1 2 3 4 5
Dropped Frames (thousands)
Number of Blur Operations
Shared Memory
Local TCP/IP
Figure 3: Frame drops in pipeline.
the pipeline consists of more than four blur processes.
At that point, the processor is overloaded and frames
are dropped as a result, leading to lower frame rates
observed by the receiver. Shared memory performs
slightly better due to lower communication overhead.
Second, turning to the performance of multicast,
Figure 2 shows that the processing pipeline achieves
a much lower frame rate, ranging from 25 to 8 frames
per second. The reason for the lower frame rate is
clearly visible in Figure 3, which shows the number
of frames that are dropped for each configuration. As
Figure 3 shows, even with only one blur operator, ev-
ery other frame is dropped with the multicast mecha-
nism. The frame rate observed by the receiver is thus
only half the frame rate of the producer. As more
blur operators are added, more frames are dropped,
explaining the lower frame rates seen in Figure 2.
Turning to latency, Figure 4 shows that, as ex-
pected, latency of the multicast transport mechanism
is very high and constantly increasing with pipeline
length as frames can be dropped anywhere in the
pipeline. For the other two transport mechanisms, la-
tency is relatively low until the pipeline consists of
five blur operators. At that point, the CPU is satu-
rated and scheduling conflicts occur. Again, latency is
significantly lower using shared memory than TCP/IP
due to the lower communication overhead.
Further experiments have shown that the typi-
cal overhead of YARP communcations will be about
50%, which is a reasonable overhead for the conve-
nience of using YARP (Stefánsson et al., 2008).
We have described our efforts towards a flexible com-
puter vision infrastructure based on the YARP toolkit.
We have found YARP easy to use, as it greatly sim-
plifies making the infrastructure flexible towards sen-
sors, hardware, processing, and communication re-
1 2 3 4 5
Latency (ms)
Number of Blur Operations
Shared Memory
Local TCP/IP
Figure 4: Latency of received frames.
quirements, compared to starting from scratch. Our
experiments show that the overhead is a reasonable
tradeoff for the convenience.
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VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications