In conclusion, the rationale for this work is that:
patients continue to experience problems as
consumers of healthcare, and there are also
problems identified by those of us working
in the healthcare system
there are often insufficient resources
available in our systems to address these
this combination of factors represents a
complex challenge for healthcare managers
information technologies can have a role in
assisting with the rationale use of limited
resources and system management, and
there has been little of the scientific ground
work done in this area to underpin the
development of robust tools, even in the
presence of adequate funding and interest in
these problems.
This is the remit of HMIC, and an R and D agenda
in support of this discipline would assist enormously
in solving some of these very important practical
problems in healthcare.
I wish to acknowledge Prof Peter Millard, founder of
the UK Nosokinetics group, who has shown the
drive and vision necessary to take the international
health community to its’ current point of evolution
in relation to these issues. I also wish to
acknowledge the assistance of Assoc Prof Caroline
Brand and Dr Gitesh Raikundalia in reviewing the
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HEALTH –MIC: WORTH THE EFFORT? - The Argument for an R and D Agenda in Support of Healthcare Management
Informatics and Computing