Figure 10: LDA /k & SVM classification sensitivity for
testing sets Cnc.
Table 2: LDA /k & SVM classification sensitivity for
testing sets Cnc.
The ASM produces reasonably good face contours
for our boundary case testing set (Fig. 11 and 12). It
is able to handle face images with glasses, beard and
long hair. We have found out that ASM has
problems with fitting contours to images with non-
frontal face orientation.
It is caused by linear nature of Point Distribution
Model (PDM), which utilizes the PCA validation
procedure (Fig. 4). The PDM validation procedure
filters contours according to the first PCs directions
in the learning set (3 and 4). This is a significant
disadvantage of ASM algorithm which leads to
blurring between-classes differences. Authors in
(Etamad and Chellapa, 1997) underline that the
LDA of faces provides us with a small set of
features that carry the most relevant information for
classification purposes. For medium-sized databases
of human faces, good classification accuracy is
achieved using very low-dimensional feature
In this paper, an experiment consisting of
application of boundary case testing set for tuning
ASM parameters and for amelioration of SVM
classifier sensitivity was presented. It has turned out
that same size reduction (according to LDA results)
improves the sensitivity of SVM classifier (Fig. 8
and 10). The optimal size of reduced LDA-subspace
is lower than PDM validation vector size and much
lower than the number of classes k‹‹(nc-1),
investigated in the test (Fig. 10 and Tab. 2). This
condition for size k improves attenuation of
disturbances. Those disturbances are understood as
differences between learning and testing sets
(extreme face positions
under different perspective
variations and facial expressions). Generally, for
large number of classes, the LDA classifier is better
than SVM, but for small number of classes we
observe inverse situation (Fig. 9).
It is desirable to examine influence of other
contour normalisation procedures. In presented
experiments, the height standardisation of face and
nose outlines has not been applied. Other
normalisation procedures, such as application of
initial contour determined by calculated face
position (Ge and Yang, 2005) and identified face
gestures and head position (Wan and Lam, 2005)
will be verified in the future research.
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0 20406080100
Dimension k of LDA subspace
1 x {C100}
2 x {C50}
3 x {C33}
4 x {C25}
5 x {C20}
No. of
s nc
Classification sensitivity in %
LDA /(nc-1) SVM
(LDA /k &
20 29,9 53,2 25,5 15
25 44,9 50,1 40,3 15
33 52,1 46,9 47,3 20
50 49,5 40,9 43,4 20
100 47,6 32,3 41,7 30
VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications