $150,000 that
allows to estimate economic benefit of introduction
of the system.
At the same time, the opportunity to take and
formalize valuable domain-specific knowledge of
operators which are necessary for decision-making
turned out also very important for the customer.
Actually, as it was very difficult to replace
operators, and in case of retirement, illness or
vacation of those key employees before, all business
of this company was under threat of efficiency loss.
5.2 Corporate Taxi Scheduling System
This system allows the company, who is the leader
in its country, to schedule adaptively about 13
thousand orders a day at presence of several
thousand machines, up to 800 from which are
always on the road. The company basically serves
orders of corporate clients, but also each interested
person can call a taxi by phone through call center in
which 130 operators simultaneously accept calls, or
using the system of collecting orders in the Internet.
The company tries to provide an individual approach
to each client, allocating only machines of the
necessary class or a class above, with well-reputed
driver, give on demand the car for disables, with the
trailer, for smoking passengers, for transportation of
animals, etc.
The drivers work in the company as freelancers,
deciding themselves what number of days and hours
per week (with some restrictions) to work, renting
cars at the company. At the same time they can
come to work at any time. The drivers have
handheld computers which allow the driver to
appear on "radar" of the system when starting to
work. At occurrence of the new order the system
automatically finds the best car and preliminary
reserves the order.
On the average the submission of the car takes
about 9 minutes. From the moment reception of the
urgent order, the system continues to redistribute
orders for concrete time continuously in view of
appearing of new resources, and does not make of
the final decision till dynamically defined moment
when it is necessary to send the car to client. During
this time the system can change the decision on
distribution of the order to cars some tens times.
When already it is time to send the car to the client,
the system makes the final decision and sends a
message with criteria of order to driver, after that
gets a message about receiving the order. At the
same time the driver also gets a city map in view
with the route how to reach the client with the view
on police signs.
It’s important to note, that the system balances
distribution of orders to the driver, providing fair
distribution of orders. Thus, it is possible to avoid
claims of drivers to dispatchers who they think often
distributed good orders to “own” drivers. Besides
when the driver informs, that finishes the work, the
system selects orders on road home for him, that not
only raises profit of the company, but also earnings,
and satisfaction of drivers.
The system is in commercial operation for half a
year and has allowed the client to increase total
amount of sold orders by 7 %, at the same volume of
5.3 Truck Scheduling System
This system provides the truck scheduling for world
famous networks of supermarkets on the country
scale. Among the transported goods there are food
stuffs and drinks, including the frozen products,
household electronics, clothes, etc. (Himoff J.,
Rzevski G.А., Skobelev P.О., 2006; Skobelev P.O.,
Glashchenko A.V., Grachev I.A., Inozemtsev S.V.,
The level of orders in corporate network – about
4 000 a day, the fleet of the company includes about
300 trucks of various volume, and a number of them
is equipped by the additional equipment
(refrigerators, etc.), the delivery network includes
about 600 geographical locations all over the
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
country. The complexity of a problem in many
respects is connected with presence of warehouses
of intermediate storage, necessity of splitting of
greater orders for some trips and, on the contrary,
consolidations of small orders of different volume,
requirements of compatibility of cargoes, different
opportunities of acceptance of trucks in different
warehouses, etc.
For solving this problem the adaptive scheduling
system was developed. It automates all main steps of
orders execution: from orders receiving and adaptive
splitting and consolidation, routing and scheduling –
to reports making. This system turned out to be the
most difficult, where architecture of the virtual
market includes a lot of agents acting together and
In particular, the orders are dynamically broken
to sub-orders that are then consolidated in groups,
and the trips also are formed dynamically from
groups, and they, in turn, are planned for trucks. If
the order has been splitted unsuccessfully, and it was
not possible to plan good trips, it is made re-splitting
and routing and scheduling begins anew. The big
number of active agents (tens and hundred thousand)
has led to necessity of application of more
developed mechanisms of scheduling of agents,
when only the most perspective agents get activity,
competing with each other.
In present time the system is on implementation
step, and decision making logic tuning is taking
place. Before the deployment started the operators
planned trips manually on the basis of numerous
Excel tables. In this connection a lot of time was
spent for adjustment of initial data in which there
were many issues, including different versions of
names of the same warehouse, etc.
It’s expected with the system introduction we’ll
get not only significant economic benefit of more
effective scheduling resources, but also the number
of operators will be essentially reduced.
5.4 Car Rental Scheduling System
This system is for car rental scheduling. A company
has about 100 stations. Each of them has on the
average up to 150 cars of different classes. Clients
can order the car by phone, directly come to station
or book car via the Internet.
For convenience of clients it is possible to agree
about delivery of the car during necessary time to
the necessary place. But then it is required to send
the car with the driver which can work at stations as
in the certain days, and overtime. Also it’s necessary
to send drivers, to take away cars from clients,
therefore in some cases it is necessary to send
several drivers in one car, someone will bring the car
to the client, and someone will take away the used
For solving the problem the adaptive scheduling
system was developed, that allows to re-schedule
operatively the delivery of cars for new-coming
orders and also in case of different kind of events
(delay, a driver’s sickness, traffic jams, etc.), and
make schedule for drivers who bring or take cars. At
the same time the system also addresses to an e-map
and shows drivers recommended routes of traffic,
and also sends them in real time all other necessary
instructions. The system is integrated with an
available system of gathering of orders by phone and
Internet. Now development and testing of system on
real data is finished and its expansion at first five
stations is begun, up to the end of current year
introduction in all other stations is expected.
The economic benefit of introduction of system
consists in distributing cars in view of a situation
being the whole country as a whole, and to estimate
more precisely, from what station it is necessary to
give the car. Before introduction of the system the
decisions were made locally at stations that led to
constant surplus of cars at one stations and to
deficiency of the necessary cars at other stations, and
also to infringement of obligations to clients.
Besides after introduction of system reduction of the
total number of cars in the network up to 10% and
savings on fuel expenses and salaries of drivers are
expected as the number of the superfluous trips,
involved drivers and amount of overtime will be
Let's note that the developed systems have been
constructed with application of methods and means
(Rzevski G.A., Skobelev P.O., Andreev V.V., 2007;
Andreev M.V., Rzevski G.A., Skobelev P.O.,
Shveykin P.K., A.Tsarev, 2007)
which can be
applied to a wide range of businesses.
In this document we described the multi-agent
approach for development of the systems for
adaptive scheduling of resources in real time.
Positive results of the first industrial development on
the basis of the offered approach prove its important
advantages and define future benefits of its
development and application in various spheres of
transportation logistics.
At the same time, the first experience shows, that
adaptive scheduling systems are demanded for a
wide range of other enterprises (Rzevski G.A.,
2008). In particular, for small enterprises, the
workers who are supplied by specialized GPS-
devices or usual cellular telephones, communicators
or handheld computers with built in GPS services or
services of definition of coordinates on cells, also
can be considered as mobile resources.
At the same time the further development
perspectives of all scale of adaptive scheduling
solutions are connected with the use of emergent
intelligence concept (Rzevski G.A., Skobelev P.O.,
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