Yingying Wen, Kevin B. Korb
Clayton School of Information Technology, Monash University, 3800, VIC, Australia
Ann E. Nicholson
Clayton School of Information Technology, Monash University, 3800, VIC, Australia
Machine learning, Incomplete data, Data generation, Data analysis, Missing data, Data mining, Machine
learning evaluation.
Evaluating the relative performance of machine learners on incomplete data is important because one common
problem with real data is that the data is often incomplete, which means that some values in the data are not
present. DataZapper is a tool for uncreating data: given a dataset containing joint samples over variables,
DataZapper will make a specified percentage of observed values disappear, replaced by an indication that
the measurement failed. Since the causal mechanisms of measurement that result in failed measurements may
depend in arbitrary ways upon the system under study, it is important to be able to produce incomplete data sets
which allow for such arbitrary dependencies. DataZapper is the only tool that allows any kind of dependence,
and any degree of dependence, in its generation of missing data. We illustrate its use in a machine learning
experiment and offer it to the data mining and machine learning communities.
Machine learning (ML) research aims at finding the
most effective algorithms for constructing models
from data. Therefore, machine learning researchers
need to find the means for assessing the perfor-
mance of different ML algorithms applied to common
datasets representing varying domains and degrees of
difficulty. Although much work in machine learning
has concentrated upon data without noise, real-world
data always have noise, with the most extreme form
being simply the absence of a measured value. In
consequence, interest has grown in finding new meth-
ods to cope with incomplete datasets and in assessing
those methods (e.g., (Onisko et al., 2002; Twala et al.,
2005; Twala et al., 2008)).
Absence of data values is ubiquitous in part be-
cause there are many ways in which measurements
can fail. We illustrate with the simple causal Bayesian
network of Figure 1. We shall assume that joint ob-
servations of these variables come from sample sur-
veys, but similar failures to measure can arise from
any measurement technique. First, some missing val-
ues may arise simply from survey takers entirely over-
looking a question, independently of what the ques-
tion is about or the values of any variables. Second,
the failure to measure particular variables may de-
pend upon the values of other variables; for exam-
ple, it may turn out that lawyers as a class are less
inclined to reveal their incomes than people of other
occupations. Third, the failure to measure may be
sensitive additionally to the unmeasured value of the
variable at issue; for example, it may be that it is pri-
marily the wealthy lawyers who are reluctant to re-
veal their incomes. Following Rubin (Rubin, 1976),
it has become common to refer to these three mecha-
nisms for values to be missed as, respectively, missing
completely at random (MCAR), missing at random
(MAR) and not missing at random (NMAR). These
names are somewhat misleading, and we shall be-
low present reasons for adopting a more descriptive
Given the prevalence of incompleteness in real
data, and its variety, it is important for ML researchers
to investigate how their various algorithms perform
given these different types of incomplete data. How-
ever, the missing mechanism for real data is most
likely unknown.
Wen Y., B. Korb K. and E. Nicholson A. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, pages 69-76
DOI: 10.5220/0001660700690076
income occupation
Figure 1: An example model.
Of course, ML researchers do undertake these
types of experiments with different missing data. For
example, Ghahramani and Jordan (Ghahramani and
Jordan, 1994) evaluated the performance of clas-
sification with missing data dealt by Expectation-
Maximization (EM) and mean imputation (IM) (see
Figure 2). Gill et al. (Gill et al., 2007) examined the
performance of learning algorithms between artificial
neural networks (ANNs) and support vector machines
(SVMs) on data MAR. Another example is Richman
et al. (Richman et al., 2007), who compared differ-
ent methods of handling missing value and presented
in terms of mean absolute error (MAE) in Figure 3.
They used real data with some values removed ran-
domly, that is, MCAR.
Figure 2: Example 1 of ML research on varying missing
values. Classification of the iris data from (Ghahramani and
Jordan, 1994).
However, it is difficult using only real data to
compare the performance of algorithms for machine
learning and methods for dealing with missing val-
ues, since the nature of the real system, including the
mechanisms whereby data go missing, is at issue; it is
difficult or impossible to determine which algorithm
has produced a model closer to reality. For machine
learning research, we want to test against artificial
data generated from a known system with a known
mechanism causing values to go missing. This pro-
vides more flexibility with the type of missing mech-
anisms, the type of datasets and the degree of depen-
dence. Moreover, performances can then be evaluated
against the true model.
Figure 3: Example 2 of ML research on varying missing
values. A bar chart illustrating the difference of variance
between the original and imputed data sets from (Richman
et al., 2007).
Here we present DataZapper, a versatile software
tool for generating artificial datasets with missing val-
ues. DataZapper renders some values in a dataset
absent according to specified conditions based upon
any variable and any value within that dataset; these
conditions can be tuned precisely for degrees of de-
pendence, allowing for systematic experimentation.
We shall make this tool available to machine learning
community via the Weka
machine learning platform.
One of our motivations in producing this tool is to en-
courage the machine learning community to explore
varieties of incompleteness beyond MCAR, which is
the only kind assumed by many algorithms, such as
the expectation maximization (EM) technique for re-
placing missing values in Weka. With a tool granting
easy access to more realistic forms of incompleteness
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
we expect more attention to them will be given.
The only previously reported tool we know of
for generating incomplete data is that of Francois
and Leray (Francois and Leray, 2007). They em-
ploy Bayesian networks (BNs) as a useful way to
generate artificial data with missing values. Unfor-
tunately, their tool is limited to MCAR and limited
forms of MAR incompleteness, with no ability to pro-
duce NMAR data. As Francois and Leray point out,
all of these forms of generating missing data can be
useful for generic software testing, beyond machine
learning research.
The structure of our paper is as follows. Section 2
describes the three absent data mechanisms and in-
troduces our nomenclature for them. In Section 3
we present a BNF (Backus-Naur Form (Backus and
Naur, 1960)) grammar for scripting DataZapper. In
Section 4 we present the details of DataZapper, in-
cluding data formats in Section 4.1 and an overview
of how it works in Section 4.2. Section 5 illustrates
DataZapper’s use in an experimental setting.
A dataset is a matrix in which rows represent the cases
(joint samples) and columns represent variables mea-
sured for each case. Ideally, a dataset has all the cells
filled—i.e., it is a complete data set. However, most
real datasets have some values unobserved—i.e., they
are incomplete.
As we mentioned, Rubin (Rubin, 1976) intro-
duced and named three types of missing data mech-
anisms. We shall now motivate the adoption of new
names for these. First, we prefer to talk of “absent
data” rather than “missing data”, for the simple but
sufficient reason that “absent” has a natural nominal
form, “absence”, while “missing” leads to the awk-
ward neologism “missingness”. More significantly,
two of Rubin’s labels are clearly inadequately de-
scriptive of the mechanisms involved:
Missing Completely at Random (MCAR): as the
absence of values is independent of all variable
values, including the value for this particular cell,
this label is actually appropriate. Therefore, we
propose calling these cases absent completely at
random (ACAR).
Missing at Random (MAR): these missing cases
have arbitrary dependencies upon the values of
other variables. In consequence, they may not
even be random at all, but functionally depen-
dent upon the values of other variables in extreme
cases. Hence, we prefer calling them absent un-
der dependence (AUD).
Not Missing at Random (NMAR): The natural
way of interpreting this phrase is by negating
the second kind of “missingness”, which would
be entirely wrong. This case is simply a gener-
alization of AUD, allowing the absence of data
to depend also upon the actual value which has
failed to be measured. Hence, we have absent
under self-dependence (AUSD).
We submit that the most common case in real data
is the case most commonly ignored, AUSD, where the
values going unmeasured depend both on the values
of some other variables and the absent values them-
selves, as in wealthy lawyers hiding their wealth.
The specifications for how the data should go miss-
ing are made in a simple scripting language, whose
BNF grammar is shown in Figure 4. These rules are
applied to a dataset file to generate a new dataset file
with some observed values replaced by a token in-
dicating absence. The basic form of a sentence is
that of an “if... then... production rule. The an-
tecedent describes the dependencies that absence has
on variables and values in the system, while the con-
sequent lists the variables that take absent values on
these conditions and with what probability. If the an-
tecedent is empty, then the absent data generation is
unconditional—i.e., the data are ACAR in so far as
this production rule is concerned. If the consequent is
empty, then the absence mechanism is applied to all
variables in the dataset. When the data are AUD or
AUSD, the antecedent grammar rule specifies which
variable(s) the absence depends upon and for what
values or value ranges. The effects of the script rules
are cumulative. The result is a language in which
any strength of dependence upon any set of variables
can be specified, and such dependencies may be com-
<m-statement> :: = if <antecedent> then <consequent>
<antecedent> ::= <condition>*
<condition> ::= <variable> in <range>
<variable> ::= alpha alphanum*
<range> ::= [ <value>, <value> ]
<value> ::= alpha alphanum* | number | symbol
<consequent> ::= ( <prob> ) <variable>*
<prob> ::= number
Figure 4: BNF grammar for generating absent data.
Table 1: Examples of complete data and corrupted data in Datazapper’s default format.
Complete data Corrupted data
5 5
10000 10000
E0 A1 B1 C0 D1 E0 A1 B1 ? D1
E1 A0 B0 C1 D1 E1 A0 B0 C1 D1
E0 A1 B0 C1 D0 E0 A1 B0 C1 D0
E1 A1 B1 C0 D0 E1 ? B1 ? D0
E1 A0 B1 C1 D1 E1 A0 B1 C1 D1
... ...
bined arbitrarily. For example, “OR” can be repre-
sented by having two different conditions.
1. if then (20)
2. if then (30) A C
3. if C in [?] then (40) E
4. if Gender in [F] Age in [10, 20] then (40) Income
5. if Gender in [F] Income in [70000, 90000] then (40)
6. if A in [A1] B in [B1] then (60) A D
1. ACAR: every variable will have 20% of its values ab-
2. ACAR: each of the variables A and “C” will have
30% of its values absent
3. AUD: variable “E” will have 40% of its values absent
when variable “C” takes the value “?”, namely variable
“C” is already absent
4. AUD: variable “Income” will have 40% of its values
absent when Age” is between 10 and 20 (inclusive)
and “Gender” is “F”.
5. AUSD: variable “Income” will have 40% of its values
absent when variable “Gender” has value “F” and “In-
come” is between “70000” and “90000”
6. AUSD: variable A and “D” will both have 60% of
their values absent when variable A has value A1”
and “B” has value “B1”
Figure 5: Examples of absent data specification in the
DataZapper script language (above) with the corresponding
English descriptions (below).
Figure 5 shows some examples of the absent data
specifications, across the range of types, together with
a corresponding English description. Note that exam-
ple 6 is of a mixed type, producing AUD for variable
D and AUSD for variable A.
4.1 Data Format
DataZapper accepts two data formats: a default
format and Weka’s (Witten and Frank, 2005) data
format—Attribute-Relation File Format (ARFF).
The default format is the data format used by the
BN learning software CaMML (Wallace et al., 1996),
Tetrad (Spirtes et al., 2000) and BNT (Leray and
Francois, 2004). (We describe how we used DataZap-
per for the empirical comparison of some of these
methods in Section 5.) An example of complete data
in the default format is shown on the left side in Table
1. The first two lines are the number of variables and
the number of observations, respectively. The next
line lists the names of the variables in the dataset.
Columns are separated by tab. Consider again Exam-
ple 2 in Figure 5 above: “if then (30) A C”, the cor-
responding corrupted data after applying dataZapper
is given on the right side in Table 1, with the absent
values represented by “?” in the default data format.
(The token used to represent absence can be changed
from this default using a runtime parameter.)
DataZapper supports the ARFF format in order to
be compatible with the Weka machine learning plat-
form, which has become a standard toolkit for ML
studies (e.g. (Witten and Frank, 2005)). In Table 2 we
reproduce the above example in an ARFF file. Note
that an additional attribute for absent values must be
indicated for those variables which are consequents of
a DataZapper rule.
4.2 DataZapper Operation
DataZapper processes the absent data specifications
one line at a time. In processing each script com-
mand, DataZapper first parses it, validating its syntax
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: Examples of complete data and corrupted data in ARFF format.
Complete data Corrupted data
5 5
10000 10000
E0,A1,B1,C0,D1,input E0,A1,B1,?,D1,input
E1,A0,B0,C1,D1,input E1,A0,B0,C1,D1,input
E0,A1,B0,C1,D0,input E0,A1,B0,C1,D0,input
E1,A1,B1,C0,D0,input E1,?,B1,?,D0,input
E1,A0,B1,C1,D1,input E1,A0,B1,C1,D1,input
... ...
Table 3: Examples of two corrupted datasets.
corrupted data 1 corrupted data 2
5 5
10000 10000
E0 A1 B1 ? D1 E0 ? B1 C0 ?
E1 A0 B0 C1 D1 E1 A0 B0 C1 D1
E0 A1 B0 C1 D0 E0 A1 B0 C1 D0
E1 ? B1 ? D0 E1 ? B1 C0 ?
E1 A0 B1 C1 D1 E1 A0 B1 C1 D1
... ...
against the BNF grammar. It then makes some val-
ues in the complete data absent, using a uniform ran-
dom variate in comparison with the specified prob-
ability. DataZapper then writes the resultant incom-
plete dataset to an intermediate file. DataZapper em-
ulates parallelism by generating intermediate output
files for each such line and, in the end, merging the
intermediate files into a final output file. In the merg-
ing process absent values dominate; that is, a value
ends up missing if it is missing in any intermediate
file. DataZapper finishes by generating a data report
on the final dataset, comparing the proportions of ab-
sent values with the original dataset.
We will now look at these steps in more detail with
examples. (Details of the parser and the algorithms
can be found in (Wen et al., 2008)).
4.2.1 The Corrupted Data Generator
This is the key processing step that renders some val-
ues in the input data absent. The proportion of the
absence is applied to each selected target variable,
evenly distributed over all the relevant observations
for that variable that is, those observations which
satisfy the dependency condition.
4.2.2 Merging Data Files
In this processing step, DataZapper merges multiple
corrupted datasets with the same variables and the
same number of observations. The datasets having a
common source, the only differences between them
are those required by processing distinct script file
commands. The merged data is a kind of union of the
corrupted datasets, with the absence of a value in any
cell forcing its absence in the final output. If there
are many script commands being executed, or if the
initial input file itself contained incomplete data, then
the final dataset may contain less information (more
absent values) than anticipated.
For example, consider again Examples 2 and 6
from Figure 5 for specifying absent data. Table 3 dis-
plays some examples from the two corrupted datasets
respectively, while Table 4 shows the same examples
in the final merged corrupted dataset.
Final: 20.00% 12.64% 0.00% 5.14% 30.35%
Original: 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
6813 values are absent, 13.63% of all values.
5201 cases contain absent values, 52.01% of 10,000 total cases.
Content of script file:
Percent of absent values:
if then (20) E A
if A in [A1] then (30) B E
if (C) in [C0] D in [D1] then (20) D
Figure 6: Example of DataZapper’s absent data report.
Table 4: Merged data from the examples in Table 3.
corrupted data
E0 ? B1 ? ?
E1 A0 B0 C1 D1
E0 A1 B0 C1 D0
E1 ? B1 ? ?
E1 A0 B1 C1 D1
4.2.3 Data Report
DataZapper presents a statistical summary of the in-
completeness of the final dataset. Figure 6 gives an
example data report. This report can be used to fine
tune the scripting rules in the event that the overall
sparseness of the data is unexpectedly high, possibly
due to the cumulative effect of multiple rules on some
We now describe an application of DataZapper in
generating incomplete data for use in some of our ma-
chine learning research. The specific application is an
empirical comparison of the performance of causal
discovery algorithms in finding the causal Bayesian
network (a kind of directed acyclic graph, or DAG)
which has generated some observational data. The al-
gorithms under test were K2 (Cooper and Herskovits,
1991), GES (Greedy Equivalence Search) (Meek,
1997), and the PC algorithm from Tetrad (Spirtes
et al., 2000). The first algorithm, K2, returns a single
DAG which fits the data best.
The other two algo-
We have enhanced K2 by utilizing a Minimum
Weighted Spanning Tree algorithm as a preprocessing step
rithms return an equivalence class of DAGs (a pat-
tern); that is, a set of DAGs which all have equal
maximum-likelihood scores based upon any given
set of observational data (Chickering, 1995). In ef-
fect, these algorithms are asserting that all the DAGs
within the pattern are equally likely to be the source of
the observed data. In assessing such results, therefore,
we use a pattern-to-DAG conversion algorithm (Wen
and Korb, 2007) algorithm which returns two DAGs:
that nearest to the original causal Bayesian network
in structure (as measured in edit distance) and that
farthest from the original network. This provides a
range of performance for assessing such algorithms
(assuming that the data are artificial, of course, since
otherwise the original network is unknown).
The experiment we ran was a three dimensional
evaluation: we varied the algorithm, the proportion of
absence and the absent data mechanism as shown in
Figure 7.
10 30 50 70 90
40 6020 80
Figure 7: Three dimensional experimental design.
We used 50 sets of complete data generated from a
known Bayesian network. We then applied DataZap-
per to produce 3 × 9 incomplete datasets for each
complete dataset, given the three absence mecha-
nisms and 9 steps of proportion of absence, as shown
to produce the total ordering of variables that K2 demands.
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
90 percent
80 percent
70 percent
60 percent
50 percent
40 percent
30 percent
20 percent
10 percent
average edit distance (50 sets of 1000 observation)
degree of absent dependence
Compare algorithms on data AUD with mode imputation
Figure 8: Example experimental results using DataZapper: comparison of 3 causal discovery algorithms, on data generate
with AUD absence mechanism, varying the degree of data completeness.
in Figure 7. We then designed comparison experi-
ments for different combinations of these experimen-
tal parameters.
For example, one experiment involved selecting
the absence mechanism and then comparing the per-
formance of the causal discovery algorithms given
varying proportion of absence. The results of this
particular experiment are shown in Figure 8. Here
the evaluation measure we used is the edit distance of
the learned BN to the true model—Figure 1, averaged
over the 50 datasets. For the PC and the GES algo-
rithms we report two results, one based on the DAG
within the pattern returned that is nearest to the true
model (PCn and GESn), another for the DAG within
the pattern that is farthest from the true model (PCf
and GESf). In this experiment we used one of the
simplest methods for handling absent values, namely
modal imputation (i.e., replacing each absence token
with the modal value for that variable). Results are
available for all ACAR, AUD and AUSD. Only AUD
is used as an example. Figure 8 shows that under these
circumstances the performances for PC and GES im-
prove as the data quality improves, while K2 appears
to be stuck. Overall, GESn shows the best perfor-
DataZapper is a powerful and flexible tool for incom-
plete data generation, developed specifically for use
in research comparing machine learning algorithms.
DataZapper allows researchers to specify both the
amount of absent data and the nature of the dependen-
cies in generating the absent data, using simple con-
ditional rules. Multiple conditions of absence can be
described for each variable and for multiple variables,
which will be applied cumulatively by DataZapper to
the input dataset, which itself may be either complete
or already corrupt. DataZapper is the only tool which
can generate incomplete data for all types of absent
data mechanisms (ACAR, AUD or AUSD) and with
any degree of dependence. We offer it through Weka
in the hopes that methods of coping with more inter-
esting and difficult varieties of incomplete data may
be investigated by the machine learning community.
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ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence