(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 3: Example objects.
The previously described object recognition sys-
tem was executed, using our data set, once using SDM
and once using LSMM. The results of which can be
found in Table 1. For each method, we show the cor-
rect percentage of objects found and the average num-
ber of false positives per image.
Table 1: SDM and LSMM results.
Method Percentage
Correct (%)
False Positives
per image
SDM 80.39 1.19
LSMM 91.6 0.16
Results show that LSMM outperforms SDM in
terms of average percentage of objects found and
number of false positives found. Note, without the
spatial relationship component in the system, LSMM
achieved an average recognition rate of 82.0% and a
similar number of false positives.
We have presented a method for object recognition
which achieves high recognition rates despite simi-
larities in grey-level values between objects and im-
age background. This was achieved by using a multi-
ple thresholding approach. For the object recognition
phase of our system, we presented a new local shape
matching method for binary objects, which performs
well despite using a single example of each object for
reference. We were also able to show that recogni-
tion performance can be enhanced through the use of
learnt spatial relationships between objects.
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VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications