Interpreting Creative Visual Advertisements
Angela Schwering, Kai-Uwe Kühnberger, Ulf Krumnack, Helmar Gust, Tonio Wandmacher
Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Osnabrück, Albrechtstr. 28, 49076 Osnabrück, Germany
Bipin Indurkhya and Amitash Ojha
International Institute of Information Technology, Gachibowli, Hyderabad 500 032, Andhra Pradesh, India
Keywords: Visual metaphor, Perceptual metaphor, Creativity, Analogical reasoning.
Abstract: Coming up with new and creative advertisements is a sophisticated task for humans, because creativity
requires breaking conventional associations to create new juxtaposition of familiar objects. Using objects in
an uncommon context attracts the viewer’s attention and is an effective way to communicate a message in
advertisements. Perceptual similarity seems to be a major source for creativity in the domain of visual
metaphors, e.g. replacing objects by perceptually similar, but conceptually different objects is a technique to
create new and unconventional interpretations. In this paper, we analyze the role of perceptual similarity in
advertisements and propose an extension of Heuristic-Driven Theory Projection, a computational theory for
analogy making that can be used to automatically compute interpretations of visual metaphors.
Visual metaphors can often be found in
advertisement, caricature, and fine arts (Forceville,
1996; Carroll, 1994; Hausman, 1989). Generating
novel and eye-catching visual metaphors is a highly
sophisticated task requiring creativity, because their
underlying meanings are crucially based on
unconventional conceptualizations and the detection
of new associations. Even interpreting such
metaphors requires creativity (Indurkhya 2007).
Perceptual similarity seems to play a major role
in visual metaphors. Mapping objects of a source to
objects of a target domain based on their common
visual appearance helps to bridge the gap between
incompatible conceptualizations and anchors the
interpretation of their metaphorical relation.
The cognitive mechanism of deliberate
deconceptualization, which is needed in order to
establish a new conceptualization, is a difficult task,
because humans are constrained by conceptual
associations that are learned during lifetime.
Furthermore, it requires a significant amount of
cognitive effort to break away from these
associations. Computers, on the other hand, do not
have such conceptual associations of their own
accord and therefore they can be helpful in finding
and interpreting creative metaphors (Indurkhya
1997). Our aim in this paper is to design
computational systems that can model the process of
interpreting visual metaphors.
The remainder of this paper is structured as
follows: in section 2, we present related work on
modeling creativity in visual analogies and
metaphors. Section 3 exemplifies creativity and
visual metaphors in the domain of advertisements. In
section 4, we introduce “Heuristic-Driven Theory
Projection”, a formal framework developed for
analogy making. We explain how this framework
can be adapted to analyze visual metaphors and
provide a creative interpretation. Section 5 illustrates
the application domain of our approach with several
examples. Section 6 concludes the paper.
There have been many approaches to modeling
analogies and creativity underlying them.
Hofstadter (1995) persuasively argued that the
processes of generating representations and mapping
are intimately intertwined in creative analogies.
Schwering A., Küehnberger K., Krumnack U., Gust H., Wandmacher T., Indurkhya B. and Ojha A. (2009).
A COMPUTATIONAL MODEL FOR VISUAL METAPHORS - Interpreting Creative Visual Advertisements.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, pages 339-344
DOI: 10.5220/0001660303390344
O’Hara and Indurkhya (1995) modeled the
interaction between representation and mapping in
the domain of geometric analogies. Dastani,
Indurkhya and Scha (2003) proposed an algebraic
model to formalize this interaction in the Copycat
domain of Hofstadter. However, all these
approaches are limited to artificial and rather simple
domains such as letter strings or geometric figures.
These domains have the advantage of being
controllable so that the formal models can be
systematically evaluated, but they do not scale up to
the wide range of examples in ads, art and media.
There have been some studies of cognitive
mechanisms underlying creativity (Gordon, 1961;
Schön, 1963; Rodari, 1996). What they all agree on
is that the key step is to break the conventional
conceptualization of a given object or situation.
Rodari also emphasizes that one needs to get closer
to the perceptual image of the objects and create a
resonance between the images of the source and the
target. Creating strange juxtaposition of familiar
objects, ignoring their conceptual properties and
focusing on perceptual and visual appearance only is
one way to break the existing associations, and
discover new and meaningful interpretations.
Even in language-based metaphors, perceptual
resemblance has often been the basis for
understanding metaphorical expressions. For
instance, the following lines from the poem
Seascape by Stephen Spender:
There are some days the happy ocean lies
Like an unfingered harp, below the land …
Here the metaphorical relation between an ocean and
the unfingered harp can only be established at a
perceptual level, where the sunlight reflected on the
ripples of a calm ocean, making them look like the
strings of a harp. Such synergy of perceptual images
is essential in understanding the meaning of the
poem. This is very difficult, if not impossible, to
obtain by conceptual analysis alone (Indurkhya
1992; Indurkhya et al. 2008).
Many visual metaphors rely on perceptual similarity.
Coming up with attractive and effective
advertisements is a difficult and highly creative
process. Figure 1 and additional figures in section 5
show advertisements promoting different products or
ideas. They may serve as examples for how the
perceptual similarity of objects is used to visualize
and communicate a message.
Figure 1: Advertisements for “Clorets”, a chewing gum
that is supposed to help eliminating mouth odors.
Obviously, the visual appearance of objects plays
a major role in the creation of the advertisement
depicted in Figure 1. In the beginning, the associated
objects – tongue and sock – are not similar at all,
although the depicted sock appears in Figure 1
where usually the tongue would be expected. The
perceptual similarity together with the contextual
embedding of the sock in the mouth of a person is
the starting point to establish an association between
two objects, which is moved in a second step to a
conceptual level. The (conceptual) similarity can
only be created by the metaphorical comparison
(Indurkhya 1994). The feature “bad odor” of a
tongue might be (in principle) known before, but it
is new from the cognitive agent’s point of view: it is
newly created in the cognitive agent’s mental
representation of the tongue.
It is important to notice that – based on and
triggered from the visual appearance of the two
initially incomparable objects – a transfer of
properties from the concept “sock” to the concept
“tongue” can be realized that yields a plausible
interpretation of this advertisement. This transfer of
properties is the basis for a creative and non-
conventional interpretation of the advertisement.
Metaphors, like analogies, are established via
associating certain elements from the source domain
with elements from the target domain. Via
establishing an alignment between elements, which
at the first sight are not very similar, knowledge
about the elements in the source domain can be
transferred and applied in the target domain and lead
to a new conceptualization of the target domain.
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
4.1 Heuristic-Driven Theory Projection
Heuristic-Driven Theory Projection (HDTP) is a
formal theory for computing analogical relations
between a source and a target domain. HDTP has a
logical basis: the source and the target domain are
formalized as theories based on a many-sorted first-
order logic. It computes analogies by associating
constants, functions, relations, and (complex)
formulas between target and source domain. Besides
analogies, it was also applied to learning linguistic
metaphors in the domain of technical devices (Gust
et al. 2007). In the following, we explain how HDTP
can be extended to analyze visual metaphors.
HDTP uses anti-unification to identify common
patterns in the source and target domain. Anti-
unification (Plotkin 1970) is a syntactical operation
that compares two terms and identifies the most
specific generalization subsuming both terms. More
precisely, anti-unification of two terms t
and t
be interpreted as finding a generalized term t of t
and t
which may contain variables, together with
two substitutions θ
and θ
of variables, such that
= t
and tθ
= t
. Because there are usually many
possible generalizations, anti-unification tries to find
the most specific one. Based on the classical theory
of anti-unification of terms, HDTP extends this
approach to allow also the anti-unification of
formulas of a first-order logical language
(Krumnack et al. 2007). This results in the
possibility to generalize whole theories of two given
domains in order to generate a structural description
of the underlying commonalities.
Figure 2 shows two examples: f(a) and f(b) are anti-
unified to f(X) where X is a variable replacing the
different arguments of the function. The second
example shows a simple form of second-order anti-
unification: f(a) and g(a) are anti-unified to F(a).
The different function symbols are replaced by a
variable, while the common argument remains.
Given two theories Th
and Th
modeling source
and target domain as input, the HDTP algorithm
computes the analogy between the two domains.
Due to the limited space,
Table 1 roughly sketches
the algorithm. A detailed specification of syntactic,
semantic and algorithmic properties of HDTP can be
found in (Gust et al. 2006; Schwering et al.
formulas representing
the source domain
formulas representing
the target domain
generalized formulas common to
source and target
generalized theory Th
f(a) f(b)
f(a) g(a)
Figure 2: Establishing the analogical relation between the
source theory Th
and the target theory Th
constructing the general theory Th
Table 1: The HDTP Algorithm to compute analogical
relation between a source and a target theory.
Input: A theory Th
of the source domain and a
theory Th
of the target domain represented in a
predicate logic language.
Output: A generalized theory Th
such that the
input theories Th
and Th
can (partially) be
reestablished by substitutions.
Algorithm: Selection and generalization of facts
and rules. Select an axiom from Th
according to a
heuristics h. In HDTP, this heuristics could select
formulas according to their complexity, i.e. prefer
less complex literals to complex rules. Afterwards,
select an axiom from Th
and construct a
generalization (together with corresponding
Optimize the generalization w.r.t. a given
heuristics and update Th
w.r.t. the result of this
process. The heuristics used by HDTP orders the
generalizations according to the complexity of
their substitutions (e.g. length of substitutions).
Transfer (project) facts and laws of Th
to Th
provided they are not generalized yet. Test (using
an oracle) whether the transfer is consistent with
. This can be done via experiments or using
world knowledge in a database.
4.2 Visual Metaphor Formalization
Knowledge about the source and the target domain
must be captured formally to enable a computational
model to analyze metaphors. HDTP is a logical
framework using first-order logic as representational
language. In order to establish a metaphorical
relation between “sock” in the source domain and
“tongue” in the target domain (Figure 1), HDTP
requires a specification of the involved domains.
The main extension to the standard HDTP
formalizations is the distinction in facts referring to
the visual appearance and other conceptual facts that
refer to the non-visual background knowledge.
A COMPUTATIONAL MODEL FOR VISUAL METAPHORS - Interpreting Creative Visual Advertisements
We capture the shape at different levels of detail:
at the very basic level we distinguish regions, lines
and points. A line can be further described as being
linear or curved, regularly curved like waves or
irregularly curved. A region can be approximated by
different mathematical attributes like quadratic,
rectangular, circular, and oval. Perceptual similarity
is a multifaceted phenomenon: besides common
shape, it might be caused by common color, texture,
or sometimes by a similar spatial arrangement of
objects. Of course, the simple description of the
appearance in the following tables is incomplete, but
for this introductory example it should suffice.
Table 2: Formalization of the source domain.
property:region …
Facts referring to visual appearance
shape(sock, region)
in(mouth, sock)
above(nose, mouth)…
Facts referring to conceptual properties
function(sock, keepWarm)
function(sock, provideComfort)
odor(sock, bad) …
Table 2 describes the knowledge about socks: at
the level of visual appearance, a sock has a regional
shape. Furthermore, spatial properties of parts of the
face can be covered, e.g. that the nose is above the
mouth and the sock is in the mouth. Conceptual
background knowledge about socks is crucial,
because certain facts about the source domain need
to be transferred and applied to the target domain
and will provide the creative interpretation of the
metaphor. The background knowledge is usually
very large. The essential information to interpret this
metaphor – the smell of the sock – must be included
in the conceptual facts to come up with the correct
Table 3: Formalization of the target domain.
Facts referring to visual appearance
shape(tongue, region)
in(mouth, tongue)
above(nose, mouth) …
Facts referring to conceptual properties
A tongue is also described by properties referring
to its visual appearance. The visual appearance can
be rather similar to socks: the tongue also covers a
region that can be approximated by a polygon, and it
has a uniform texture. The tongue is in the mouth.
Furthermore, some visual information about the
context, i.e. the face in which the tongue appears,
may be available. Although humans have much
conceptual knowledge of tongues, the target domain
contains no facts referring to conceptual properties
of the tongue. This is left empty, because existing
conceptual knowledge could only distract from
establishing new creative knowledge. It is necessary
for the deconceptualization which is essential for the
interpretation of the metaphor.
4.3 Computation of Visual Metaphor
The process of analyzing visual metaphors covers
the same steps as the usual analogy-making process
on which HDTP is based: the retrieval of an
appropriate source domain, the mapping of the
analogous elements and the transfer of potentially
meaningful knowledge from the source to the target
domain. The difference between ordinary analogies
and visual metaphors lies in the mapping process: it
is the perceptual similarity between two objects
which causes humans to establish a metaphorical
relation. In visual metaphors, the mapping is based
purely on the visual properties. HDTP restricts the
anti-unification to facts referring to visual
appearance only. Afterwards, in the transfer phase,
HDTP focuses on facts referring to conceptual
background knowledge and transfers non-visual
conceptual properties. Figure 3 illustrates the
process with the “Clorets” advertisements
introduced in section 3. The combination of the face
with a sock as the tongue can be interpreted with an
analogical mapping between sock and tongue.
Figure 3: The visual metaphor can be interpreted via
analogical mapping between a sock and the tongue.
HDTP goes through all facts describing the
visual appearance of the target domain and searches
successively for alignable facts describing the visual
appearance of the source domain. Suitable facts are
2) Transfer
1) Mapping
Source Target
Analogical Mapping
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
those which can be anti-unified and lead to the most
specific generalization with a minimal set of
substitutions. HDTP re-uses existing substitutions
and tries to minimize the overall number and
complexity of substitutions. In the running example,
the anti-unification process is executed as follows:
The first axiom from the target domain
shape(tongue, region) is aligned with
shape(sock, region) from the source domain
and generalized to
shape(X, region) where the
variable X is substituted by tongue on the target
domain and by sock on the source domain. The next
formula chosen from the target domain for anti-
unification is
in(mouth, tongue). The
counterpart in the source domain is
sock). In this case, HDTP reuses the already
established substitutions and generalizes both
formulas to the formula
in(mouth, X) where X is
the same variable as before. This process is
continued. The more visual properties can be
mapped, the more perceptually similar are both
objects. The mapping phase is finished if no visual
property is left in the target domain which is not
anti-unified or if no suitable mapping can be created.
The second phase is the transfer of conceptual
knowledge. Conceptual knowledge about socks is
usually quite extensive, but only very few facts
make sense in the context of this metaphor. Function
aspects of socks – e.g. keeping feet warm and
providing comfort – are not applicable to tongues.
However, bad odor of socks is applicable and
therefore a candidate for the analogical transfer.
HDTP transfers every fact referring to the
conceptual properties and checks afterwards for their
applicability. This can be tested by an oracle that
checks the compatibility (consistency, saliency etc.)
of the transfer. Of course, such decisions require a
spelled-out and large database of background
knowledge about the target domain.
The following pictures show different
advertisements for or against a product or an idea.
Their interpretation originates in some kind of
perceptual similarity. HDTP in the modified version
as described above is a promising approach to
establish a creative interpretation of these visual
metaphors. This approach can be used to
automatically interpret advertisements, but also to
support ad designers to come up with creative ideas.
Figure 4: The advertisement associates a mascara wand
applicator with a needle. It calls out on boycott of animal-
tested products.
Figure 4 shows an object which is a combination
of a syringe and a mascara wand applicator. Both
objects share the same overall longish shape, a
cylindrical tube and a spiky top. The object also has
the typical features of the mascara wand applicator
and the needle: the needle of the syringe with the
brush at the top of a mascara wand applicator. Based
on the perceptual similarity, a mapping between the
syringe and the wand applicator is established.
While mascara is associated with beauty, a syringe is
associated with illness or even death. In the
metaphorical interpretation, associated properties of
the syringe are applied to cosmetics.
Figure 5: With this advertisement “Crafted from Nature”
the natural origin of the material is stressed.
Figure 5 shows on the left an advertisement for
cotton shirts: an orange leaf with the shape at the top
resembling a collar of a shirt. The rain pearls on the
leaf representing the freshness and the pure nature
while the association to clothes is only created via
the perceptual similarity. Note that leaves do not
look like shirts in general, but they can be presented
in a particular shape to look similar to shirts. The
leaf characteristics are the arrangement of veins and
the typical autumn color.
Figure 6 shows an advertisement against
smoking. The shape of the “smoke-bag” resembles a
plastic bag. The deathly effect of a plastic bag put
over a head is applied to smoking. The pictures on
the right show smoke of a cigarette and a plastic bag
to illustrate the perceptual similarity. Here again, the
perceptual similarity is on two different levels: while
the material of the bag is made out of smoke (mouth
and the nose of the little boy breathing the smoke),
the shape resembles a plastic bag.
A COMPUTATIONAL MODEL FOR VISUAL METAPHORS - Interpreting Creative Visual Advertisements
Figure 6: The advertisement on the left shows a small
child choking on a plastic bag made of smoke. It states
“Smoke isn’t suicide. It’s murder.”
Perceptual similarity seems to play a major role in
the generation and interpretation of visual
metaphors: Two conceptually different objects are
associated with each other due to their similar
appearance. Based on this new alignment,
conceptual properties of the source can be
transferred and applied to the target, which enables a
completely new, metaphoric interpretation of the
target. In this paper, we suggest a formal framework
to analyze metaphorical relations: HDTP computes
an interpretation via a mapping based on common
facts describing the visual appearance. Afterwards it
transfers conceptual properties.
Further research shall investigate at a broader level
what influences perceptual similarity and how it can
be formalized. A set of properties describing the
visual appearance will be defined. The domain of
visual ads is suitable for analyzing creativity in
visual metaphors, because it is as challenging as fine
arts, but simpler and better structured. This eases the
evaluation of a computational system. The
interpretation of visual metaphors will be compared
to human interpretations.
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ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence