• The IF-based solution of eq. (11) and (12) can
resolve the background and the two sides of the
The phase-based estimate is shown as the blue
dashed line in Figure 5. The green thin line is the
ground truth. It can be seen that the phase-based
estimate corresponds well to the expectation. The
estimator finds the surface of the cylinder but it
looses track near the edges of this object. At the
centre of the cylinder, the error of the estimated
depth is about 6 cm. This can be contributed to the
illumination which is only approximately parallel.
Figure 6: Estimated IF, and its derivative together with the
estimated slope of the profile.
The IF-based estimates are shown as the red
thick lines in Figure 5. The estimated slopes (eq.
(11)) are shown in Figure 6. For the background, and
the two sides of the block, these slopes corresponds
well with the ground truth, i.e.
0, 1, and 1a =− +
respectively. We used the derivative of
to decide
whether the corresponding surface patch is planar or
not. Here too, the estimates correspond well to our
expectation, albeit that the accuracy could be
improved. Clearly the IF-method, being dependant
on derivatives, is sensitive to errors in the IF.
We have introduced and demonstrated a new method
for retrieving depth from images of sinusoidally
illuminated scenes. The method is based on the IF
rather than phase. It has the ability to resolve the
ambiguity caused by occlusions in the scene. Phase-
based methods cannot resolve these ambiguities. The
IF method can, but only works for planar surface
patches. We are currently working on extensions to
relieve this condition by, for instance, allowing
quadratic surfaces.
We have assumed an orthographic projection of
the illumination pattern. Currently, we are also
working on a method that uses a perspective
projection model for both the projector and the
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VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications