texture scaling, which is explicitly defined by Patel et
al.’s texture transfer functions.
Finally, Patel et al.’s framework only allows to
linearly blend between the textured visualization and
the standard visualization with color-opacity transfer
functions. In contrast, the color combination operator
supports arbitrary mixtures.
Besides the conceptual differences, Patel et al. do
not present any formalism for texture transfer func-
tions in contrast to our mathematical framework for
texture-enhanced DVR.
We have presented a new methodology for direct vol-
ume rendering termed texture-enhanced DVR. The re-
search was motivated by the limited capabilities of
color and opacity to convey multiple variables and
attributes of a volumetric data set. Conventional
DVR techniques rely on color-opacity transfer func-
tions that map input data to an RGBα tuple. Texture-
enhanced DVR extends this process by enabling the
use of textures for encoding additional information.
The new technique seamlessly integrates into the ex-
isting DVR process, yet is extremely powerful and
We introduced a mathematical framework which
extends the existing DVR framework and is consis-
tent with the use of textures for polygon rendering and
previous applications of textures for DVR. In order to
represent smooth transitions between different mate-
rials we use a new GPU-compatible 3D texture syn-
thesis and morphing technique. Additional efficiency
is gained by defining binary shell masks from the tex-
ture transfer functions and only synthesizing / morph-
ing the textures where they are required. We inves-
tigated techniques to improve the perception of mul-
tiple and partially transparent textures and presented
guidelines for their application.
In future work we want to further improve the per-
ception of nested textured layers and we want to in-
clude procedural texture generation methods to bet-
ter represent directional properties. Most importantly
we want to use real medical multi-dimensional and
multi-field data sets to demonstrate the usefulness of
this new methodology in practice.
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GRAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications