bor search is applied to assign it to the correct clus-
ter and hidden class, respectively. To demonstrate
the benefits of our approach we applied it for two
large publicly available datasets (i.e., COIL-100 and
ALOI). In fact, compared to a single model LDA we
get a much better classification results, which are even
competitive for large datasets containing up to 1000(!)
classes. Moreover, since the resulting data matrices
are much smaller the memory requirements and the
computational costs are dramatically reduced. Fu-
ture work will include to apply a more sophisticated
clustering, which, in fact, would further increase the
separability and thus the classification power of the
This work was supported by the FFG project AUTO-
VISTA (813395) under the FIT-IT programme, and
the Austrian Joint Research Project Cognitive Vision
under projects S9103-N04 and S9104-N04.
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VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications