theory. The basic tenant of this theory is to imbed a
signal (image) into one-parameter of derived signals
(images), the Scale-Space where the parameter
denoted scale describes the image at the current
level of scale. The image L(x,y) when expressed as a
function of scale (t) is represented as L(x,y; t) and is
obtained by convolving the image L(x,y) with a
Gaussian kernel G(x,y;t) centered at point P(x,y) and
having a variance t
t)y;G(x, y)L(x, t)y;L(x,
2.1 Scale Identification Methods
(Lindberg, 1994) describes the problem of
establishing an appropriate scale in the absence of
apriori as intractable. Although models emulating
mammalian vision take cognizance of the need to
establish an appropriate scale they do not
exclusively address this need, but rather skirt
around it by using large scales (Malik. and
Perorna, 1990) or contextual scales (Ren et al,
2006). (Lindberg, 1994) addresses scale
identification in two different ways.
The first one involves a 4-Dimensional
structure composed of a scale-space-blob
generated from data driven structure detection in
images. This structure is tracked over multi scales
with the hypothesis that prominent structures
persist across scales. Blobs are derived at different
scales using monotonic gradients from local
extrema and are then analyzed for their effective
scale range using blob-descriptors like volume,
contrast and area, and blob-events like
annihilation, creation, merging and splitting.
In the second approach by Lindberg (Lindberg,
1994) utilizes the principle of non enhancement of
extrema as applicable to Gaussian differential
operators. A normalized (with scale) and
consequently scale invariant Gaussian derivative
operator is traced for maxima over scales. The
scale corresponding to the maxima is heuristically
hypothesized to coincide with the characteristic
length of corresponding structure in image data.
For a rigorous mathematical treatment, the reader
is referred to chapter 13 of (Lindberg, 1994).
2.2 Drawbacks of Scale Identification
These two methods are based on qualitative
assumptions and mathematical derivations thereof.
However these approaches have a “top-down”
approach in tracing the entities (blob / edge of
interest), wherein the entities are detected at a finer
scale and their behavior traced to a coarser level. This
approach has three drawbacks.
The first one arises from the use of local properties
in the initial identification of entity which, in the case
of blobs, is seeding originating from a blob event and,
in the case of Gaussian derivative operator, is the edge
maxima. Both these entities are dependent on local
spatial properties like the intensity and nearness to
another entity which often give rise to spurious
structures. In the case of the Gaussian derivative
operator, all the edges (including noise) are
guaranteed a maximum (
Lindberg, 1994) over some
scale; hence the problem of appropriate scale
identification still persists. To address this problem a
ranking mechanism grades the entities based on
properties of entities like contrast, life, spatial spread,
volume etc across the scales. The ranking mechanism
is unreliable as the local properties like the geometry
of entity will influence both the Scale-Space evolution
as well as the properties over scale. For example
response to a Gaussian derivative of a curved edge
will vary from that of a straight edge and, without
apriori information on the kind of edge being
detected, the response will be unreliable and in fact
can often lead to a choice of improper derivative
The second drawback arises from the restricted
spatial scope of local extrema. Fig 1 (a) shows a 1
dimensional signal (termed original) comprising of
local maxima in the vicinity of global minima of the
signal. The original signal is convolved with 3
Gaussian kernels as shown in Fig 1(b). The standard
deviations of the 3 kernels coincide with the spatial
spread of local extrema (Gauss 1), neighborhood of
local extrema (Gauss 2) and the global neighborhood
of local extrema (Gauss 3). The results of convolving
with Gauss 1, Gauss 2 and Gauss 3 are also shown in
Fig 1(a) by Result 1, Result 2 and Result 3,
respectively. The evolution of local maxima is shown
inside the dotted rectangle of 1(a). This evolution
indicates that:
(a) Local extrema violates the principle of non-
enhancement of extrema, as the intensity of
local extrema is first reduced and then
increased with increasing scale. This violation
is not due to scale increment but due to