Hicham Djenidi
, Amar Ramdane-Cherif
and Nicole Lévy
LISVI, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin
45, Avenue des États-Unis, 78035 Versailles Cedex, France
Keywords: Multimodal multi-agent architecture, Scenario of reconfiguration, Petri net models, Software quality.
Abstract: Multimodal interfaces for natural human-computer interaction involve complex architectures that should
facilitate the process of matching IT to people. These architectures should react to events occurring
simultaneously, and possibly redundantly, from different input media. In this paper, intelligent expert agent-
based architecture for multimedia multimodal dialog protocols are proposed. The generic components of the
multimodal architecture are monitored by an expert agent, which can perform dynamic changes in
reconfiguration, adaptation and evolution at the architectural level. Software performance and usability are
maintained by the expert agent via a scenario-based methodology. The expert agent’s behavior modeled by
Petri nets permits a software quality tradeoff between attributes of usability and other software attributes
like system’s performance.
The use of multi-agent architecture (A), such as the
Open Agent A (Martin et al., 1998), in which
dedicated agents (Ag) communicate with each other
is a common practice in multimodal (M) systems.
However, the A in (Martin et al, 1998) is dedicated
to predefined types of modality and does not
constitute a methodology of formal and generic
specification but offers rather the possibility of re-
use in certain cases the already coded blocks and
methods to connect them. Another example of MA,
is the A of (Nigay and Coutaz, 1995) which supports
the mechanism of generic fusion named melting pot.
The core component in this A is the Dialog
Controller - a set of cooperating Ag who realizes
parallel data processing at several levels of
abstraction. However, as showed by the author in
(Bellik, 1995), this approach does not define clearly
the roles of the Ag. Besides, its specification by does
not allow an automatic validation of the scenarios of
dialog before the development and the
implementation phases of the prototype, as would
allow it a timed colored Petri net (TCPN) model.
QuickSet is a group of tools based on a multi-Ag A
where co-workers act in a wireless M environment
allowing several users to realize and to check
military simulations by the use of voice, gesture and
by attributing to users, behaviors and roles. This
application, offers a centralized A (based on the
blackboard concept) of colleagues Ag (Cohen et al.
1997). However, being a military application, the
authors don’t give enough information about their
MA and about the way the dynamic dialog is
specified in this MA. We notice, according to these
examples, that, for MA, the literature offers, either
architectural solutions dedicated to precise cases, or
generic multi-Ag A, but at high levels of abstraction
or without making a relevant identification of the
Ag, detailed description of their roles and their
dynamic interactions which they maintain. Or still, if
they describe in a detailed way the M interaction,
their A does not state the 'dynamic architectural
reconfiguration' (in the case of the use or the
renunciation of a modality for example.) Finally, for
some of them, there is no formal specification of all
the important aspects for the generic M management
of the events. We think, that it is recommended to
use a formal specification of the M interaction by a
formal model, if we wish to allow the A of a M
dialog, to take into account at the same time
temporal and grammatical constraints and if we wish
to prove formally the behavioral properties of the
interaction before the stage of coding. We think,
also, that an A has to allow the automatic validation
of scenarios of dialog, before the stage of coding, to
Djenidi H., Ramdane-Cherif A. and Lévy N. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, pages 349-352
DOI: 10.5220/0001665303490352
minimize development costs. On the other hand, it
seems important that a MA offers characteristics
relative to the dynamic reconfiguration (dependent
on the semantic and\or temporal constraints of two
or several events) to allow the most natural possible
language. So, we choose to model a MA with a
timed colored Petri nets TCPN because of its
suitability to MA (Djenidi et al., 2004), (Navare et
al., 2005) and dynamic concurrent objects (Robert,
Our paper presents an architectural model of an
expert Ag (EAg) that monitors system and user
performance in a MA and can dynamically adjust
input and output modalities. The dynamic adaptation
provides an interesting mechanism for enhancing the
services given by the system based scenarios. The
core of our proposal consists of: i) M software based
on multi-queued components A modeled by a
(TCPN). ii) An expert agent (EAg) to improve some
software performance and usability (section 2), also
modeled by a TCPN. The M software application is
used like an example of the A on which we
implement our EAg to increase the M software
qualities. We develop some TCPN scenarios to show
how the monitoring works and how we identify and
improve the usability and performance qualities.
2.1 Reconfiguration Scenario
Several modalities can simultaneously be used and
this synergic use of input modalities could drive up
errors. Different modalities introduced in our MA
simulate the mouse and the keyboard events. For
example, the haptic screen and the eye gaze system
perform the mouse functionalities. To avoid these
devices’ inconsistency we impose an input
modalities’ activation rule. For this purpose, the
input modalities are prearranged in three groups
matching the use of different devices: i) Group 1:
mouse, haptic screen, eye gaze system, wireless
control mouse; ii) Group 2: keyboard, virtual
keyboard; iii) Group 3: Speech recognition. The
chosen rule is simple: the user can’t activate two
input modalities belonging to the same group. This
rule is included into a scenario. The stimulus of the
scenario is the activation of the new input modality.
If a new input modality is activated, reactive agent’s
layer gets the event and sends it to its reasoning
layer through the linking layer (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Principle of usability scenario application
process: an example inside the expert agent.
The EAg tests if the modality is used at the same
time with another device belonging at the same
group (application of the rule). If the new modality
causes conflict, the reasoning layer establishes a
plan based on the scenario. The plan consists on
deactivation of the new modality. The reactive layer
deactivates the concerned component and its
connection with the MA. Then, the input modality
becomes inoperative. A sequence of the scenario
process performed by the expert agent is
symbolically described in Figure 1. When the
manager agent receives the scenario, it analyses it
and sends it as a plan to the reasoning agent (step 1).
The plan only contains applicative requests, which
are saved into the shared “Knowledge base” of the
reasoning layer. The tasks containing the monitoring
processes are sent to the adequate linking agent
(“linking Agent 1” in Figure 1), in order to listen to
the stimulus event and monitor the specified
component (step 2). The actions of monitoring are
distributed to the specific reactive agents (“Reactive
agents A, B and C) (step 3). After that, the
monitoring actions are applied in step 4. The
feedback information about the perception actions is
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
sent to the “Linking Agent 1” (step 5). For example,
the reactive agent C monitors an eye gaze
component. The reports about the application of the
task are sent to the reasoning agent in order to be
analyzed (step 6). The reasoning agent contains the
rule on the modalities. If the condition, on the
modalities, is not satisfied, the stimulus condition is
activated and the application of the role is started, by
consequence, the new task “task 2” is sent to the
linking agent (step 7). The linking agent applies the
“task 2”: primitives actions are sent to the reactive
agent (step 8). The actions are accomplished by the
reactive agents (Agents E, F and G) (step 9). The
feedback of the last actions is accomplished by the
reactive agent D (step 10). The information is
charged to reports and sent up to the reasoning agent
through the linking agent (step 11). Finally, the sum
of the reports is sent to the manager agent in order to
be transformed to documentations. Safety of the MA
and priority of the others scenarios are continually
checked during the gradual process of
2.2 Example of Quality Tradeoff
In real situations, we don’t know in which hardware
the M application will be installed (the CPU
performance, memory performance, etc. are
unknown). The EAg must maintain the software
performances regarding to user’s impairment and
hardware’s performances of the computer, for
example. In this scenario, the EAg employs the
modalities’ activations to drive up the application in
a resource-less way. Clearly, certain modalities
consume more resources than others. The scenario 1
specifies to the EAg to choose the modalities that
consume less resources in order to maintain a high
degree of performance in the M application. Another
scenario (named scenario 2) identifies a major goal
of one characteristic of usability that the expert
agent can maintain. But in certain cases one
characteristic is not sufficient to assume acceptable
work of the application. Priority of the scenarios is
then used and parameterized by the users (also a
default parameterization is available in the EAg). In
our example case, the Scenario 2 has priority 8/10,
whereas the scenario 1 (performance) has priority
10/10. The comparison between the two qualities is
occurred in a section “quality trade-off” defined in
each scenario. Automatically, the EAg executes the
scenario 2 at detriment of the scenario 1 (if the
condition of the trade-off quality is satisfied). In the
scenario 1, the expert agent monitors the consumed
resources, if the CPU charges exceed the 60% the
scenario 1 is applied and scenario 2 is stopped. For
example, if we use the computer including Pentium
III with 850 MHz CPU frequency, and if the user
some modalities, the scenario 1 is executed (because
the consumed resources are 70%). The Scenario 1
starts procedures to activate the modality belonging
to the same group of the eye gaze system like haptic
screen to satisfy the requirement for the performance
of the application. In this case, the M application
consumes 30% of resources. The EAg was modeled
in CPN-tools for the two scenarios. The results of
the simulation of the nets are presented at Figure 2.
A reasoning agent 2 (like the one in Figure 1 but for
scenario 1) randomly inhibits one of the three
modalities involved in the process described by the
scenario 1, when the CPU charge exceeds 100%,
with respect to the constraints of the M interaction.
The network is conceived for always guaranteeing
that the CPU resources are not saturated when the M
events occur (in parallel or sequential) and doesn’t
disturb the running interaction in the MA. It thus
fulfils its function of monitoring and control in an
intelligent and automatic way. The intelligence
comes from the fact that we know that the agent will
carry out its role, even if we are not able to affirm, in
advance, at every moment, in a procedural way,
which of the modalities will be inhibited by the
agent. The automatism comes from the behavioral
cyclic invariants in the Petri nets which allow to
control and to monitor the MA. While the scenario 1
is performed, the EAg supervises and controls the
input modalities and applies the scenario 2. The part
of the EAg, in charge of the application of the
scenario 2, uses the beginning instant of the events
captured on the input modalities and their respective
durations for performing activation and/or inhibition
rules on the antagonist modalities. The A of the
network is an automaton which applies the scenario
2 with respect to cyclic invariants. When inhibition
actions are applied by the EAg to modalities, the
cognitive agent sends messages to the user. During
the step by step simulation of the networks with
CPN-Tools (Jensen et al. 2008), we observe the
correct behavior of the EAg performing the scenario
1 and the scenario 2. The graphs on Figure 2 show,
during time, how the EAg reacts to the variation of
the input signals. Those signals are the input
modalities' ones. The inhibitor signals in Figure 2
are generated by the EAg, with respect to the MA’s
reliability, to apply the scenarios. CPN-ML
inscriptions on the various arcs, in the codes
(performed by the transitions), of conditions
(checked by the transitions) and also the dynamic
links (arcs) between the various instances of agents
(transitions) constitute the specifications of the
actions of reasoning of the EAg CPN model
according to its own rules which it works out. We
made with the CPN-tools the automatic analysis of
the behavioral properties of the nets: these networks
do not comprise any blocking during the execution
of the scenarios. This analysis (via CPN-Tools)
gives a report of the behavioral properties checked.
The report shows liveness properties of the networks
which models the EAg.
Figure 2: Result of control by reasoning agent CPU
charges for 3 modalities during time.
The design of the multi-Ag systems offers a
systematic methodology to produce formal
specification of multi-agent multimodal architectural
model. Modeling by TCPN takes all its importance
here because it offers a formal framework whose
advantages remain identical to those already quoted
for the architectural paradigms of the M interaction
The lack of commercial tools to specify and simulate
multi-agent multimodal architecture before the stage
of coding (in development life cycle’s prototype) is
a problem which we solve by our Petri net model
approach with CPN-Tools. We described a model of
the organization of the EAg and the problems of
software qualities of the MA via an example. The
model of the EAg in TPCN constitutes a strategic
representation because it takes account of the
various elements of the architectural structure of the
EAg (various agents, various requirements, various
data and their types, etc) and its behavior for the
execution of the selected quality profile. Lastly, this
model enables us to simulate the structure of the
EAg for a profile of quality chosen before the phase
of coding of the application, in addition to being
able to make an automatic checking of the
behavioral properties of the EAg grafted on MA,
before this same phase of development. It also puts
in value the various cyclic behaviors and the
protocols of communications in the model. The Petri
integration of the EAg provides important
information on the course of the scenarios.
The innovation with our approach resides in explicit
associations between quality requirements,
automated scenarios and their behavioral validations
in a TCPN model of a multi-Ag A.
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ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence