Significant effort has been devoted to the
advancement of systems related to Pervasive and
Ubiquitous computing and Smart Environments.
The advances so far have not made these systems
accurately proactive. On the other hand a great deal
is needed to make systems more sensible/sensitive
and trustable (both in terms of reliability and
privacy). For example, the Robot@Home challenge
set up as part of the RoboCup competition is mainly
focused on the skills of a robot to navigate a house.
We put forward the thesis that a more integral
and social-aware sort of intelligence is needed to
effectively interact, decide and act on behalf of
people’s interest. We proposed a specific challenge
devoted to measuring how close an AmI system is to
the ideal system for a specific user. Although we
generally compared that with matching the ideal of a
personal assistant we exemplified how in different
scenarios more specific metaphors can apply. We
called this process of looking for an evaluation
framework and its application: the Darmstadt
Challenge. Although it may bring resemblance to
the Turing Test it is a different mechanism with a
different goal. The goal of the proposed challenge is
much more utilitarian than the general goal of the
Turing Test. The process is also different in the
sense that the users know where the computer is and
what is trying to achieve.
We sustain that even if the test is not perfect
there will be substantial benefits from exercising the
test as the benchmark in the field. We hope this will
stimulate a discussion within the community to both,
further refine the Darmstadt Challenge and to make
it systematic. Its sustained application hopefully
will contribute to the improvement of systems and
ultimately to achieve the aim that artificial systems
truly serve humans and not vice-versa.
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THE DARMSTADT CHALLENGE - The Turing Test Revisited